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Re: Missing Dr Who?

Nah, if it isn't bothering anyone, and the mods don't mind, go for it. :)

So what charity are you supporting?
Re: Missing Dr Who?

It's not an official charity. Our organ at church need refurbishing, but before we could do any serious fundraising, the roof had to get done.

In the meantime, my Mother and I have been doing some smalltime fundraising to get something in the coffers. She's been making marmalade to sell, and I started knitting Dr Who scarves, and lately Firefly hats.

In just under three years, we have raised over £3000. Which unfortunately isn't much when you are looking at something in the reigon of £100 000.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

With luck the Christmas Special (episode 14) will be shown at Christmas.

Are their any sweeps (or the equivalent) between March and June?
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Ah, I'm pretty sure there is a May sweeps week. :)

Good luck with your fundraising, Elenopa. And wouldn't raising money for a church organ count as charity? They do get charity status, automatically (churches) don't they?
Re: Missing Dr Who?

I'm very confused by this Sci FI Channel/BBC announcement. Not that SFC is finally coming to its senses and picking up DW, but that the article states that it will premiere in March on Fridays at 9pm. That's impossible, since that is SF Friday and that spot is taken by the very successful SG: Atlantis. I'm sure it isn't taking the place of any of the Friday line-up, so I'm wondering when it will really show. Of course, they could be about to seriously shake up the line-up, but since it is a very lucrative one for SFC and given that all three SF Friday shows have been picked up for another season, then I must wonder where layeth the typo?

On the other hand, I'm ecstatic that SFC is getting Dr. Who and wonder if they will also have the rights to re-air the old episodes, especially since they could only work to boost fan response. The US is one of the last to get the new Who and it's about time.

As for Christmas Invasion, I LOVED IT! and love Tennent as the Doctor. I expect great things from him...and also more than one season with him. The future looks bright for Dr. Who!!! Yey!


PS: Just thinking about it, if SFC runs SG-1, Atlantis and BG straight through, without any more breaks in new eps, then realistically all three shows will have finished showing their last ten eps of this season by March. Given that SFC is also about to premiere new original shows (some of which look interesting), this could be a part of a new, off-season (between SG-1, Atlantis, and BG) SF Friday run of shows, designed to keep fans watching SFC on that night.

Ok...makes sense now!!! :D
Re: Missing Dr Who?

The US is one of the last to get the new Who and it's about time.
Well... hardly one of the last, as I reckon there are at least a good 180 countries who are not getting it and probably never will... ;) (Saying it as one living in one of those countries with not much hope of ever getting it, yes.)

And yes, I was under the impression that the current Scifi friday shows should be done with by mid-March, BSG at least (since I don't know anything about the Stargate series).

It sucks about the DVDs, although it appears that possibly Canada is still getting them in February - Amazon.ca has apparently now started taking pre-orders, but I don't know how reliable it is for now. I'd love to get the R2 set for the better PAL image quality but I just cannot afford the shelf space of that huge box, which is why I'd prefer to get the R1 set. *weeps*
Re: Missing Dr Who?

The US is one of the last to get the new Who and it's about time.

No you're not.

Unless you mean of the countries that matter? Since only a handfull of countries on the globe are getting Doctor Who before the US.

I'll have to wait a few decades, if lucky .. but then, I live in an unimportant country :D
Re: Missing Dr Who?

And we are definitely talking about the Scifi Channel US, right?

I've been wracking my brains wondering why they hadn't come to an agreement with the BBC for the new Who and old alike. SciFi channel is running Stargate SG-1 into the ground on Monday night repeats (4 episodes every Monday 7-11, on at least their 4th or 5th rotation) and another spot in the series at 6pm every weeknight (So that's actually 5 episodes every Monday) and I figured ratings can't be that good anymore with as many times as they've run them. I figured replacing that with old Who and having the new Who in the lineup somewhere would be great for ratings.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

And we are definitely talking about the Scifi Channel US, right?
Considering the big American flag behind the TARDIS in the main image for the BBC news story I posted the link to, that should be fairly definite, yes. ;) The quote "SCI FI Channel is the perfect home for the show and will introduce Doctor Who to a whole new generation of fans in the US." in the article also seems to confirm this.

