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Girfriend & B5

At least she watched it, I lent my friend the first DVD in the set about a mount ago, I saw him today and he tells me that his computer DVD player won't work. /forums/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif
Heck, I don't like the first episode, either. I hate first episodes. The only first episode of a series I liked was Crusade's.
Well, let me throw my hat in as another girl who loves Babylon 5! ^_^ I ended up getting cable for the first time just so I could watch the last season! I'm having the opposite problem - trying to get my boyfriend to watch the show. He thinks the politics are boring and just enjoys shoot 'em-blow 'em up kind of things. I'm converting him slowly, but it's an uphill battle. It probably doesn't help any that I'm mildly obessed with Jason Carter and giggle like a school-girl everytime he opens his mouth.

I think Babylon 5 has a lot to offer women - it's intelligent and has a fantastic storyline, not to mention terrific humor. Come to think of it, most of the people I know who like Babylon 5 are women. *shrugs*
When I first attempted to get my friend interested in B5 I made him promise to watch the first two seasons before deciding. I wouldn't let him start watching until he made that promise. To make a long story short, by the end of the 2nd season he was "converted". Now, he's almost as big a fan as I am.
Welcome Dangermouse42. Another girl fan who drools over Marcus /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif My mother is so annoyed with my obsession that she keeps threatening deep pits and large spikes.

Shall I make you really jealous by mentioning that I have met Jason three times and am the proud owner of his fourth season parking permit /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Back to converting friends. I have been trying to get mine hooked for a couple of years now. He is almost at the end of season two so he should be hooked soon. He did conceed that 'Confessions and Lametations' was good, so I am getting there. I didn't think it would be this hard because he is a Doctor Who fan, but he doesn't seem to have watched any Sci-fi since the seventies.
Hee. Luckily, my sister, who shares my obsession, feels the same way. She's very supportive. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I'd love to meet Jason Carter, but he never seems to come to cons that are close to where I live. And dare I even ask how you got his parking permit? *has visions of you sneaking onto the lot and breaking into his car* /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I'm a little annoyed - I feel like I started making some headway with my significant other, but Sci Fi (evil!) had the nerve to take the series off the air just as things were starting to get interesting. I knew I should have started him a couple of months ago. Of course, the fact that they didn't show the last episode last run didn't help matters. /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
The parking permit was auctioned at a convention. I wasn't going to buy anything, being a little poor at the time, but that I couldn't miss. I think Jason may have taken a shine to me /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Geez, am I really that rare in the world?
That makes the 2 of us,actually not really
And I play video games too,just found a Farscape PC game,the graphics looks nice,3D! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Maybe I should move to States then.. here in Finland.. well... There's actually no females (at least for my knowledge) who like B5. Fantasy is another thing.. But but.. fantasy.. sci-fi.. B5 is great show and there isn't no one who likes it... Aww.. I'm depressed here.. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
Greetings my Nordic friend! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif *waves*

Here in Norway sci fi\fantasy is more a guy-kinda thing , atleast that is my impression. Still , there are girls\women who enjoy it also and I have been blessed in that my newly-wedded wife hugely enjoys sci fi ( especially Farscape which she loves! , and which is my 2nd fav series after B5 , but also B5 ) /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif.
I just recently got to college (well, does August count as recent?) and discovered a girl who watched and enjoyed B5 when it was on. She tells me that if I get any of the episodes she'll watch them with me . . . but what is all the cooler is that her roommate is interested, but has only seen about half of "The Fall of Centauri Prime." Kinda came in at the end, and was hence HIGHLY confused. I'm certain she'd already be converted if I had any tapes with me; I'm eyeing the DVDs, but Poor College Kid Syndrome has me a bit hesitant.

Actually, the first girl is far more into Buffy and Alias, and she got me hooked, somewhat to my surprise. Then I go home for Thanksgiving and find that the people who got me hooked on B5 are watching Buffy and Alias too. Apparently we all got hooked on the same two shows simultaneously, without any conversation between us. It was kinda cool.

As for the girlfriend problem . . . ah, yes. I wish I had it too. But if I ever have a daughter, she is *definitely* going to be shown B5 at one point or another.
dawnchild wrote:
Still, there are girls\women who enjoy it also and I have been blessed in that

I sure hope so, maybe my luck is changing though.. today I talked to one girl.. well.. eh.. let's see on monday.. I'll report status then /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Re: Girlfriend & B5

Heh. And I thought, seriously, that it's normal for girls/women to be into scifi. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I know (in real life) 5 people in addition to myself who are into B5 or at least watched it. 4 of them are women, and they're all either current or former colleagues, aged 25-45, two being librarians and two linguists by education so it's not just the "techie" women either. And none of them thinks it's strange or unnatural, or "geekish" to be interested in scifi or fantasy.

I'd hate to live in a society where scifi and fantasy are considered to be the areas of "male geeks". /forums/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

KoshFan, Alias is the only show I currently watch on TV and I'm just getting into Buffy, thanks to the DVD sets, so I seem to be in the right company. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Re: Girlfriend & B5

My (much) better half, the lovely Jennyfur, got into B5 after we started dating. (This was as the widescreen version was airing on Sci-fi, so I was taping it every day... there was no way she couldn't have been hooked!)

She had never been a big sci-fi fan ... she was 25 when we started dating, and had never seen Star Wars... but fell in love with B5. Buffy and Farscape soon followed, and now she's an even bigger Farscape fan than me.

We also have a lovingly sick obsession with the fetish filled Lexx and Aeon Flux series.

Re: Girlfriend & B5

Y'know, this is something that has been bothering me for a while. Why is it that so many B5 fans also like Buffy? I mean, they are both excellent shows, but it's not a combination that I would have thought of before I started coming here.
Re: Girlfriend & B5

I've wondered that too, KoshFan. I have never seen an episode of Buffy from beginning to end. It's just not my thing, you know?

But a bunch of people here love that show. It's fantasy, I guess, so it's in the same genre (sort of).
Re: Girlfriend & B5

It wasn't really my thing either, until someone insisted that I watch some and I, being generally tolerant, agreed. I was really surprised at myself to realize, after a few episodes, that I really liked it.

The thing about Buffy is that with its name you'd never think that it's an intelligent, well-written show. And of course the movie -- which by all accounts is well-written but NOT intelligent -- may have given it a bit of a bad name. Add in the romantic elements, and most males will drift away.

But this is getting really off-topic, so I'll be quiet for a while.
Re: Girlfriend & B5

I started watching Buffy as a joke with my roommate at the time. I think its the fact that it isn't episodic, like Bab-5, has season long arcs, the characters change are are three dimension... and, of course, excellent writers.

Its goes to show that no matter how stupid the premise of a show, put some good writers and creative people in control and you can have an outstanding product that would be popular with both intellectuals and the teen crowd.

I know a ton of people who do the Bab-5 / Buffy crossover. At first, it did catch me off guard, but if you think about it, it begins to make sense. Especially since B-5 was ramping down as Buffy was starting to get good... needed something to "fill the void." And B-5 left a BIG void to fill. ;-)

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