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B5 Gets a Mention On MTV Movie Awards....

Did anyone else see Will Ferrell and Jack Black in their "Panic Room" parody on the MTV Movie Awards last night?

When they broke in to Jodie Foster's home Will Ferrell started threatening to break her stuff if she didn't come out (ala the movie Panic Room), he then grabbed a Babylon 5 Collectors plate and yelled something like "Eat floor Babylon 5!" LOL

It was funny as hell and it was nice hearing my favorite show of all time getting a mention /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

Oh, BTW, the MTVMA will re-air Sun 06/09 10:00 AM, Mon 06/10 9:30 AM and Wed 06/12 7:30 PM, all times are EST...for anyone interested....

"If you want to make us stronger, attack and we unite."
Adam Mayblum, WTC Survivor
LOL! If I had cable, I'd give it a watch.

There are always reasons for such things. I wonder why they chose B5 and not Trek?
Yeah, publicity by being the butt of a joke. Oh boy! Pretty soon, B5 will be up there with Beta (being made fun of everywhere, like Beta was on "Married with Children" and on the new AT&T Broadband ads.) I'm beginning to long for they days when comedians were trashing Trek.

NOW, Crusade was screwed over by TNT, Rangers was stillborn, Sci-Fi's no longer airing Crusade, and the only publicity B5 can get is as the butt of a joke on a damn awards show. This sucks worse than 1999, and I didn't think that'd be possible. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shaal Mayan:
<font color=yellow>Now my favorite show is the butt of a joke for comedians .?!?!?!!</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

And you (we) are too, by association. It's like being back in frickin' High School. "Look at those geeks who like sci-fi. What LOSERS! Let's go to the football game, Muffy. Rah! Rah!"
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by KoshN:
<font color=yellow>And you (we) are too, by association. It's like being back in frickin' High School. "Look at those geeks who like sci-fi. What LOSERS! Let's go to the football game, Muffy. Rah! Rah!"</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
I think we are being a bit melodramatic here. Its a freakin joke on an awards show. No one takes that shit seriously. Name one thing that ISNT the butt of a joke somewhere by a comedian. Anyone who is anyone has been mocked by comedians, so its not like its really a bad thing.

On the other hand, if you were like those Star Wars fans in the Conan Obrien / Triumph the Dog skit, I would laugh at you too. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Recoil:
<font color=yellow>I think we are being a bit melodramatic here. Its a freakin joke on an awards show. No one takes that shit seriously. </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Exactly. Look at it from the positive angle. There is a saying "All publicity is good publicity". And I would rather have them making jokes about B5 then Star Trek, because then it will get at least a little bit into people memory. And then later, perhaps when they are walking in the mall, when they see a DVD with B5, they will have a spark of recognition, and hopefully of curiosity. And so the fanbase of B5 might be extended. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by channe:
<font color=yellow>I wonder why they chose B5 and not Trek?</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Hard to say, but sometimes these things literally come down to how the word / phrase sounds within the rest of the line.

I remember seeing a retrospective of Your Show of Shows once where a couple of the writers (I don't remember which ones, it is amazing how many of the writers from that show ended up being household names eventually) were talking about a sketch they did that was set at a roulette table and included one of their women placing bets. They brought the actress (I can't remember now whether it was Coca or one of the others) to say the numbers so that they could get the "funniest" one. I think they ended up with 22. There is nothing funny about the value of 22 (and you definitely couldn't say that they were making fun of 22), it was all about the rythm and sounds of the syllables as they would be spoken by the performer involved.

I think that is a big part of why Ishtar became the butt of so many jokes for so many years. There have been plenty of other big budget, star vehicle flops; but the title of that one just happens to *sound* good and funny in those cracks.
For the longest time, I'd gotten used to Trek being ridiculed and B5 being left out of that kind of thing. Sure, when you mentioned B5, somebody would say something like, "Well that's just like Trek, right?" but at least B5 wasn't being ridiculed directly.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by A_M_Swallow:
<font color=yellow>This is suspiciously like the plates reference to Babylon 5 in Buffy.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Has anybody here even seen these plates, in person or in ads.? I never knew they really existed.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by channe:
<font color=yellow>I wonder why they chose B5 and not Trek?</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Maybe it's as simple as Babylon 5 was just on ALL day long last weekend on SciFi Channel and so fresh on some minds....

