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JMS comics out this week


Beyond the rim
hey ehy

Did anyone buy Rising Stars 17 or Amazing Spiderman 37 today yet?

Anyway i was just wondering I bought them today but havn't read them yet...

I ahve really been looking forward to more Rising stars..this is the beginning of the 3rd act set I belive set about 12 years after the last comic...

Anyway I am going to go have a read..

be well,

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Deviot:
Did anyone buy Rising Stars 17 or Amazing Spiderman 37 today yet?

I am on my way to pick them up tonight. I almost waited until next week when Delicate Creatures is due to come out but I didn't want to be disappointed again.

*still needs to read the last MN issue*

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
There is nothing to fear in the dreaming, only that which we bring with us. --Dukhat
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lyta:
I am on my way to pick them up tonight. I almost waited until next week when Delicate Creatures is due to come out but I didn't want to be disappointed again.


Aye Delicate Creatures is taking too long..

I do not know much about it but hope it will be a great read. Looks to be a fun setting.

I just read all three issues and I must say that so far, MN is my fav. Every issue just leaves me hanging and wanting to read the next issue right away. Great dialog about the creation of the universe and God in the last issue!

RS is really good too and now that it is in it's final act, I think it is going to be similar to season 5. Now the world will have to deal with the actions the Specials took. That is sure to be interesting to read.

ASM was lukewarm in my opinion. I really wanted to see how the big "what-if?" question was resolved.

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>How will Aunt May react now that she KNOWS??</font></td></tr></table>

Still, I suspect that JMS is setting us up for something again so issue #38 should be a doozie. *crosses her fingers*

PS: Dev, does it feel like we are the only ones on the board who read JMS' comics?

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
There is nothing to fear in the dreaming, only that which we bring with us. --Dukhat
I read all three of the JMS comics. I'm a big big Rising Stars fan. I really hope they do well with the movie version and I really hope they can turn it into a franchise or a trilogy or something that can do a story of that scale justice.
RS is very B5 in its complexity and setting things up and paying them off.
Midnight Nation is neat and interesting but there's something about it that kinda bugs me. I don't dislike it but there's something in it that's too... I don't know how to explain it. I guess I'm upset because it's merely good whereas RS and B5 are F%*!ing awesome!
As for Spiderman, I've never read Spiderman until I heard that JMS would be writing it. I like it. He's clearly shaking up the Spideyverse with new ideas about the origin and now

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> this whole thing with Aunt May knowing. </font></td></tr></table>

I'm hooked.
The man's no Grant Morrison, but JMS can write comics. I've got my local comic shop hunting down Delicate Creatures for me.
You wanna talk comics? I'm here for you.

Be seeing you!
Reverend gB
Hey, cool! Good to see another JMS comics fan.

I don't know if I can explain why I like MN so much other than that it is so different. It makes you think and contemplate the world in a slightly different way. Hope ... souls ... fear ... history ... terror ... mystery ... despair ... I think those make it so interesting to me. Plus, how JMS tells it.

Now, don't get me wrong as I think RS is a great story too. Even though it appears to be a "typical" hero comic book, JMS puts that twist on it like only he can. I agree that many elements of the story mirror B5 which probably account for it's popularity.
It is an epic story with a beginning, middle and end.

I am also a new ASM reader (a new comic book reader pretty much too ... the only other comic I read was Sandman) so my background knowledge of Spidey is vague. Heh, I remember watching the live action TV show when I was a kid so that pretty much tells you how much I know. It wasn't even my favorite show, so I only have faint memories of it. It certainly has peaked my interest in the whole SM universe and has made me want to see the new Spider-Man movie as well.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
There is nothing to fear in the dreaming, only that which we bring with us. --Dukhat
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lyta:
I just read all three issues and I must say that so far, MN is my fav. Every issue just leaves me hanging and wanting to read the next issue right away. Great dialog about the creation of the universe and God in the last issue! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yup I really enjoyed the last issue also..Midnight nation is my favourite JMS comic at this time..pity only 3 left although it has been a great ride. I get the feeling we are in for a few surprise's in these last few issue's.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
RS is really good too and now that it is in it's final act, I think it is going to be similar to season 5. Now the world will have to deal with the actions the Specials took. That is sure to be interesting to read.

I was soo excited to read issue 17 of RS..the beginning of the final arc and all that
And I wasn't disappointed.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
ASM was lukewarm in my opinion. I really wanted to see how the big "what-if?" question was resolved.

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>How will Aunt May react now that she KNOWS??</font></td></tr></table>

Still, I suspect that JMS is setting us up for something again so issue #38 should be a doozie. *crosses her fingers*

Lukewarm huh? Actually I didn't like this issue at all... I wanted a more after what happened at the end of issue 35.

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> Like you two I wanted more with Aunte may and Peter....I mean she just walked out and didn't even speak to Peter about it </font></td></tr></table>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>

PS: Dev, does it feel like we are the only ones on the board who read JMS' comics?


LOL yes it does feel like this although at least today grumBlePuff rocked on up also.

Seems like us 3 only started Spidy when JMS started writing for them ..I wonder how much extra interest he pulled in to comics.

