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Enterprise: "Countdown"

Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"


But Doctor Who has nowhere near the amount of episodes as Trek. It's a different ball game.

CE, yeah, I could go find handfuls of "oust them" campaigns. I think they're mostly all losers that do such things. Like they're going to make a difference, or know how to run a show, or who should run it.

Opinions are one things, but doing these "campaigns" are just lame. They've been knocking about for ages.

There are campaigns out there that are pro-B&B which you don't say about. And there's the Save Enterprise campaign recently.

The Save Enterprise campaign was at least positive-natured, but just about as pointless really.

I suppose it means people care on both accounts...

But really, just because "many people" say it I don't think makes it make sense.
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

I will try to find when Glacophane's favorite ep.s are being shown again. You can't say I'm not giving this series a chance. I need to see more eps to see if I really care about the characters and their fates, for one thing. Skipping a lot of eps is not good for character development. :eek:
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

Good luck, Hyp. I tried again this season, twice...still seriously disallusioned and not impressed.

And Antony, just because you say it's so doesn't make it so either. There have been calls for B&B to step down for years now, more over time than any campaign to save Enterprise.

Oh, and Dr. Who ran less? It ran longer and has had more stories and eps than Trek. They did lay them out differently, but still they also have to contend with a lot more time travel and paradoxes. But then, lately so does Trek.

It's funny that the same arguments you make on behalf of B&B are almost word for word Braga's statements defending himself in recent interviews about fan outcry against him and Berman. Interesting how there are still fans lashing out against him so much that he actually has to acknowledge them. Yeah, I'm alone in my feelings...right. :rolleyes:

And one of those links was an article not a fan site and that's the one that I quoted, showing Braga's real attitude toward fans. That's not the first time he's lashed out at fans like that.

I'll keep looking for more facts and articles...more to come later.
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

Hyp, if you don't like it don't watch it. Sometimes people just can't like shows. If everyone liked Enterprise, it'd be #1 in America. It isn't. It seems daft to keep forcing yourself to watch something for the sake of it.

CE, in fairness you have now given me an article, yes. However, it's hardly conclusive.

It's years old. What, five years maybe? Not quite sure. It comes at a time when they were was that hoo-ha with Paramount threatening a few sites. They soon stopped that.

So the article is inherently negative. Totally bias. And not a neutral piece about Trek.

Braga's comment of sci-fi fans having "too much time on their fucking hands" amazes me. How can they use a quote in this fashion. When did he say it? To whom did he say it? In what context did he say it?

Look how the sentence can have two totally different meanings with the words around them:

"The sci-fi fans are so dedicated. Maybe they have too much fucking time on their hands," he laughs. "But we appreciate their decdication, as it keeps us on our toes.


"Sci-fi fans are sad, they never leave us alone. They have too much fucking time on their hands."

As that comment supposedly of his is nowhere else on the net, there's no way to even check he said it. It's one comment, in an old article.

I've worked in Trek fandom for years. Not so much recently, just the odd bit of freelance stuff. But there's always the people "campaigning" for this that and the other. They are small groups, noisy small groups. I had one guy telling me how he was going to get Paramount to replace Berman and Braga with a Star Trek fan committee. Honestly. I mean this is what we're dealing with.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is don't think that there's these hoardes of fans, rallying around, fighting for freedom and will bring Trek back to what it was™. It's mostly a few people with nothing better to do making some noise.

I put your opinion above theirs because you have an opinion, but they're just trying to call attention to themselves. But then I think you should try to be more objective, and really not believe there's massive uprising. There's about 3m viewers of Enterprise in the US alone. An online petition to remove producers or whatever doesn't impress me at all, and I've seen it all before.

B&B will go when they want to go, or Paramount removes them. If massive fan campaigns can't do something positive (i.e. bring back a show, most of the time) they're not going to make studio execs stand up and take notice about other things.
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

They had two hours of it last night. I taped the first hour while watching it, then began to watch the second. I gave up and rewound the tape.

Yup, I'm definitely not the target audience B and B are aiming for. So I shall take Antony's advice. :D
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

And it's not just B & B, you're following CE logic now. It's all the writers, Paramount... but more specifically UPN. They're the ones who tell them to add "more flesh" etc. I think producers don't "aim" for a demographic, they tell the story they want to tell. It's the networks that demand demos.

But really, you don't like it, and that's that. Not everyone likes everything. I tried with Dead Zone, I didn't like it, gave in. I used to like SG-1, it got utterly repetetive and I left it.

But I don't make long posts about how the producers are evil. I just move on to something else. :)

So you're doing the right thing Hyp. :D
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

CE, you finally did it. A comment I can't really argue against. :)
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

You mean all this time you've agreed that they were unimaginative morons and you never let on? :D Ahhhh, Antony, you have restored my faith. ;)
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

Damn, you're actually almost making me consider reading a Star Trek book (I love Trek, but I've never had any desire to read books based on a TV show except the B5 trilogies).

That would be weird if I put down my Faulkner and Balzac novels for Shatner. :eek:

I wouldn't, I found the Shatner books to be about the level of half-decent fanfic. That's it.

Put it this way (spoiler for how Kirk is brought into story):

[spoiler]His body is captured by the Romulans, who have allied themselves with the Borg. Borg technology is used to resuscitate Kirk, and he is then brainwashed by some Romulan woman into believing the TNG crew is evil. She then sleeps with him once he promises to hunt down and kill Picard and his crew.[/spoiler]
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

Well, pretty much. Yeah. Not quite sure about morons. Unimagnative, most of the time yes.

But as was said very early on, I'm not the B&B fan club.

I just like to see everything in a larger perspective. ;)
Re: Enterprise: \"Countdown\"

I use to read Star Trek books all of the time. Mainly the ones that focused on filling in the holes. Like Probe, which dealt with the events right after Star Trek IV I believe (forgive if it's not 100% correct, it has been years). One of my favorites is Strangers from the Sky which talks about the first meeting between humans and vulcans. I wish I could remember the name, I think it was titled "Enterprise", nothing to do with the current tv show and was written I want to say about 10 to 15 years ago. Any way it tells the first voyage of USS Enterprise with Kirk and his new crew. Very good book.

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