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Re: Actual B5:TLT News

I wouldn't like to see Susan become a telepath either.I would love to see her with her Warlock though.She could easily meet Lyta or any other number of the original characters in the story.

Mostly I just want to see her kick ass though :D
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

I agree with Amy. I don't think Lyta could do what is suggested for exactly the reasons she gave, and I don't think it was ever in the cards for Susan to "develop" as a telepath. Her fragment of telepathic talent was there to motivate her actions as station commander in season 5 vis a vis the Teep colony and make her eventual cooperation with Bester even more painful and ironic.

There's nothing to say that the Warlock can't visit B5, by the way. Excalibur did in Crusade, and the Warlock itself did in the JMS short story "Hidden Agendas". Since Warner Bros. already owns the rights to the short story, they could even adapt it for The Lost Tales.


Re: Actual B5:TLT News

You think that Lyta could somehow alter Susan? Wow, that's outta left field. On what basis do you think this? Lyta herself had to be altered by the Vorlons, remember. I suspect it was a physical process of some sort, and not like Lyta could just beam enhancement-thoughts into somebody's head. I seriously doubt JMS would go there.

Physical, definitely. That's why I mentioned her telekenetic abilities. Remember, we've already seen her messing inside people's heads physically. She is the Vorlon super weapon. I think it is within reason for her to demonstrate most any Vorlon power. So, perhaps she could augment someone who is already a latent teep. But, I'm not saying it is likely, just within the realm of possibility.

As to where JMS would go, who can say? If he wanted to, I think he could turn Lyta into a Vorlon, and make it believable. Perhaps to make her as powerful as she is, more powerful than we have really seen yet, they had to put a piece of a Vorlon in her, and we just don't know it yet.

Perhaps the thing I like most about JMS's writing is that it opens up so many possibilities, instead of pointing directly to a trite solution, like so much of TV, and even movie, writing does. So, I'm just saying these, and more things than we all have guessed, are possibilities.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

for what it's worth, here's my 2 cents;
My unreasonable bias towards Lyta type stories not withstanding, I'd have to say that it's unlikely that JMS would Vorlonise Lyta and even do anything else with the character, other than what he's already got planned for her down the road at the end of the teep war. As Joe's pointed out a few times now, she snuffs it at the end of the teep war. Now that's not fair, and it ain't right, but it's just one of those bitter pills that fans gotta swallow when they learn the fate of one of their favourite characters. Sucks I know....
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

This morning's tantalizing tidbit:

Title: Re: B5:TLT update from jms
Author: jmsatb5@aol.com
Date: 22 Oct 2006 22:46:51 -0700
Message-ID: <1161582411.558797.188750@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>

Tomorrow morning at 9 a.m., the Babylon 5 TLT production offices in
Vancouver will officially open up next door to the stage we're using.
The crew has been hired, Chris Franke is on board for the music, cast
deals have been set.

Interesting times all around.


message content (c) 2006
synthetic worlds, ltd.
permission to reprint
specifically denied to
SFX Magazine
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

Ironheart "augmented" Talia, but only after he "became".

It's JMS's own repeated comments about disliking "godlike" characters and how he always tried to minimize the existance and roles of such entities that leads me to think that he would be unlikely to take Lyta all the way up to Ironheart-like status where she could do that for Ivanova. (I mean, Lyta *was* exceptionally powerful; but Ironheart she wasn't.)

Could he do it?


It's just that it strikes me that the odds that he would do it are just about vanishingly small.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

This morning's tantalizing tidbit:

Title: Re: B5:TLT update from jms
Author: jmsatb5@aol.com
Date: 22 Oct 2006 22:46:51 -0700
Message-ID: <1161582411.558797.188750@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>

Tomorrow morning at 9 a.m., the Babylon 5 TLT production offices in
Vancouver will officially open up next door to the stage we're using.
The crew has been hired, Chris Franke is on board for the music, cast
deals have been set.

Interesting times all around.


message content (c) 2006
synthetic worlds, ltd.
permission to reprint
specifically denied to
SFX Magazine

Keep the updates coming, the closer the disc gets to being on the shelf, the less likely someone can pull the rug out from under us.

This is definitely starting to look very definite.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

Now that it has been established that TLT will feature at least one Technomage (Galen), is it possible that this story is actually based on the abandoned TMoS project (which was to also feature Technomages?).
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

Now that it has been established that TLT will feature at least one Technomage (Galen), is it possible that this story is actually based on the abandoned TMoS project (which was to also feature Technomages?).

I seriously doubt it. That's like saying that because TMoS was going to have a technomage in it, and the Centauri trilogy featured technomages, that TMoS must be an adaptation of the novels.

1. JMS has already said that these are independent stories linked only by theme, and that TLT is intended as more of an anthology series set in the B5 universe than anything else. And you can't do a story written as a 2 hour feature film in a 30 to 45 minute TV movie.

2. As has discussed here befoer, nobody I know ever saw a script, or an official cast list for The Memory of Shadows. The one "casting notice" that appeared on the internet seemed to be bogus.

3. JMS does not own the story he created for The Memory of Shadows. The would-be producers own that particular tale, because they paid for the script and JMS could not adapt it without their permission. Why should Warner Bros. pay to buy that story when JMS has dozens of unencumbered stories to tell?

In short, everything we know about both TMoS and TLT says "No" to this idea.


Re: Actual B5:TLT News

Oh....ok. Thanks. I wasn't sure who actually owned the story for TMoS.

The would-be producers optioned the movie rights from JMS and commissioned him to write the script so even though the option lapsed, they still own that script. In order for TMoS to ever be made they, or somebody who buys the script from them, would need to option the movie rights again from JMS-even if it was WB.

Re: Actual B5:TLT News

1. JMS has already said that these are independent stories linked only by theme, and that TLT is intended as more of an anthology series set in the B5 universe than anything else. And you can't do a story written as a 2 hour feature film in a 30 to 45 minute TV movie.

Might not be able to shove a plot similar to TMoS's plot into an episode of TLT , but it could be a bit of a snifter of the same idea: dealing with Earth having left-over Shadow technology. The focus characters would make sense, even the now post-poned Garibaldi on Mars since we know the Shadows had a ship on Mars.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

...dealing with Earth having left-over Shadow technology.

That is hardly an idea unique to TMoS, it is integral to Crusade for one thing, and Earth's obsession with obtaining alien technology goes back to at least "Infection" and was the operating motive behind the Icarus expedition to Z'ha'dum. So my point: It is a real stretch to connect this to TMoS - a story JMS does not own and cannot legally adapt, excerpt or in any other way use if the elements used are unique to the events in that script. And if they aren't unique to TMoS - then they're just story elements that JMS already had in his notes and there is no connection to TMoS.

Why do people insist on seeing connedtions where there are no connections and no evidence of connections. (Show of hands please, how many have read the TMoS script? Nobody? Thanks, that's what I thought. :))



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