I also read the comics. Something I never expected to do till JMS started writing them.

I like them all for different reasons. MN is such a interesting story. I'm really afraid Laurel (sp) is going to have to kill him. I don't feel sure that things will work out for the best, and I like the suspense of it.

RS feels a lot more like B5 to me. Not in the universe but in the exploration of what one person's power really is, and what obligations and consequences it brings.

And I couldn't believe I was ordering Amazing Spiderman. I never was into that story at all. But where JMS goes, I follow at least to check it out. I have not been disappointed with any of these comics.

So, here's another member of the comic reader's assoc.


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
My Rising Stars, Midnight Nation, and Amazing Spiderman opinions...

1) Well I hate to admitt it but I haven't been reading Rising Stars or Midnight Nation.


Cause I don't have the money. To be honest. Anymore I can only offord to pick up two or three comics a month (thanks mom. Thanks dad). Boy I need a job..

But I did read Rising Stars From Act 1 to the beginning of Act 2 and I have to say I loved what I read. It just kept getting better and better. JMS was crafting a great story there and I HATED not being able to pick the title up.

But hopefully, one of these days, I'll be able to get the TPB of Act 2. And when Act 3 comes out I'll get that.

2) Oh ya Midnight Nation..well I read #1 and liked it but didn't get a chance to read anymore.
But I hope to pick up the TPB of this one of these days.

3) AMAZING Spiderman. I put amazing in caps cause it is AMAZING, IMO.

Course even if your a JMS fan, if your not a Spiderman fan, you might not like his stories here.

Personally I found the stories funny, fast-paced, full of action, adventure, and everything that makes Spidey great, IMO.

JMS is doing a great job with Spidey. The only person beating him is Bendis on Ultimate Spiderman. JMS comes pretty close though.

Can't wait to read this months issue! Really looking forward to what happens with Peter and Aunt May.

Oh ya, loved Amazing #36. Don't care what anybody says. It was a GREAT issue and a GREAT tribute to those who died and those who saved lives on 9/11.

What I've read of JMS comic work has been great. I hope to read more of Rising Stars and Midnight Nation in the future and I can't wait to read more of Amazing.

Hopefully JMS will continue to do more comics work. I think he'd write a cool Superman. I think he'd also write a great Hulk, Captain America, Batman, and of course I look forward to more of his Joe's Comics. Hopefully I'll get to read 'em.

" Also looking forward to JMS TV work, Legend of the Rangers and Polaris and also his movie work RISING STARS and hopefully Midnight Nation."

Yeah! All the JMS Comics fans are coming out of the woodwork at last.
I would say that a lot of his fans have picked up his comics just because of his name. I know all his titles are doing quite well.

I just wonder how some of the die hard Spidey fans are taking his treatment of the Web Crawler. Overall, I think he is trying to make it more coherent, believable and turning everything on it's head. I can see how some fans could be upset by that but thankfully, I am spared that.

I am also looking forward to the RS movie as well and hope it will be a huge sucess.

Deviot, as for my "lukewarm" comment about ASM #37, I don't want to judge it too much before reading further. I have been fooled before into not liking something JMS has done, only to have been surprised later. So, I reserve judgement until a few more issues to see what he has got up his sleeve.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
There is nothing to fear in the dreaming, only that which we bring with us. --Dukhat
At the beginning of 2001, readers continued to fleed from Spidey's friendly neighborhood in record numbers. But in less than one year, the wall-walker has rebounded, reports Marvel, leaping to the top of the charts, with Amazing Spider-Man his flagship title by J. Michael Straczynski and John Romita, Jr, now once again regularly topping 100,000 units in sales. In fact, not only has the title been selling over 100,000 units since issue #36 (the historic World Trade Center story), but sales have actually doubled since May of 2001.

"The team of JMS and JR JR have proven to be more than cool initials, they've proven to be the best storytelling team in comics today," said Editor In Chief Joe Quesada. "I have been calling Johnny Romita Jr. 'The World's Greatest Comic Artist' since the day I started at Marvel, over three years ago. But now teamed with Joe, the two are reaching unequaled heights and readers are rewarding them by returning to Amazing Spider-Man in droves! What Joe and John have done is nothing short of miraculous in such a short period of time, and I'm as proud as can be to have them both in the Marvel family."

"I'm thrilled by the numbers of course, but I think that JMS and JR are just beginning to build the audience for Amazing Spider-Man," stated Sr. Editor Axel Alonso. "So far, readers have only seen this team's opening salvo. The best is yet to come."


Marc Cosgrove

"From chaos, order came. As was inevitable." -Summoning light
Lyta, I know what you mean with the lukewarm comment and waiting for the next few issue's.

It's like babylon 5 often you will watch a ep then watch the next few..The next few give greater meaning to the ones prior... Ahhhh he he spinning meself out

Technomage Roanna, about Laurel I do not think she will kill David but I do think some weird stuff will happen....

I want to find out what Laurel actually is she just doesn't seem human especially from when we first saw her at the end of the 1st comic.

Laurel is very strange!

Dark Lord, thnakyou for the info on sales seems very nice.