And I've started seriously considering getting the UK box set anyway and just getting a custom case (with a custom cover) for the discs, to keep the box itself somewhere hidden away... grrr.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

And we are definitely talking about the Scifi Channel US, right?
Considering the big American flag behind the TARDIS in the main image for the BBC news story I posted the link to, that should be fairly definite, yes. ;) The quote "SCI FI Channel is the perfect home for the show and will introduce Doctor Who to a whole new generation of fans in the US." in the article also seems to confirm this.

And I've started seriously considering getting the UK box set anyway and just getting a custom case (with a custom cover) for the discs, to keep the box itself somewhere hidden away... grrr.

:eek: oops. Couldn't see the forest through the trees. Those things are so common to me, I didn't even realize.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Side note: Elenopa. I was under the impression that you shouldn't really be doing what you are doing here (breaking into conversation to constantly advertise something that you are selling for personal profit). Although I might have rules mixed up between this board and others.

I do think it was a different baord, I don't recall that ever being a real issue here :D .. spamming is not allowed, but for regular members to post things like this (and it's not really off-topic even) should be OK unless it's not flooding out everything else I'd think. But then, me no Admin, me no idea :D .. though I guess it might be better if it stayed in own threads dedicated to them.

And we will see if I still think it's OK once my sister has gotten herself a scarf and alienates us all from the "normal people" by wearing it everywhere she goes .. :eek:
Re: Missing Dr Who?

I've been wracking my brains wondering why they hadn't come to an agreement with the BBC for the new Who and old alike.

Possibly the simplest of all reasons - the BBC may have been trying to sell Doctor Who to one of the big US networks like NBC or ABC for twice as much as Sci Fi can afford. After a year the BBC gave up and cut the price.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

It sucks about the DVDs, although it appears that possibly Canada is still getting them in February - Amazon.ca has apparently now started taking pre-orders, but I don't know how reliable it is for now. I'd love to get the R2 set for the better PAL image quality but I just cannot afford the shelf space of that huge box, which is why I'd prefer to get the R1 set. *weeps*

If you are really worried about space you can buy the Doctor Who episodes on 4 separate DVDS, 4 episodes to a R2 DVD.
Series 2005 Volume 1
Re: Missing Dr Who?


Make your sister take pictures, Chilli. :D

And yes, it's hardly off-topic. Sorry, I literally did get rules from different boards confused. :eek:

Many apologizings.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

If you are really worried about space you can buy the Doctor Who episodes on 4 separate DVDS, 4 episodes to a R2 DVD.
Series 2005 Volume 1
Thanks, I know about the separate releases, and actually have considered doing just that... but I'd rather have the extras and commentaries as well. And the 5.1 audio, just in case I actually get around to getting some sort of home cinema system with surround sound at some point.

Oh well. Can still wait and see. :D
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Goodness. How big is the package if 4 individual packages is smaller than a box set? Around these parts, a box set always seems to take up less or no more than individual pieces?
Re: Missing Dr Who?

The Doctor Who box is a cube 10 inches x 10 inches x 10 inches.

Inside it is mostly empty space. The design on the outside is a picture of a police box.


Opened box

Re: Missing Dr Who?

I think it's roughly equal to nine normal DVD cases in width... so it's way too large for me, yes. Even if I do like the design in principle, it's anything but practical when one doesn't have unlimited shelf space for DVDs.

The R1 design is a lot more like a "normal" box set, i.e. one that should take up far less space.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

The box set is alittle over designed...

...but having given one to a friend for Christmas, I can say that it is very cool over designing.

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