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The advantage of no more B5


We're getting a bit off topic here, I dare say. ;)

I wonder why JMS seems so sure a B5 film will be made some day. Or does he just need to find an excuse to use his new office space in England? :)

We're getting a bit off topic here, I dare say. ;)

I wonder why JMS seems so sure a B5 film will be made some day. Or does he just need to find an excuse to use his new office space in England? :)

The office space in England was for the limited partnership that was going to produce TMoS. I'm sure that office is empty now.

I truly believe that JMS has faith that a B5 feature will happen...as do I. When he's ready, he can make it happen if he wants it badly enough...after all, he made B5, itself, happen against the odds. ;)

I wonder why JMS seems so sure a B5 film will be made some day. Or does he just need to find an excuse to use his new office space in England? :)

The office space in England was for the limited partnership that was going to produce TMoS. I'm sure that office is empty now.

Ohhhhh, no....Joe's still in there:

"Look at this -- 'Dutch girls must be punished for having big boobs.' Now, you do not punish a girl, Dutch or otherwise, for having big boobs."