Ah, well, RW, the series has been going on since.... uh... 1960-something. The first doctor (William Hartnell, I think) became too ill to play the part, and was just suddenly, inexplicably, replaced with the second doctor. Same memories, different face and personality. When it was time for the second doctor to move on, they came up with the Timelord race, and regeneration. I think, I'm sure I'll be corrected where I go wrong on this. 
Since then he's regenerated whenever an actor wants to move on. They kill him off and he comes back again. All time lords do. The limit: something like 12 regenerations are allowed per timelord, no more. That means 13 'lives" or "faces" or "personalities".
O.K. One of the greatests nemesis' of the Doctors has cheated that by somehow stealing other lives and regenerating. But our Doctor is approaching the end of his 13 lives. They'll have to come up with something creative to keep him going, which I'm sure they will.
Now, correct me where I'm wrong folks. But the basic jist of it is: whenever needed (in real life) they "off" the doctor and he goes through a regeneration period (sometimes quite dangerous where he actually could die for good). And thus the "new doctors" come along and continue where the old one(s) left off.
Since then he's regenerated whenever an actor wants to move on. They kill him off and he comes back again. All time lords do. The limit: something like 12 regenerations are allowed per timelord, no more. That means 13 'lives" or "faces" or "personalities".
O.K. One of the greatests nemesis' of the Doctors has cheated that by somehow stealing other lives and regenerating. But our Doctor is approaching the end of his 13 lives. They'll have to come up with something creative to keep him going, which I'm sure they will.
Now, correct me where I'm wrong folks. But the basic jist of it is: whenever needed (in real life) they "off" the doctor and he goes through a regeneration period (sometimes quite dangerous where he actually could die for good). And thus the "new doctors" come along and continue where the old one(s) left off.