</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I still don't see how they could expect to sell any discs at all if they wait almost on top of the when the release date is
The purpose of a TV ad for most things is to put the product in the mind of the consumer, so that next time he/she is in the store, the ad is remembered and a purchase is made. Do that when the product isn't in the store, and you risk ticking people off. TV ads for movies are different, because people tend to plan going out to the movies a bit in advance, and the majority of ticket sales still happen Friday through Saturday (even though most movies open on Wednesdays.) So it makes sense to get people thinking about them a little in advance.
While it is the case that most DVDs will sell the majority of their copies during the week and month of their first release, they do continue to sell. It isn't like the discs are going to be pulled off the shelves in two weeks. So people who need more time to make up their minds will have plenty of it.
Again, this is how DVD advertising is normally handled, and it seems to be working since DVDs have been outselling VHS tapes for awhile now (despite there being many times as many VCRs as DVD players out there.)