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Let's Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Did you know....

During Babylon 5's first and second seasons, ten episodes were re-titled;

"Blood and Thunder"
("Midnight on the Firing Line");
("Born to the Purple");
("The Parliament of Dreams"),
"A Knife in the Shadows"
("By Any Means Necessary"),
"Raiding Party"
("Signs and Portents")
"The Resurrectionist"
("The Quality of Mercy"),
"Chrysalis, Part II"
("Points of Departure")
"A Trick of the Mind"
("Spider in the Web"),
"Pestilence, Famine and Death" ("Soul Mates").

Unfilmed stories include
"Target Unknown"
"Metaphors and Body Counts,"
"All Our Songs Forgotten"
"The Very Long Night of
Susan Ivanova"

Anthony Andre, James Earl Jones, Roger Reece and A. Martinez were just some of the actors who were considered for the role of John Sheridan, while John Rhys-Davies was among those who read for Jeffrey Sinclair. Richard Biggs donned a lab coat for his audition as Dr. Stephen Franklin, while Jerry Doyle declared, "I'm auditioning for the role I'm going to get Michael Garibaldi."

Several members of Babylon 5 's production staff have made brief cameo appearances in the show.

In "The Gathering," FX supremo Ron Thornton can be seen twice, once as a lurker and another time on a computer screen, while John lacovelli (complete with beard) can be spotted in the casino.
In "Midnight on the Firing Line," executive producer Douglas Netter appears as President Santiago and costume designer Anne Bruice-Aling plays Santiago's main political rival,

while in "Grail," director of photography John C. Flinn accuses an alien of kidnapping one of his ancestors.

J. Michael Straczynski has vowed not to appear in front of the camera, BUT, In Sleeping in Light, the final episode J. Michael Straczynski appears briefly as the maintenance worker shutting off the station's lights.
Around 20 minutes of footage were cut from Babylon 5's pilot, "The Gathering," to keep it within the 90-minute running time. Missing scenes include

Sinclair confronting an intergalactic drug dealer who tries to take a hostage;
Dr. Kyle revealing that he had to send his new nurse back to Earth after she refused to cooperate in a Minbari birth;
Catherine Sykes accusing Delenn of betraying Sinclair;
and Delenn interrogating Londo about his vote to send Sinclair to the Vorlon homeworld.
Several actors have played different roles in Babylon 5.

Jim Norton appeared as Ombuds Wellington in several first season episodes and played the doomed Markab doctor, Lazarenn, in season two's "Confessions and Lamentations,"

John Vickery portrayed Shai Alit Neroon in "Legacies" and "All Alone in the Night" before portraying Mr. Welles in "The Fall of Night,"
W Morgan Sheppard took the title role in "Soul Hunter" and featured as G'Sten in "The Long Twilight Struggle,"
David Sage played a human in "The Gathering" and a Centauri in "Acts of Sacrifice," while Marshall Teague provided some muscle in "Infection," "All Alone in the Night" and "A Day in the Strife."
Prior to playing the Shadows' mysterious emissary, Morden, Ed Wasser appeared in the pilot billed as "Guerra," although J. Michael Straczynski refuses to comment on whether or not the roles are related.
When Louis Turenne. the actor who played Draal in "Voice in the Wilderness," was unavailable to reprise the part in "The Long Twilight Struggle" due to ill-health, Straczynski recast the role and promised Turenne that he would return to the series in an even better part once he regained strength. Thus, in the third season episode "Convictions," he plays Theo.

J. Michael Straczynski has made several references to Babylon 5 in other projects he has worked on. In an episode of Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future entitled "Final Stand," one of the lead characters, Tank, mentions that he comes from the Babylon 5 Genetic Engineering Colony. In another installment, "A Summoning of Thunder, Part 2," Mentor says, "And so it begins," the line that Ambassador Kosh later announces in Babylon 5's first season finale, "Chrysalis." Best of all, in Straczynski 's novel Otherside, published in 1990, one of the characters reveals that Babylon 5 is his very favorite television program!

During the course of the series, J. Michael Straczynski has made several changes to Babylon 5's story arc and has revealed certain elements of the original plotline. Viewers would have learned that Laurel Takashima was part of the conspiracy to kill Ambassador Kosh in "The Gathering," which would have explained how the assassin managed to board Babylon 5 undetected by the station 's scanners. She would also have been involved with the attempted murder of Garibaldi in "Chrysalis." When her character was removed, Straczynski created Garibaldi's aide, Jack (portrayed by Macaulay Bruton), to play the role of would-be assassin. Dr. Kyle would have acted as an unofficial advisor and father figure to Sinclair, while Carolyn Sykes would have run into difficulties with one of the major Earthcorps. Finally, if Sinclair had remained on Babylon 5 during the show's second season, the events in "Revelations" would have provided the basis of the season premiere, "Chrysalis, Part 2," and the Commander would have learned the secret of the Minbari surrender at the Battle of the Line during the season's third episode.

