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Quick note about the B5Scrolls site.

Triple F

There’s been a few little updates to B5Scrolls held on the ‘Madgoner’ site.

It’s the last update I’m doing to the site so I’ve added this screen in, which you might find of interest.


I was going to add stuff like this to the ship screens.


But every time I did one I got depressed about the quality and stopped for a while – at that rate it would have taken another 8 years to finish it. ; ) I’d also hoped to include things like occlusion renders showing orthos for some of the original models used on the show. But as I felt awkward enough asking for them I’ve decided to not bother chasing those anymore. There was a few other ideas but this seems a good a time as any to close the book on it, hence the offer of the download to anyone who wants it. (and yes, it is the last update – this time ; )

btw, if you know of any B5 fans who might not read this, and might be interested, give them a kick and let them know about the download.


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