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Babylon 5 Books


For those who collect all things B5, Amazon.com has the following books for sale: B5: The Centauri Republic ($17.47), B5: The Minbari Federation ($17.47), B5: The Fiery Trial ($24.95) and B5: The Point of No Return ($17.47).
For those unfamiliar with the titles, these are not previously unknown B5 novels, but manuals connected with the role-playing game.

The Fiery Trial is the first Campaign Story arc for the hugely popular Babylon 5 series of roleplaying games.
This 128 page book provides Games Masters with countless hours of game-play ... to run their players through.

Something that might be of more general interest is a book that sounds like KoshN should have written it:

The Babylon 5: Crusade Episode Guide. An Unofficial, Independent Guide with Critiques


Something that might be of more general interest is a book that sounds like KoshN should have written it:
The Babylon 5: Crusade Episode Guide. An Unofficial, Independent Guide with Critiques

ROFL! :LOL: Thanks for the link. Wonder how good it is.
I got one! Whew! I almost didn't. I didn't realize there were so few left. Did you try Barnes & Noble? They might have it.
I went to the amazon link the other day, and I think it said only 4 or 5 left, so hurry. Just after that it said more on the may. Today, it looks like they have them.

I don't think anyone should panic. ;)
From amazon.com (just now):

The Babylon 5: Crusade Episode Guide. An Unofficial, Independent Guide with Critiques
by Sandy Van Densen, Loriann DeGiacomo

List Price: $14.95
Price: $14.95 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. See details.
Availability: Usually ships within 4 to 5 weeks

Edition: Paperback

It used to say 4 left, as of Oct. 22.

I tried B&N, no luck, either new or used.

Tried my local Waldenbooks to see if they could get it. No. It's listed as out-of-print and none are available to them.

You know, Demon (and others who bought the book), this means we expect a review of the book on accuracy and tone. ;) :D
You know, Demon (and others who bought the book), this means we expect a review of the book on accuracy and tone. ;) :D

We owe you that at the very least :) Let's hope that Amazon are accurate with that 4 to 5 weeks promise
I just started collecting the books. To Dream In The City of Sorrows is my first read. The book is OUTSTANDING!!! I wanted to know if the entire series will be reprinted for sale?
I hope not. Some of the back catalogue is just terrible. As far as I know, they only intended to reprint "To Dream..." and "The Shadow Within" - by far the best of the bunch and the only ones that tied in with the show directly before the telemovie novelisations and the trilogies.
Last I heard Del Rey planned to reissue all the old Dell novels. Shadow and To Dream were the first two released because they were the most requested, and because Shadow tied-in nicely with the Technomage books. I haven't read any of the other novels, but have heard various bad things about them. :) (Although there are supposedly one or two that aren't bad novels provided you pretend that they have nothing to do with B5.)


(Although there are supposedly one or two that aren't bad novels provided you pretend that they have nothing to do with B5.)

yeah, that's pretty much true. I found most of the old books (except for 'to Dream. . .' but it was re-released 2 months later so it worked out all right :D ) at a used book store about a year ago. They're fun to flip through. Often the characterizations are painfully off kilter. The only one I read was the one, uh, can't remember the name, the subplot was 'Sheridan and Delenn are kidnapped my terrorists'. The originals make nice collectibles :D

I just started reading "In The Beginning." I think the book is well written and worth the read even though I watched the TNT movie. Londo was one outstanding character so it is great that he be the one to tell the story.