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Lurker's Guide


Lurker's Guide

I discovered the Lurker's Guide.. website and during my browse I found some intruiging pieces of text. Which were taken from J. Michael Straczynski's overview of the 5-year plan for Babylon 5.

I have some questions on the following quotes:

"You will see what a Vorlon is...and what it represents. And what it may have to do with our own saga, and a hidden relationship to some of our other characters (watch the reception scene carefully)."


"We will see wheels within wheels, discover the secret groups behind the Earth and Minbari governments who suspect, with good reason, that one of the B5 crew may be a traitor, who sold out Earth during the Earth/Minbari war"

What about the "reception scene" is of particular interest?

Was there ever a traitor who betrayed Earth during the Earth-Minbari war?

In regards to the second question. Given the 5-year overview was a preview of what was to come or certainly what JMS had intended for B5 at the time of writing (1993). Did he simply ditch the traitor idea and instead adapt Londo Mollari as the one who 'sabotaged' proceedings in the film "In the Beginning"?
What about the "reception scene" is of particular interest?

Delenn bows to Kosh far more deeply than the other ambassadors, as I recall.

Was there ever a traitor who betrayed Earth during the Earth-Minbari war?

Hmm. Not that I know of, although Sinclair get accused of it often enough.
Takashima set Sinclair up while conspiring with G'Kar in "The Gathering". This traitor storyline was transferred to Garibaldi's second in command that shot him in the back (And maybe furthered in "And the Sky Full of Stars"?). I presume (Especially considering Capt Cupcake's drama about what side she was on in the Civil war) Takashima was meant to be revelaed for alot of loyal feelings outside of Earthforce?
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Takashima set Sinclair up while conspiring with G'Kar in "The Gathering". This traitor storyline was transferred to Garibaldi's second in command that shot him in the back (And maybe furthered in "And the Sky Full of Stars"?). I presume (Especially considering Capt Cupcake's drama about what side she was on in the Civil war) Takashima was meant to be revelaed for alot of loyal feelings outside of Earthforce?

Part of the plan for Takashima's character was transfered to Garibaldi's 2nd as you state, the other part of the plan for her was transfered to Talia. Takashima was originally going to have been the character with the Control personality put there by the Psi Corps to ultimately betray the other characters.
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