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Buffy Finale - SPOILERS!!!


Well, who would have thought it would end this way. Pity Angel didn't stay around too long, but at least he is alive (well undead).

It seems Joss has left way for another Slayer series with all the potential slayers now being born as Slayers (thanks to Willow's magic).

Pity Anya died, but the actress didn't want to do any more of the Buffy universe stuff. It was funny to see when Andrew was talking to her about nice stuff and then mentioned bunnies, that she got all macho.

Spike died. :( But since we know he will be back in Angel next year, I'm not too sad. Aparently in Season 1 of Angel, (ep 22 "To Shanshu in L.A.") Wesley was translating a scroll that spoke of a souled vampire who would come back as a human. Perhaps that is how Spike will return; as a human.

Oh, and Sunnydale is completely destroyed, guess all of them will have to move to LA. Or there is that other Hellmouth that Giles spoke about.

Anyway, I had a good night watching it. My sci fi group had over 100 people at our even to watch the finale.
I love Buffy, but I was kinda let down by the season finale... and this entire season. I don't know if it was the lack of a good big bad; Dawn's whiny presence; Willow's fear of using magic; the uninteresting slayers-in-training; or what, but this has to go down as one of the weakest seasons.

The last couple of episodes were, for me, almost cringe worthy... the fact that they kick Buffy out of the house; Caleb's tired he-man-woman-haters schtick; Xander losing an eye and then "kidnapping" Dawn; everyone turning against Buffy except for Spike...

Although destroying Sunnydale was a cool way to end the series.
Buffy had been on the slide since it went to UPN, but you must admit, it was better for it to end then go down any further.
Spike died. :( But since we know he will be back in Angel next year, I'm not too sad. Aparently in Season 1 of Angel, (ep 22 "To Shanshu in L.A.") Wesley was translating a scroll that spoke of a souled vampire who would come back as a human. Perhaps that is how Spike will return; as a human.

If I hadn't known that he would return, I would have been totally wailing! I love Spike. Such a delightful character. I can't wait for his return in Angel. It will be interesting to see if it is true about the prophecy about the souled vamp and what he would be like as a human again. I don't care in what form undead or alive, I'll just be happy to have Spike back!

Oh, and Sunnydale is completely destroyed, guess all of them will have to move to LA. Or there is that other Hellmouth that Giles spoke about.

I loved the destruction of Sunnydale.. The effects department out did themselves on the SFX for the finale!

One thing...those Ubervamps...can any one spell Orcs? Or is it just me that they kinda looked like they've crossed over from Middle Earth ready to fight for their leader Sauron...err, I mean The First Evil :LOL:

I am sad that it's over. Seven seasons is a long time to enjoy a show. Feels like bidding farewell to a really good friend. Ah well, at least there will be re-runs and always lots of DVD's to buy :D

Yeah I thought it was the orcs scene from LOTR too.

I could care less about Spike, give me Angel anyday (mind you, he has to get rid of that stupid little goatee).
Yeah I thought it was the orcs scene from LOTR too.

A little borrowing on Joss Whedons part?

I could care less about Spike, give me Angel anyday (mind you, he has to get rid of that stupid little goatee).

Give me Angel as Angelius and I am a happy girl :D

Agree with you on the goatee! Never can understand why gorgeous guys feel the need to grow fur on their faces! :confused:

Well. An unsatisfying end to an unsatisfying two years.

That finale was an utter mess... well, the whole season was. Of misleading you into thinking you were going to get something good, then actually you come away with nothing.

And what a shitty end. It was just... well, a mess.
That finale was an utter mess... well, the whole season was. Of misleading you into thinking you were going to get something good, then actually you come away with nothing.

And what a shitty end. It was just... well, a mess.

Which makes me wonder how serious Joss was being whenever he said in interviews that he had Buffy plotted out from beginning to end. It seems to me that the only thing he had planned out (at least over the last couple of seasons) was his single "event" episode every season.
Well I'm sad to say that I've lost a lot of Faith in Joss... the last two seasons of Buffy, Angel's poor quality (although that pulled it together) and his blatant jumping ship to Firefly.

I've been planning to write an article about the last two seasons of Buffy for Beyond the Rim... now it's finished, count on it!
I don't watch Angel but I guess I should to really get the full Buffy universe and crossover stuff huh?

Anyway, I was disappointed with the finale and had hoped they would make it more final by killing everyone or something satisfying. At least Sunnydale is gone so that is something but I should have known they would leave it totally open ended for whatever kind of spinoff they want.

The Big Bad this season was pretty darn weak and while I like Nathan in Firefly, I did not like him as Caleb. *yawn*
As the last episode credits rolled I was left feeling empty and confused and a little sad. As it has been pointed out, this season's Big Bad wasn't that big or that bad. There were a few scary moment early on this season but it seemed to end too easily. It was almost like there was no battle. Sure the slayers fought all the uber-vamps but it still seemed to easy. Caleb was an interesting character that would have been more suited to just one or two of the episodes. It left me with more questions than fulfillment. I was sad however that Anya died. I never did care for the relationship between Spike and Buffy.
Which makes me wonder how serious Joss was being whenever he said in interviews that he had Buffy plotted out from beginning to end. It seems to me that the only thing he had planned out (at least over the last couple of seasons) was his single "event" episode every season.

My understanding is that originally, "The Gift" was supposed to be the series finale, which is as far as Joss planned.

As an episode, the series finale was good, but it wasn't the best finale.
Anya's death was a little surprising and I wished she had gone down with some sort of meaning behind her death.

Also, I liked Spike better when he was bad. The only part of the Buffy/Spike relationship I liked when they hated each other but still had sex. That was fun! :devil:
Or there is that other Hellmouth that Giles spoke about.
You mean the one in Cleveland - where I live? ;) My friend and I cracked up as we watched it. We need to go figure out precisely where in Cleveland it is. ;)

That's also a smack of continuity. In the alternate world the then demon Anyanka created to grant Cordelia's wish, Buffy did not go to Sunnydale when she and her mom moved from LA but went to Cleveland instead - to another Hellmouth? Heh.
The last season in particular did not seem to have any flow to the plot. Characters just seemed to make random pronouncements out of nowhere that turned out to be true. Almost as if the writters had no short term memory.
just out of curiosity... exactly when do you think you saw Angel or Spike with a goatee, on either Buffy or Angel?

going on memory here, but... you haven't seen it. Hasn't happenned.


Nuh uh.

didn't happen.


watch your reruns again.

Actually it did happen in the series finale of Buffy. He had the smallest bit of fluff under his bottom lip. I'm not sure what the other nick name for it is, but it is certainly there
just out of curiosity... exactly when do you think you saw Angel or Spike with a goatee, on either Buffy or Angel?

going on memory here, but... you haven't seen it. Hasn't happenned.


Nuh uh.

didn't happen.


watch your reruns again.


:LOL: What Belran said. It's just there, threatening to expand and grow and take over! Horrible. It starts out small, but it could get worse. I hope not! Goatee's ain't a good look on a handsome face.

And please never let it happen that Spike ever goes that way!

Then again as long as he returns, I don't mind how he looks ;)

I love Buffy, but I was kinda let down by the season finale... and this entire season. I don't know if it was the lack of a good big bad; Dawn's whiny presence; Willow's fear of using magic; the uninteresting slayers-in-training; or what, but this has to go down as one of the weakest seasons.

Overall, I liked the finale, but I can't stand the always whiny, snippy Dawn. Somebody should have offed that little twerp.