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Kosh was 7th most popular alien...

... in the latest of Sky One's Sci Fi Top Ten's, this time focusing upon Aliens.

The whole list was:

10 - Chewie
09 - Zaphod Bettlebrox from the Hitchhikers guide
08 - David Bowie's character in the Man who fell to Earth
07 - Kosh
06- Maya, the shape changing girl from Space 1999 !!
05 - Ming the Merciless
04 - The Doctor
03 - Spock
02 - The Alien Queen
01 - ET

No Yoda, and I would have liked to see Londo... Jeffery Wilreth and JMS were interviewed briefly.
Mmmmmm, I mentioned this on the Warner Bros board a few days ago. I didn't give them the entire list for two reasons;
As most fans reading it there are American, I wasn't sure if they'd ever HEARD of Zaphod or Maya, :confused: and even I have to say, there are some VERY strange choices/omissions from that list!!!
Sky are doing their top 10 Robots next, so GOD knows what we'll get with that one?? :rolleyes:
Zaphod will be reasonably well-known. As for the robots, if Artoo doesn't top the list, there's no justice in the world.
Robots? I vote for Gort at #1, and Huey, Dewey, and Louie of Silent Running for 2,3, and 4, Adam Link #5. Robby, Tobor, and the Twonky can have a three-way tie for 10th.
Of biological alien characters... I cannot see *any* alternative to considering Delenn the best.

(Of course, in evaluating this matter, I should mention my subjectivity rating is outside reasonable limits. This is because I consider her cute.)

However... if artificial intellect has a category of its own... choice will be *very* difficult. I might be tempted to choose the spaceship with the oddest-sounding name, like...

"A Series Of Unlikely Explanations"
I hate E.T. I don't know why. I remember when I was a small kid I saw nightmares about that creepy thing. It's just... so unfriendly with it's pointy fingers etc. But anyway, it is kinda... unusual that B5 or something related to it is mentioned on this kinda... thing.
Sky are doing their top 10 Robots next, so GOD knows what we'll get with that one?? :rolleyes:

Number 1 was False Maria from Fritz Lang's Metropolis. :rolleyes: The Terminator got number 2.
My personal favourite, "Marvin the Paranoid Android" was in there somewhere.
But what do I know??? I mean I only have a brain the size of a planet and it's all SO depressing. :LOL:
I hate E.T. I don't know why. I remember when I was a small kid I saw nightmares about that creepy thing. It's just... so unfriendly with it's pointy fingers etc. But anyway, it is kinda... unusual that B5 or something related to it is mentioned on this kinda... thing.

Amen, brother! I just saw a twenty-second clip of E.T. and it scared the heck out of me; I couldn't stand the sight of the slimy little thing for years afterwards.

It's good to see that Marvin made the list.
So, on the Alien list, who is "The Doctor?"

I mean, is it Voyager's Doctor, because he wasn't an alien, he was a hologram. Or, being as this is a British list, is it Dr. Who?

Just curious, because, he's Dr. Who...Robert Picardo's character from Voyager is "The Doctor." He's listed that way in the credits. But he ain't an Alien.
No, the Character in Dr. Who is named "The Doctor". The title of the series comes from when he introduces himself,

The Doctor: "Hi, pleased to meet you, I'm the Doctor."
Person meeting him: "Dr. Who?"

Yes, referring to the character in Dr. Who.