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I really wish I were making this up...

Why do they have to keep taking these classic cartoons and making them live action. Charlotte's Web is coming out soon too, and is live action. Let the animated, non human cartoons remain animated, so they don't have to be taken too seriously
Why do they have to keep taking these classic cartoons and making them live action. Charlotte's Web is coming out soon too...

Charlotte's Web isn't so bad, and it isn't strictly a "remake". It is a new adaptation of the novel. Alice in Wonderland and Gulliver have both had numerous adaptations, some live action, some animated. Either can be a sensible approach to certain kinds of fantasy stories.

From the trailer, Charlotte looks very much like Babe, in that that animals are real, naturalistic animals, and they only interact intelligently with other animals. They don't talk to the humans who share the frame with them. But Underdog occupied a world where impossibly anthropromorphized canines wore suits, held jobs, were Human-sized and also interacted with actual humans. It is like Rocky and Bullwinkle where the only possible solution is to cast the Human characters with people and make the cartoon characters 3D CGI models that are deliberately made too stylized to be realistic.

What they're doing with this film makes no sense on any level. It is even stupider than Super Pup, and that's saying something. (I just got the 14 Disc Superman Movie Mega set, and I can't bring myself to watch the SP pilot, which is included as one of the extras.)


Charlettes Web being done in live action bugs me less. In that one that animals are actually farm animals. All of the basic facts fit well enough.

Underdog, however was the kind of thing where all of the dogs bipedal people, supplanting humans in the universe of the story. Underdog was a shoeshine boy. Polly Purebred (his oh-so-Lois-Lane-like love interest) was a reporter. When you make it live action dogs in a human world ....... it's not even remotely the same thing any more.

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