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Anyone still watch John Doe?


Anyways, the finale was on last night, and the nice little cliffhanger was totally unexpected. This show has such a rich mythology that I hope fox renews it next year (as of now it's on the bubble). It's so much better and well done then most of the other crap on tv right now. Anyone else sticking with it?

I have watched it on and off over the season, basically because it was on the same time as Farscape. But I thought it was really good. It's like the X-Files with an arcplot that doesn't go out of its way to confuse you and actually goes somewhere.

And last night's ep was the best yet.



They find the Phoenix group, the Indian guy dies (he wasn't deaf either, BTW), John rescues the girl and we find out that the stocking cap guy (the guy in charge of Phoenix) is the bartender.

If it doesn't come back, at least we got a little closure (a la Dark Skies ). But there's still a lot of story if it does. Unfortunately, shows as well-written and interesting as this are generally deemed too good for television and get cancelled.
Not to mention well directed. Mimi Leder (deep impact) directed a few key eps, and possibly the finale, but I'm not certain.

I've been watching it. I only missed one episode and that was by accident. I was shocked by the ending and I hope they renew it.

I'm still a little miffed when we lost one of the characters ... actually, even more so now that we saw the finale!!! Also it seemed as though we weren't getting as much of Frank Avery lately but I guess it makes sense now why they were increasing the screen-time to Digger.
I've been a John Doe fan all season and I admit I too was totally shocked by the final scene. I really hope this series comes back in the fall. There are so few really interesting shows these days.
I would have to say that my favorite eppy this season was when the artsy girl got killed off. That was a fantastic episode and I never expected that to happen. I also love it when they kill off important characters.

Also, are we supposed to think that he has telekenetic powers now? I for one think he's an angel or saint or something.

man i must have missed more eps than i thought.

The girl died? How did i miss that? So how did she die? And can anyone sum up what we know about doe. I saw the first few eps and then kept forgetting to record it.
I really thought ashes to ashes was a fantastic episode.

Summary of what we know about John Doe (spoilers)

-He's a level 1. Telekenetic, telepathic.
-His destiny involves being the bearer of a spear (which is held in the vatican, or at least in rome), an object revered by the Pheonix Group.
-He's not the only one of his kind.

And I'm sure there's more, especially some trivial stuff.
KoshN, I'm sure you can help out with the list?

KoshN, I'm sure you can help out with the list?

Not much. Haven't watched all my episodes yet.

[spoilers for John Doe]
He's a remote viewer. Regarding his being a telepathic (as in reading others minds and projecting thoughts to others minds), I'm not so sure. Telekinetic, yes.

I just hope this show doesn't go the way of The X-Files, with the creator not knowing where he's going with it, and just winging it. :(
[spoilers for John Doe]
.I just hope this show doesn't go the way of The X-Files, with the creator not knowing where he's going with it, and just winging it. :(

Well, according to the creators at least, they know exactly where it's going and exactly, down to the smallest detail, what John Doe is all about. So far it hasn't gotten to Pretenders level, and lets hope it never does.

Hmm, I guess I am the only one who thinks it is a fairly mediocre show. :p I have found the writing and character development to be lacking but they have improved that somewhat lately.

The finale was pretty decent however and it was an interesting twist at the end so I am actually looking forward to where they will go with it.

I never liked Digger so I might like him better if he becomes the bad guy. I was getting really tired of the buddy-buddy stuff between him and Doe. :devil:
Whew, that is good news but I do wish the cliffhanger would be resolved and who the heck he really was. Still, I am not curious enough to be too sad about it. :p I am glad I will have that hour back in my life. ;)

Thanks for the news link!
Every time I see a series finale that isn't all it's cracked up to be (for any reason), I just think of the finale of The Prisoner. Lay off the brown acid.
I did see the finale of The Prisoner and I still don't know what you're talking about. Granted, I don't remember it very well -- there was a midget involved, right? And it turned out the 6 = 1. I hope that's not a spoiler for anyone.

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