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AHH! There's no stopping! There are only 12 eps per season.

(cracks the whip....)

'sides, if you watch season 1 finale, you won't be able to wait. It's just that simple...
Brother Justin makes me... uneasy.

Templars, huh? I thought it would be the Teutonic Knights, with their invasion of Russia long ago... and the echos of that clash in both the World Wars, with Germans (Teutons) invading Russia again and again. A bit clumsy grafting a Northeast Europe symbol like that tree onto a Rivera mural, but I suppose needs must.

Very interesting how Sofie was born... and also quite interesting that Samson trusts Management more than Lodz, considering how the two seem to be in close cahoots right now.
Lodz. Ahhhhh Lodz.

Management, you get to see lots more of Management in season 2, in more ways than one.

Every prophet in his house....
I'm guessing that it was Scudder who told Lodz that Jack was "his" in the dream. Since this was after Jack and Samson go to the Templar temple, I'm thinking this brought Jack to Scudder's attention, and papa is laying claim to his son.

What I want to know is which side Scudder was on during the war.
Ok, I'm trying to figure out who Jack is. And Lodz is a piece of work. =) He definitely has ties to all sides of this.
Frak! I meant Ben. I keep thinking "Hawkins, Hawkins... I know it's not Jim Hawkins, because that's Treasure Island... must be Jack instead!"
Scudder and "sides" is just about as tricky as "Lodz and sides" and "Management and sides." :)

More will be revealed young padawan. Season 2 is the magic ticket.
If you are really enjoying Carnivale then I would suggest checking out Twin Peaks at some point. While a lot of people point to B5 as the show that changed genre TV, that honor really belongs to Twin Peaks. It was the first show, on network TV mind you, to go away from the episodic formula and introduce arc style storytelling here in the states. The creator of Carnivale, Daniel Knaupf, has openly stated that Twin Peaks was a huge influence on the show, right down to the fact that he used some of the same actors from Twin Peaks, most notably Michael J. Anderson as Samson in Carnivale and The Man From Another Place in Twin Peaks. Twin Peaks has the same eerie vibe as Carnivale as well, definitely a show I would suggest cheking out if you end up really liking Carnivale.
I need to get me some Twin Peaks. I remember watching the pilot then for some reason I just never caught it on again. It's always interested me, though.

I do know the guy who is Samson in Carnivale is also in Twin Peaks.
Oooo! Just wait until season 2! Season 1 was turtle. Season 2 is hare.

Get ready for some creepy-ass shit. Just wait until you get to meet Granny Scudder.

And I think it's pretty obvious about Brother Justin now. :)

Damn, I love Clancy Brown. Ya know, we share the same birthday. Clancy, myself and Marilyn Manson. I'm just a little bundle of love and sunshine!
I don't think Clancy Brown has ever had a role where I didn't like him. He even managed to make the completely terrible Pathfinder fun for a bit.
I've never seen Druids and I only once saw Highlander 2 when I was pretty young, so I can't really comment. If I had to compare it to anything ti would be a low rent 13th Warrior. The same conceptual idea, just not executed well and really, really sucking.

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