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Search results

  1. D

    First Ones Mysteries - exchanges of ideas needed

    Thanks!!! you are starting to understand what I want. To see those opinions posted and to start discussion on the principal matter of the show, us getting away from the guidance of the first ones. But please don't start talking about us, it seems that JMS and others are going to cover that topic...
  2. D

    What's in a Wing

    Re: What\'s in a Wing Did you saw the JG activating while Garibaldi's squadron fights the raiders? Because I didn't. Actually it never opens until Sinclair unlock the JG and Ivanova came trough. Remember? " Now we close the box "... Sinclair was cornering the raiders and need the surprise...
  3. D

    What's in a Wing

    Re: What\'s in a Wing About Ivanova in "Signs and Portents" -- She has two fighters peel off right at the beginning, IIRC, to guard the jumpgate. Maybe they came back seperately. True but she left them guarding the jump gate. Same one she have to use to return to B5. So is illogical for her...
  4. D

    B5 Spin-Offs

    I will like to see a spin-off about the First Ones!!!
  5. D

    Two Jumps from Minbar - SPOILERS

    Does this apply also to the First One ships? Well ok Vorlons seems to jump but I bet that they don't need those primitive beacons. Anyway Shadows doesn't seems to "jump" but to phase in and out of hyperspace and what about the walkers of sigma 957 with their cool hyperflux gate!!! Dam are the...
  6. D

    Kosh Assassination Plot

    For Lorien sakes. What war????? Just a couple of Vorlon battle cruisers one of their planet killers and the entire human race is gone! and G'kar have some knowledge about this. No chance to sell anything so he have nothing to win. The Battle cruiser of Walkers of Sigma 957 is incredible! isn't?
  7. D

    Conversion Report

    Just watch her when she sees Kosh flying like an angel. Then she's really gonna be hookup by the show. First Ones RULES!!!
  8. D

    What's in a Wing

    Re: What\'s in a Wing Well in Signs and Portents Ivanova left the station with a "wing" of 9 starfurys and returns only with seven even when she didn't have to defend the freighter... go count them. Now, did you saw the First One armadas those were really "wings". Is a shame that they are now...
  9. D

    Sleeping in Light

    I like that episode!!!. It gave me the chance to see the First Ones again... well at least Lorien. Somehow I feel that they were not completly gone!!!. Now if they just create an entire series about the first ones!!! no centaury, no narns, no mimbary and no HUMANS!!! just first ones!!!
  10. D

    I miss the First Ones :(

    The episode that get me interested in B5 was Mind War, specificly when Iron Heart "evolve". But I really became a fan of the show when I saw Kosh flying as an angel while rescuing Sheridian. After that my quest to know more about the First Ones became obsesive and keep me watching every single...