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And shut the door when you leave!

Perhaps it is set up to respond to certain phrases. Saying ISN would not activate anything but perhaps 'find ISN' would.

"Crying isn't gonna get your dog back. Unless your tears smell like dog food. So you can sit here eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell like dog food or you can go out there and find your dog."-Homer in The Canine Mutiny
Interesting thought.

IIRC, in Fall of Night Sheridan is having an exchange with Londo about the Narn Cruiser sitting behind Epsilon 3 undergoing repairs. To end the conversation he just says "End. Run diagnostic." or something. No "Computer" prefix.

It would appear that B5's computer system is definitely context sensitive - without even a right mouse-button click.


"Want to talk socks?"
"No doors" policy was propably created by men and women, who wanted to prevent "quickies" if you know what I mean?

No, seriously, I think that offices are in a sealed sector, which has one guarded door. That's seems possible for my point of view.


Things change... long time gone by.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> I think that offices are in a sealed sector, which has one guarded door. That's seems possible for my point of view. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're probably right. It's easy to think of B5 as nothing but a huge 5-mile maze of rooms and hallways. But every once in a while, they'll show a camera point-of-view from outside Sheridan's office window, and it looks like Sheridan's office is in a building that is raised off the curved "floor" of the inner cylinder.

Every time they do that, I have to remind myself that inside that inner cylinder, B5 has a kind of city skyline. So, Sheridan's office is probably in a building in the cylinder which requires a certain clearance, and once you're in--no more doors.

Maybe the lack of doors has something to do with air circulation and reclamation. Probably not; they still have air ducts. Never mind; just thinking out loud.

An Old Egyptian Blessing: May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places that you must walk.

Thoughts & prayers to soldiers fighting overseas and to their families.
I have got the B5 Security Manual out. Page 15, Sheridan's office is in Green sector. Opposite the Zen Garden and walking distance from the Ambassadorial Suites. All of Green Sector is Restricted Access, page 18.

Andrew Swallow
Another point that hasn't been mentioned is that every one of the Earthforce people is wearing a Link.
DNA coded to them as a security measure.
The Links won't work if removed from the proper owner, but Will raise an alarm if someone Tries.
It's not unreasonable to assume the various Ambasadors are also issued some sort of security link to wear.
While they probably don't wear them All the time, they probably Do wear them during official functions that require security, taking them off when engaged in personal or "questionable" activities.
Like a stroll in the Zocalo, or a discreet meeting in Downbelow.

Since the computer can monitor those links and their locations, it has an almost foolproof way of knowing just Who is walking around in restricted areas.
Anyone without their link or diplomatic ID is going to set off an alarm.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!

[This message has been edited by bakana (edited December 08, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by A_M_Swallow:
I have got the B5 Security Manual out. Page 15, Sheridan's office is in Green sector. Opposite the Zen Garden and walking distance from the Ambassadorial Suites. All of Green Sector is Restricted Access, page 18.


Oh! Oh! So THAT'S why it's always so easy for him and Delenn to find one another!

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
One word: Intrigue.

There have been countless times when someone, say Londo, has "just so happened to be walking outside Sheridan office and overheard...".

It's all about plot devices...

Another thing to consider is that even though B5 is technically a military station it was designed under the pretense of being a free port in neutral space to support the purpose of working out everyone's differences peacefully. So the designers would have made certain areas open as a subconscious or subtle reminder of this idea.

Except for the fact that this never happens. No one ever overhears comprimising info while walking by the door and uses it. Sheridan overhears Delenn once but this is not in an area that would be expected to be that secure and Zack overhears just a code name from Garabaldi's link. Most other conversations, including those in the officies are secure and we often see debugging devices used.

It's not a plot device that was used often.

"Crying isn't gonna get your dog back. Unless your tears smell like dog food. So you can sit here eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell like dog food or you can go out there and find your dog."-Homer in The Canine Mutiny
I was actually thinking about when the Technomages were about to make their exodus and The Technomage is talking to Sheridan, and Londo "just so happens" to show up and he trys to get get an image of himself with the Technomage.

Granted that secure info wasn't leaked, but the device of some one just walking into Sheridan's office was used there.

"Consider it an Adventure" -Galen
Londo walking in while Elric (the technomage) was talking to Sheridan was No Accident.

Londo gave Sheridan just enough info to nudge him into asking Elric to come see him.
And, Londo had people Watching for Elric so that he could "accidently" show up at just the right time.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
ok...when anna sheriden WALKS in johns room..why is she WALKING into johns room? how did she get the security clearance to OPEN THE DOOR?? and say the shadows did give it to her...(which they did) but anyway, isn't that still RATHER RUDE just to barge in like that after thinking shes dead for all these years...

i would think a KNOCK would work..what if john and delenn were hoochying or something..I mean would the SHADOWS KNOW THAT>>>>??

so, why does anna walk into johns room except to be rude and make an entrance and be like SURPRISE!

and why does she do it when DELENN IS there?

