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Search results

  1. P

    The Ghosts of b5lr

    Once, way back, I sent myself a virtual card from b5lr.com. Well, about half a year ago and again today I got the card again, with the link for the card itself leading to emptiness. It's kinda creepy, anyone knows what's happening there? (It might just have to do something with my mailbox, I...
  2. P

    B5races & JMS Bibliography

    So, I've been having some fun the last months, made a JMS Bibliography and worked on a picture collection of all the different aliens to ever have appeared on B5, which I started with some years ago. Now at last I thought it was ready to put online: http://www.hot.ee/b5races/
  3. P

    Amazon.co.uk update

    Just wanted to tell that the price for the Babylon 5 season 1 R2 box set has risen to 39.59 Pounds (so you'll only save 5.40), the prices for The Gathering and In the Beginning are still down at 7.99 Pounds!
  4. P

    A B5 question for Estonians

    OK, so I know that the reedited 1998 version of The Gathering was shown on an Estonian channel in 1998 and all the five seasons followed in 2000/2001. And I thought that that's all, there's nothing else of B5 for us Estonians but a few days ago I saw a VHS tape in a R-Kiosk shop here in Tartu...
  5. P

    Midnight Nation TPB

    Does anyone know, when the Midnight Nation TPB is coming out (if at all)? Or is it out already? I just can't find something about it anywhere.
  6. P

    Places where B5 is mentioned

    So, have you people realised when watching some non-B5-TV-shows or listening to some music etc. the mentioning of Babylon 5. I mean in places where it really doesn't matter which "dork"- or Sci-Fi show is mentioned, where it should be much more logical when they would mention Star Trek or Star...
  7. P


    As much as I have read on some old webpages VEX (Voltayre's Encyclopedia Xenobiologica) was a cool webpage. But I've never seen it alive. The time I discovered it, it was already down. It doesn't even work with archive.org . Does someone know if there is a mirror of it existing or something...