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Carpe Mundus


Rank speculation follows;

Perhaps the conflict at VS is less ideological and more generational? the adult survivors would have pre Death skills and knowledge but at the same time be limited to their sanctum (with limited jaunts in enviormental suits) while their children and grandkids would be stuck with the grunt work of recon,spying,"containment", and burning stuff. And after a decade or so the relationship is fraying?

It used to be commen to hold "chicken pox parties" where at least one of the kids was infective thereby getting this childhood disease over and done with for the whole group.Could Jeremiah's pony party be something in the same but more sinister vein?
And if Jeremiah is carrying something of a biologic nature,could it be this rather than his paternity that would make things fall apart" at VS?

Any chance that TM is well and thoroughly bugged?
A bugged Thunder Mountain?

Now that we know what we know - that Lee is working for Ezekiel who is working for Jeremiah's father at VS, and that they have a leak that may or may NOT be Lee...

...it's not out of the realm of possibility.