The spoof Psi Corps featured during the second season episode. "And Now for a Word," contains a subliminal message: "The Psi Corps is your friend. Trust the Corps."

that G'Kars name was originally going to be spelled Jackarr'?

When the original names for a huge corporation and a mineral were rejected for legal reasons, Straczynski asked fans to suggest possible replacement names via GEnie. They came up with the names Universal Terrorform (featured in ·Mind War") and Q-4 (referred to in "Mind War" and "The Parliament of Dreams ").
The waiter in "The Parliament of Dreams" was named David Strauss after the fan who named Q-40.

That and more can be read here....

Keep :)
Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Very cool -- thanks for posting that :)

Even the First Ones can still learn something new about the show! :D
Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Londo's last name in the original outline was "Collari"

Delenn was a he.

The Vorlons were ruthless and climbed ranks through assassination. Yep, they had hands too.

The character of Doctor Hobbs (Franklin's replacement) was named after a contest winner, as was deranged telepath Jonathan Harris for The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father (he was NOT named after the late actor who portrayed Dr Smith).
Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

J. Michael Straczynski has made several references to Babylon 5 in other projects he has worked on. In an episode of Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future entitled "Final Stand," one of the lead characters, Tank, mentions that he comes from the Babylon 5 Genetic Engineering Colony. In another installment, "A Summoning of Thunder, Part 2," Mentor says, "And so it begins," the line that Ambassador Kosh later announces in Babylon 5's first season finale, "Chrysalis." Best of all, in Straczynski 's novel Otherside, published in 1990, one of the characters reveals that Babylon 5 is his very favorite television program!

Weren't all these projects pre-B5? Talk about foreshadowing. :LOL:

Really, these were great trivia bits and I was pleased at how many I actually knew as well as how many I did not.
Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Around 20 minutes of footage were cut from Babylon 5's pilot, "The Gathering," to keep it within the 90-minute running time. Missing scenes include

Sinclair confronting an intergalactic drug dealer who tries to take a hostage;

Catherine Sykes accusing Delenn of betraying Sinclair;

I assume this referrs to the original cut of The Gathering, which I have never seen. I have only seen the re-edited and re-scored one that was done for TNT when the picked up S5. I would have sworn that I have seen those two scenes.
Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Do you think we should warn this guy with the website that he might be breeching copyright?

The majority of the character profiles, alien races, episode guides and 'did you know', are quoted almost word for word from 'Creating Babylon 5' by David Bassom. A great book and well thumbed by me.

If he had quoted this as a source, then it might not be so bad, but at the bottom of the home page is the message

All material on these pages are from my own research.
No Babylon 5 web sites were pillaged in the making of this collection.

Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Yeah, the guy with the web site definitely pillaged more than did research. I've seen these random facts piecemeal from all over the place over the years.

If you want research, check out the Lurker's Guide "Crusade" page which has all the differences between the original and the re-done TNT version.

That Stewart Copeland contract was HORRIBLE! The Satriani-esque lead guitar solo really took the cake.

Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I knew almost all of that.

"Blood and Thunder" is a great title. "Midnight on the Firing Line" is great too, but "Blood and Thunder" has a great ring to it. Wish I'd thought of it.
Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Yeah ... pillaged and never updated.

It was the "Marshall Teague provided some muscle in ..." that confirmed I had read that stuff somewhere before - word for word!

Marshall Teague (as Ta'Lon) went on, of course, to be a much more important character taking over from G'Kar as Narn representative on the station. Pity this guys "research" didn't stretch to that!

Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Yeah, I loved that mini-arc: Ta'lon goes from "Randon Narn" to "Narn with a name and a sword who can interact with G'kar" to "the new Narn Ambassador."
Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

Yeah, I loved that mini-arc: Ta'lon goes from "Randon Narn" to "Narn with a name and a sword who can interact with G'kar" to "the new Narn Ambassador."

... to space shuttle pilot in Armageddon.

Oh wait ...

Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

And don't forget his promotion to Captain Daniels of the Medusa in the Crusade episode, 'The Long Road' :D
Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

At the end of B5, when we saw Ta'lon with the rest of the new crew, I thought/hoped we would see him in that position regularly on Crusade. :(
Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

At the end of B5, when we saw Ta'lon with the rest of the new crew, I thought/hoped we would see him in that position regularly on Crusade. :(

Instead you got Captain Daniels :(