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Explicit spoilers S2: Reader discretion is advised


AAAAaaaahh!! OMG! OMG! Great Maker and in Valen's Name! :eek:

Meaghan will be back! Oh, happiness and joy! And workin' with Kurdy and presumably Mr. Sam! Man, oh man, is Markus-poo gonna have some 'xplainin' to do when he gets back to Ye Olde Foothill o' Destiny.

And Theo's turning into Saint (or Slightly Less Skanky) Theo before our eyes! And workin' with Erin! Ah, let us bask in the warm glow of the forming bounds of sistahood. Or something.

Truly, my cup overfloweth -- but I want it all now! Now! Now! Now!

Breath in. Breath out. Breath in ...
Re: Explicit spoilers S2: Reader discretion is adv

Good to see some jeremiah news. Summer cant come fast enough

Re: Explicit spoilers S2: Reader discretion is adv

Meaghan will be back! Oh, happiness and joy! And workin' with Kurdy and presumably Mr. Sam!

I was also happy to hear Meaghan will be back which means we will probably get to learn more about her.

BTW, does Mr. Sam = Mister Smith? :p

I feel like I am back in school since I cannot wait until summer arrives. :LOL:
Re: Explicit spoilers S2: Reader discretion is adv

Mr. Sam = Mister Smith ;) I just know that the moment I see Sean Astin's svelte self I'll be like "Sam! Lookin' good, hobbit-boy!" and "Gosh, did the Big D make everyone short?"

As for Meaghan, I certainly hope that
1) we'll learn more about her -- not that the whole classy Kosh-vide ain't working for her
2) JMS doesn't kill her off
3) she finally gets out of the Isochamber of Death and Plexiglass-Crossed Love without killing anybody else off

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