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Good comparison numbers


We finally have some numbers from Amazon that we can compare (apples to apples)

Babylon 5 numbers:

Season 3...........Release Date
Sales rank = 54....Aug. 12
Season 2
Sales rank = 70....April 29

DeepSpace 9
Season 3
Sales rank = 34.....June 3
Season 4
Sales rank = 335...Aug 5

This is just Amazon’s sales and in no way reflects the total sales of either product. It's just that people bring up Amazon a lot (myself included) . If the lowest number B5 got for Season 1 release is #10 and Season 2 went down to #2, it is very hard to make the argument that Season 2 sold better than Season 1 because everything is relative. Here we have 2 shows in the same genre.

Hope this makes sense and NO I am not saying anything negative about either show. Just an observation because I like to look at Amazon and see how B5 is doing but I never could compare apples to apples.


I think i would be a little surprised if ST would outsell B5 - it's nearly 2x more expensive. I quess the selling figures are quite even.
Actually, there are too many variables in there to make much of a comparison. If B5 and DS9 sets were released on the same dates, and/or the figures showed actual sales numbers, it'd be a different story.
At the Christchurch, UK branch of W H Smiths Babylon 5 Season 2 is at position 32 in the DVD chart. I do not know how often the chart is updated.
I'm surprised S3 of DS9 did so much better than S4. S4 was where it starting getting a bit good!

The first season of DS9 was just BRUTAL... although the third season episode "Fascination" was probably the worst of the series.

These amazon rankings are based on current sales activity, they fluctuate quite a lot even during a single day. That said B5 S2 did stay in the top 5 for quite a while when it came out.
At the Christchurch, UK branch of W H Smiths Babylon 5 Season 2 is at position 32 in the DVD chart. I do not know how often the chart is updated.

Well I looked for it in WH SMith in Stafford and couldn't see it anywhere so I assumed they did not stock it - maybe they sold out?
I programmed CDnow's Top 100 page (back when it was CDnow, not CDnowazon).

They way they calculated was similar to Amazon. The Top 100 was calculated (overall and by genre) on the sales in that genre in the past 7 days, and calculated nightly. I believe Amazon calculates hourly.

