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JMS to write new B5 graphic novel!!!

This is great news! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

I know I'll buy it!
<u><font color=orange>WOO</u></font color=orange>fraggin'<u><font color=orange>HOO!</u></font color=orange>

Pardon me, but what exactly is a graphic novel? I assume it must be something with a fair amount of text, generally structured like a short novel, yet complemented by illustrations? Such a format certainly puzzles me. If it were not for JMS himself being involved in such projects, I would consider it some Vorlon abomination...
A graphic novel is basically a comic. The story is told in colour pictures, with just the words actually spoken shown.

Some companies produce them is several languages by reusing the pictures. Assuming that they can find a translator.
Well, I'm looking forward to it. It's no TV series, but it's an interesting way of continuing the story... and JMS is writing it.

I, for one, like the idea of a Crusade/Rangers crossover.
Good news, I suppose, although I don't know if I have what it takes to read a graphic novel - depends on the artist, I guess.

That's one of the main reasons I stay away from all comics, no matter the writer - I just don't like the general style of illustrations.

So unless the story is something that I would really want to read - and a B5/Crusade/Rangers crossover does sound like something interesting - I'd have to give it a pass... but in any case, it really is good news. At least there's a chance of some loose ends being tied up.
I've never read a graphic novel, but the concept eludes me. Why call it a novel? Essentialy, it's just a long comic book. And why make a story into a comic instead of a novel? I just don't understand it. But nonetheless, I'll probably try it out by getting the B5 graphic novel
I think the first graphic novel of note in the US was Maus by Art Spiegelman. It was about his parents' experiences in Nazi Germany during the holocaust. The Jews were mice, and the Germans cats. It was brilliant. Very literate, much wordier than a comic, so the format does have more potential than a comic. I believe the form is very popular in Japan, but they are basically illustrated pulps, with lots of sex and blood. I think I know which direction JMS would lean.
All the graphic novels I have are excellent, furthermore if it's true that he's coroborating with wildstorm I think we are in for a masterpiece!
I recently purchased In Valen's Name, a 3 part B5 comic. I love it, and look forward to getting more B5 comics!

Yes Lennier, WOOfraggin'HOO!
I purchased In Valen's Name ,Shadows Past and Present are all listed as graphic novels the ones that were printed in Britain and all they were was the comic books of the same name all thrown togther and they were manufactured by Titan Books if you can find em get em I love em.As I'm sure to love the new graphic novel .Hope this helps.
For Shadows Past and Present? John Ridgway. BTW, I just got it a few days ago. Pretty good story, but Garibaldi looked NOTHING like Garibaldi. I also ordered IVN. In Valen's Name was Michael Collins. The writing on the .jpg's is too small to read on The Price of Peace.
The only graphic novel I've ever read, B5 or not, was Star Wars: Dark Empire. AND IT WAS GREAT! If all graphic novels are like it, and have such great visuals, then I'm psyched
I somehow suspect my reaction to a "graphic novel" would be painful rejection, resulting in lifetime immunity. If anything can avoid that, perhaps good B5-related stories. Hence if availability will not be an obstruction, I may try...

Aside from the new one, which of those B5 comics might be the best? All subjective opinions welcome....

Possible spoilers (not major) follow:

<font class="small">Spoiler:</font>
<table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr bgcolor="#000000"><td bgcolor="#000000" id="spoiler"><font color="#000000">
All three are based on/written by JMS, so all of them are as canon as the (canon /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif) novels. The only one I have (as of yet) is the second GN, Shadows Past and Present. The premise: Keffer (remember him) and Garibaldi go on a mission to investigate Londo's activities; Morden hears of this and a Shadow ship shoots them down. Garibaldi rembembers his past, flashing back to his first meeting with Sinclair on Mars. Garibaldi's art in this section is TERRIBLE. He has purple hair. Yeech. Anyway, Sinclair and Garibaldi's shuttle crashes (can you say, Shadows) and they infiltrate a Psi Corps/Shadow base... ooh, and there's one surprising twist on the last page that I haven't really figured out yet... /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif</font></td></tr></table>

Art = C-
Story = B+
Arc Tie-in = A
Overall = B

I'll review IVN in a week, when it arrives from the UK. I'll buy Prive of Peace soon, and review that too.