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Alien Words/Phrases


Beyond the rim
I just wanted to know it anyone knew some B5 Alien words/Phrases.
I know:
Shan'Kar=blood oath

Any body know any more? Like where is the bathroom? I need to pee, etc.

Don't think about it,
I can imagine a moonlit beach, with waves, and Kosh playing in the water in a bathing suit. :D
I think, in Minbari, Ah'hell means continuous fire.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.

Don't think about it,
I can imagine a moonlit beach, with waves, and Kosh playing in the water in a bathing suit.

[This message has been edited by Babylon-ocholic (edited June 02, 2001).]
Noosin filarny inalise min tron(might not be correct spelling)
You are the most beautiful woman i have seen.....

Emporer Turhan-"How will this end"
Kosh-"In fire"
Hey thanks.

Although I'm not a woman I'll take it all the same.

Don't think about it,
I can imagine a moonlit beach, with waves, and Kosh playing in the water in a bathing suit. :D
Nuzen T'aal (spelling
).... you're welcome

I therefore it looks like Nuzen/Noosin means 'you are' in Minbari
If you watch that episode near the beginning of season 4, you'll get a dose of incredibly useful Minbari (hatrack ratcatcher... everyone should have one
Sorry... this isn't all that helpful

Have you been taking a philosophy course for the martial-artistically challenged?
It seems minbari is the most commonly spoken language in B5.

"Zathras trained in crisis manegment!"

[This message has been edited by Babylon-ocholic (edited June 03, 2001).]
This isn't actually a discussion, but a charity to myself. Please, I wasn't hugged enough as a child. I need love.

"Zathras trained in crisis manegment!" :D
Do you think the B5 fans are insane enough to create a whole Minbari language, like the Trekkies have done with Klingon?
I would hope that a good part of Minbari has been codified just to keep things consistent. Didnt I read somewhere that Minbari was based on Elven languages from Lord of the Rings?

Actually, I was going to post this in a seperate thread, but this would do alright here.

I was thinking of Words in Minbari that are similar sounding, trying to discern their meaning. Here we Go.

Denn'Bok = Fighting Pike
Denn'Sha = Fight to the Death
So does Denn = Fighting?

Zha we know = The Future, as in Entil Zha, Isil Zha, and Z'ha Dum. JMS has said that Z'ha Dum means "Broken Future" because of the Broken Zha prefix.

There is the Ranger ceremony of Moradum (maybe spelled Mor'ha dum?) Meaning Application of Terror. So the word "Dum" could mean "terror" meaning Z'ha Dum means "Broken Terrible Future"

We know Anla'Shok means Application of Force, and Mor'ha Dum means Application of Terror. So what is the Minbari word for Application? Neither word has any similar structures. The only thing I can think of is that the 2 words are of different Dialects, Mor'ha dum probobly Warrior caste and Anla'Shok Religious caste.

I was only thinking of this because I am planning out a fanfic, and wanted a new Minbari Ship in it. I was going to call it the Denn Zha, which I am supposing would mean Future Fighter...

Marcus, "Well They said I was carrying around a lot of repressed anger.
Lennier, "and?"
Marcus, "I'm not repressed anymore."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OldOne:
How much of Minbari had been borrowed from Quenya (Elvish toungue). I can link a dictionary for analysis...let me find one...


That would be very cool, indeed.


"So where does the power come from to see the race to its end? It comes from within."
Where's my copy of Tounges of Babylon 5?

I hated Klingon, It was just made up, Thak this and Klogah that...No effort...
Bah. I think the Application thing might be turned into a verb, depending on the word ahead.

*Types up Minbari dictionary* THis is cool.

"Zathras trained in crisis manegment!" :D
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>"Is there a minbari word that Means Titanic?"




Marcus, "Well They said I was carrying around a lot of repressed anger.
Lennier, "and?"
Marcus, "I'm not repressed anymore."
JMS is a funny b@$t@rd. What about his psudonym, Eiben Scrood?

Marcus, "Well They said I was carrying around a lot of repressed anger.
Lennier, "and?"
Marcus, "I'm not repressed anymore."

Su'cen-don't be

I didn't cathc the other ones in todays episode...War with no end part 1

"Zathras trained in crisis manegment!" :D