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Boy does this suck.


So now that Rangers is mostly dead, what are the chances that JMS will release any more info on what the possible Arc would have been? I still want to know what the deal is with the Hand, at least. Unless he wants to save it for the Movie...
I think our chances are probably nil. JMS never said anything about Crusade's storyline, and I doubt he's going to say anything about Rangers' stories.
He did say a few things about Crusade, I think (well, having those unfilmed scripts out there in the open for a while might have had something to do with it). Like the fact that a cure (or what would have seemed like it, anyway) would have been found quite early on etc.

But yeah, the chances to hear what Rangers would have been about - or at least the answers to all those questions that the pilot left hanging in the air - seem pretty slim. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif Maybe he'll put a line or two about it in his memoirs after he retires. /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif
Unless we get lucky with the new graphic novel - or any after that one - that JMS is planning to write. I'll guess it will be only classic B5 (or mostly) but he did state (if i recall correctly) he was not sure if it would be a crossover (with Crusade and/or Rangers) or not. Of course a crossover might have little to do with the central plots of the other series - hech, knowning JMS we are far from having any obvious clues of the true central plot of Rangers!

Also, I haven't read too many grahpic novels but they mostly seem to be several seperate stories (which often times have some link or continuity) in one book. Might possible we could someday get a few stories with characters from B5LR. We could at least hope. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Like the fact that a cure (or what would have seemed like it, anyway) would have been found quite early on etc.

Well, he acknowledged that before the show even went into production. It was obvious from the start that a cure had been found (based on "Deconstruction" if nothing else) and that a search for the cure could not be sustained for 5 years. (I predicted that the cure would be found in S3 in a post somewhere or other when people were still debating the Crusade concept, and JMS replied, "Or even sooner.")


Here is the direct quote from the Comicon article:

<font color=orange>“No artist has been set for the B5 graphic novel yet,” he continued, asked for any details he could provide on that project. “We're looking at about 100 pages in length, probably hardcover. I'm debating between doing something that will tie B5, Crusade and Rangers together, or doing this as a pure B5 story. Either way, it should be something justifiable in graphic novel form, that is, something that the fans would want to see, and something that could never be done in a TV series.”</font color=orange>

For the full story, <a target="_blank" href=http://www.comicon.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=13&t=001042>go here</a>
If I get itchy for something to do this summer (I doubt it; you should see me interviewing for positions like a madwoman), I think I'm going to write meself a few episodes of Rangers. Just... cause... I... gotta... know...
I hope you'll share it with us, then. Because I just gotta know as well!! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kribu:
<font color=yellow>I hope you'll share it with us, then. Because I just gotta know as well!! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

a little inspiration

Yog-Sothoth knoweth the Gate through which the <font color=red>Old Ones shall return</font color=red>. When the stars have faded and the moon shines no more, when only dark suns rise and set: Great Cthulhu shall awaken and call from the deep with the voice of a thousand thunders, and the Gate shall be cast open: THEY SHALL RETURN.

Lament thy fate O Man, for the earth shall be void and cast for eternity into the abyss of perdition.


The Seal They have set against Him shall not prevail forever. <font color=red>The folly of mankind shall shatter the Seal</font color=red>: HE SHALL RISE.

Man in his unseeing ignorance shall assault the skein which binds his immortality (and know not who guides his <font color=red>hand</font color=red>); he shall rupture the air and oceans with fire, and cover the firmament with the venomous shroud of ancient Cthulhu's shadow.

I, Alhazred, have heard His cry, my eyes have beheld the forbidden Signs, I fear the voice of the night wind - I fear for man.

Ph'hglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtan
Re: a little inspiration

What the frell is Cthulhu doing in a Rangers thread?

Of course I'll share. I do much worse with other people's characters than I do with my own (which is a skill I'm trying to work on), but if you don't mind my semi-inane ideas about the Hand and David Martel's final destiny... /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif
Re: a little inspiration

I was just reading some of this Ctulu stuff, and thought it might be a good starting point for new Rangers stories...

"the Gate through which the Old Ones shall return."-the portal from whence the Hand will invade our Universe.

"Great Cthulhu shall awaken and call from the deep with the voice of a thousand thunders, and the Gate shall be cast open: THEY SHALL RETURN."-They have left a thousand worlds in their wake...they are coming, Captain...

"The folly of mankind shall shatter the Seal: HE SHALL RISE."-Someone from the ISA will open the gateway, releasing the Hand.
Re: a little inspiration

Oh. DUH.


Sorry. My apologies. I'm blind. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by channe:
<font color=yellow>If I get itchy for something to do this summer (I doubt it; you should see me interviewing for positions like a madwoman), I think I'm going to write meself a few episodes of Rangers. Just... cause... I... gotta... know...</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Go Channe, Go Channe!!! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif
I'm gonna try my hardest. If I'm gonna actually do this, it's gonna have to be more than just fanfic.

I want to create Rangers as Rangers could have actually been.

We'll see if I'm up to the challenge. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif
You are. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif If you can just find the time for it. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

<subliminal message>
Just remember that G'Kar would have been a semi-recurring character.
</subliminal message>