This is my "be nice to Antony week"...WARNING~~MOOD SWING MAY HAPPEN WEEK AFTER NEXT...depending on the astrological projection of the hormonal balance.
Well Sassy, I think I might have some guesses for you. Why did Anna go into John's room when Delenn was there? I would say that is pure drama on the part of JMS. He probably wanted to make Anna's arrival in John's room a big deal, and what better way for him to do it than to have her walk in when Delenn is there spending the night with him.

As to how she got into John's room in the first place, I bet she got his lock number from someone like Ivanova. Remember, just after she showed up on the station, Zack called Ivanova to tell her that Anna was on the station. She could very well have told Zack or Ivanova some romantic story about her wanting to surprise John and was able to get them to give her the number to his room. Or, she could've skipped all of that by getting her hands on one of those little thingy-do's that they use to override lock codes and get into rooms when they need to, like when they are making an arrest or something.

I know these answers are just speculation, but they are just my guesses as to what could be possible.

Lorien: Who are you?
RW: The salad man.
Lorien: Why are you here?
RW: To be the salad ambassador.
Lorien: What do you want?
RW: Everyone to know the joys of salad.
Lorien: Do you have anything worth living for?
RW: Yes, my salad bars.
Anna Sheridan probably got into John Sheridan's room the same way the Morden got into Kosh's room when the Shadows killed him.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
I think G's Eye is right about how she got in, but why did she do it so rudely, and when Delenn was there? To catch Sheridan off guard, to produce maximum guilt, and maximum embarrassment, the better to persuade him to go to Z'Ha'Dum, of course. And even if they didn't know what Delenn and John were up to, they could easily know when they were together.

You're speaking treason! Olivia De Havilland as Maid Marian
Fluently! Errol Flynn as Robin Hood
You're talking treason! Olivia De Havilland as Arabella Bishop
I trust I'm not obscure. Errol Flynn as Dr. Peter Blood

Pallindromes of the month: Snug was I, ere I saw guns.
Doom an evil deed, liven a mood.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ok...when anna sheriden WALKS in johns room..why is she WALKING into johns room? how did she get the security clearance to OPEN THE DOOR?? and say the shadows did give it to her...(which they did) but anyway, isn't that still RATHER RUDE just to barge in like that after thinking shes dead for all these years...

The answer may be that Anna was given access to her husband's room when they were married 10 years ago and Sheridan has never called it. In married quarters it is quite normal to give the wife a key. Anna enters Babylon 5 using her identity card from 5 years ago, so Earthforce has transfered her files to Babylon 5. I suspect that Anna is legally missing, rather than dead - so she was never removed from Sheridan's file.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>

i would think a KNOCK would work..what if john and delenn were hoochying or something..I mean would the SHADOWS KNOW THAT>>>>??

so, why does anna walk into johns room except to be rude and make an entrance and be like SURPRISE!

and why does she do it when DELENN IS there?


As of when did wives knock before entering their husband's bedroom? Women assume that they have a right to be there!

Andrew Swallow
When Anna walked in on Sheridan and Delenn,

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> she undoubtedly knew Exactly what she was walking in on. The whole point of her trip was to manipulate Sheridan into going to Z'Ha'Dum with her.
Even though she was no longer the Real Anne personality, she did know that Guilt was her best handle for manipulating him.
And the best way to keep him off balance enough to give her any hope of pulling off the deception.
If she'd come in trying to play the "loving wife, back from the dead, she Knew she'd give herself away immediately.
She had just enough memeory of the Real Anna personality to know she couldn't pull off the deception in an "intimate" situation.

She was under orders from the Shadows to get him to Z'Ha'Dum by Any Means Necessary.
She'd have kidnapped him if he refused to go willingly. </font></td></tr></table>

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Glad you agree with me, Bakana.

You're speaking treason! Olivia De Havilland as Maid Marian
Fluently! Errol Flynn as Robin Hood
You're talking treason! Olivia De Havilland as Arabella Bishop
I trust I'm not obscure. Errol Flynn as Dr. Peter Blood

Pallindromes of the month: Snug was I, ere I saw guns.
Doom an evil deed, liven a mood.
There's a simpler explanation as to how Anna got into John's quarters. I've been reading Final Reckoning (last book in the Psi Corps trilogy) and

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> Bester uses a Shadow device to get into various places, like the pharmacy, and a hotel, without anybody noticing. This thing royally fools AIs. She could've used something similar, if not exactly like this, because of her Shadow connection. </font></td></tr></table>

It's a possibility, it doesn't mean any of the above guesses are incorrect. Most likely, there was no a priori explanation, it was probably dramatic license, with an understanding there are many plausible explanations.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.

[This message has been edited by crazybillyo (edited December 20, 2001).]

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