As for being made "fun" of, I loved it, and if anything it showed that hey B5 is collectible /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif LOL

BTW, as was pointed out, "any publicity is indeed good publicity"

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by A_M_Swallow:
<font color=yellow>This is suspiciously like the plates reference to Babylon 5 in Buffy.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Well Sarah Michelle Gellar did co-host the Awards show with Jack Black so that's how it may have been mentioned....

"If you want to make us stronger, attack and we unite."
Adam Mayblum, WTC Survivor

Here it is http://www.webcs.com/b5/priceguide.html
Collector 10" Plate $105+ V.RAR

The pic link isn't working though....

"If you want to make us stronger, attack and we unite."
Adam Mayblum, WTC Survivor
Here it is http://www.webcs.com/b5/priceguide.html
Collector 10" Plate $105+ V.RAR

The pic link isn't working though....

Plus I just found this page, it says B5 STEPS UP TO THE PLATE
According to convention reports from July 13th's Shore Leave XVIII, artist Keith Birdsong has been commissioned to produce eight Hamilton Collection Babylon 5 plates. Birdsong, who has done several Star Trek novel covers, reports that if the plates sell well, a total of ten may be produced.



"If you want to make us stronger, attack and we unite."
Adam Mayblum, WTC Survivor
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> This is suspiciously like the plates reference to Babylon 5 in Buffy. <hr></blockquote>
I agree with the above who mentioned SMJ was hosting. When I read the original first post, "Buffy" was the first thing I thought of. That's probably a strong connection.

Also I wouldn't be insulted if a character played by Jodie Foster actually B5 collector's plates. Sadly it was just the parody of Foster's movie but ... /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

And about the "butt of a joke" ... Okay, it could be ... but MTV would not have done it if it was incredibly obscure (this is MTV we're talking about here - they make their network on what's pop); they must have at least thought a good portion of their audience would get it enough to associate with a SF show.

And B5 being mentioned by other shows twice in one year ... this a new record? /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> What was the aforementioned reference to B5 in Buffy? <hr></blockquote>
The Buffy Body Count page - http://www.synapse.net/~dsample/BBC/index.html - ery good descriptions of the episodes - including blow by blow details, and much of the dialogue.

Sadly I can't find the first reference - with the plates ... I believe is was just a comment Xander dropped - though it could have been someone else.

The second reference came in the late season episode "Entropy".

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> Andrew is starting to get nervous. “He’s got that same look on his face: the one that he had that time I highlighted in his Babylon 5 novels." <hr></blockquote>

Though my favorite SF comment of the season ...

When they were trying to figure out notes left by Johnathan, Warren, and Andrew:
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> Willow tells them that they’ve managed to decipher just about everything, except for some sheets of paper covered with a strange script. It isn’t written in any ancient language they could identify.

Xander glances at the papers. “It’s Klingon. They’re— they’re love poems.” He sees the look that the girls are all giving him. “Which has nothing to do with the insidious scheme you’re about to describe.” <hr></blockquote>

Re: To clarify the reference....

You could call it flattering.

Jack Black and will Ferrell were trying to get Jodie Foster to come out the the panic room to present an award. When she wouldn't come out they began breaking her collectible plates.

"See this? Gone with the Wind!"
Uhoh! It's getting windy in here! *smash*

He pulls out another:

"Cast of Babylon 5!" *smash* "Eat floor!"

Realizing the situation calls for extreme measures, they decide to force her out by plugging in electric guitars and singing Starship's "We Built This City on Rock and Roll".

Jodie starts screaming like a nut.
Re: To clarify the reference....


That IS funny. I'm sorry, but it is. Cast of Babylon 5! Eat floor!
Re: To clarify the reference....

Funny, and sad at the same time! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif
Loadhan, you were right on all counts with the mentionings to B5 in Buffy, same with the Klingon, the episode with the plates was very soon after Dawn shows up, and is the episode where Xander and Anya are moving into there new apartment, which, just happens to be the one where Xander gets split in two, and Toth tries to kill them, and ends up wrecking the new apartment, at the end of that episode Rily says that Buffy is a hell of a girl, but she doesn't love him, hope that helps on that part.

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