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  1. L

    TV Movies DVD August 16th?

    I got the same problem. I ordered S3 for myself, and both S2 and S3 for a friend of mine, who just recently got into B5. Now I'm thinking about letting him have my S2 copy, so he can at least continue in the story.
  2. L

    A new JMS message and hint 4/29

    PsiOnTen: Do you have anything positive to mention in reaction to JMS's good news? We already know you didn't like Rangers, so why do you keep bringing it up? You don't hear anyone else talking about the millions of mistakes made in the B5 series. Oh, and stop bringing up Star Trek, it has...
  3. L

    A new JMS message and hint 4/29

    While waiting for that slow site to load, I thought posting the dates and subjects of messages at www.JMSnews.com, where JMS hints at this project: 07-30-2003 - Re: ATTN. JMS - Crusade dead for good? 08-29-2003 - Jerry Doyle hopeful of B5 revival 09-27-2003 - update from jms 11-30-2003 - RE...
  4. L

    A new JMS message and hint 4/29

    Ahh, now I see the problem! People shouldn't be a fan of something that they don't think is very good. :D
  5. L

    A new JMS message and hint 4/29

    CE, great post! It's nice to see someone how feels a lot like I do, but who also knows how to put it to words. :)
  6. L

    A new JMS message and hint 4/29

    No, you're not the only one, I also liked Legend of the Rangers. It was much better then River of Souls, which to my opinion was the only B5 movie that sucked. I am sure that the B5 feature film will be great, but from reading this thread, I am also convinced many fans will have a hard time...
  7. L

    TV Movies DVD August 16th?

    Actually, Play.com does get some things wrong. They say the dvd's have Dutch audio tracks, which is not true of course. So, I think In the Beginning and The Gathering will be on the boxset as well. Maybe the price will go up a bit, but a release date in August sounds possible to me. They also...
  8. L

    Is it illegal / wrong to download TV-shows?

    Downloading is not wrong, but it can be misused. Some people only download, and never buy a single video or vhs. Personally, I don't care much if it's legal or not, since we live in a world where most laws are wrong. I download lots of TV shows and movies. Most are so bad they get deleted...
  9. L

    JMS - Non-update update

    CE, interesting posts. Your ideas has let me to believe a trilogy of B5 movies is indeed possible. But only because I think JMS would only need about $100 million, maybe even less. Remember the early estimate of $35M for one high quality feature film, so 3 for about $100 should be possible...
  10. L

    JMS - Non-update update

    JMS was pretty clear about Rangers from the beginnning. Same with Crusade. He gave some storylines and some character descriptions about Crusade when Season 4 of B5 was still filming. He has been pretty silent about this for 6 months, and still he's positive about it. To me it means it's BIG...
  11. L

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. I have to admit I've skipped most parts of your posts. But it looks to me you may be lacking some parts of information regarding the Telepath war and the Feature film. A lot of us here have been following JMS's post for years now, and little pieces of info have...
  12. L

    Which "B5" Character are You?

    Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You? My no. 1 match was Sinclair, not bad. But Lord Reefa (sp!!) was 13, that does not make me happy.
  13. L

    Latest From JMS

    thanks for the link. I was wondering if it was real, because it isn't on JMSnews.com yet. Looks like he's late this time. I was thinking 'The Movement of Stars' myself. I just hope the powers that be like it, otherwise it could end up as The Manipulation of Suits. :) now, I am just going to...
  14. L

    Lyta & Garibaldi in teep war (spoilers)

    Why even bother arguing about that? Seems pretty cleer to me. I don't even care about speculations as absurd as that, I just ignore them. :) posted by GaribaldisHair: Well, we will just have to wait and see. At least we know from the short stories that Psi Corps was at war with the rogue...
  15. L

    Lyta & Garibaldi in teep war (spoilers)

    I noticed that before, very interesting. I hope we will get to see the Telepath War some day soon. From season 5, I guess the war could be between 3 parties: Rogue telepaths VS Psi Corps VS Mundanes, and finally the ISA will intervine. To those people who don't think mundanes are involved...
  16. L


    KoshN, nice job with the screenshots. Vacantlook, you were right, the aliens in the background are the same as the pilot on the stretcher. It got me thinking: maybe that race was working for the Shadows just like the Drakh and others. Could that mean they wore somehow spying on Garibaldi...
  17. L


    I just checked my tapes. Man, I had never even seen those aliens. Who are they? But I don't think it the same one as on the stretcher. That would be nice, because vacantlook has got me doubting myself. :)
  18. L


    I kind of remember a post by JMS saying there were 3 kinds of Drakh, and that we got to know about all of them in the Technomage novels. I've read those novels, but I don't know any more about the Drakh then I did after season 5. Are you sure about this? I did not think the drakh makeup looked...
  19. L

    S5 Region 1 Release Date! (Plus specs and art)

    Re: S5 Region 1 Release Date? I hope they won't forget to put the B5 logo on the front. As for the additional scenes, I guess they're like the deleted scenes on the S1 DVD: not included.
  20. L

    Crossing Jordan was shown in Canada

    Since I don't believe in the existence of God, I find it very hard to accept Mr Smith, especially after episode 8 Crossing Jordan. There were some other things in this episode that don't seem to fit with what was shown earlier. But I won't go into details. I think maybe this was why JMS don't...