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  1. J

    News post: Babylon 5: Invoking Darkness reviewed

    Hi. Sorry it's been so long. I'm going nuts working on my new book. It is not coming easily. Anyway, I'll try to respond to a few things. You asked a lot of interesting quesitons. WARNING: I'M TRYING TO USE SPOILER CODES, BUT I'M NOT SURE IF THEY WORKED. IF YOU DON'T SEE ANY BLACK BOXES...
  2. J

    News post: Babylon 5: Invoking Darkness reviewed

    By the way, Psi-Gryphon, I often felt like Galen could use a good smack. Or better yet, a spanking . . . Jeanne jcavelos@sff.net http://www.sff.net/people/jcavelos ------------------
  3. J

    News post: Babylon 5: Invoking Darkness reviewed

    Well, three separate people have told me B5LR has a great forum, so I thought I'd better check it out. Looks like tons of interesting conversations are going on. It's nice to see some familiar folks here. I'm amazed that people are talking about Book 3 already (our local bookstore just got...