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Closing Title Theme Music

Something that has bugged me for a while, and was brought to mind while watching through the S4 DVDs over the last couple of weeks, is the closing title music.

Season 1 and 2 were the same.

S3 was different, but the same for the whole season

S5 was different, but the same for the whole season

S4 starts off with a whole new closing theme based on the opening one (as usual), but after half a dozen or so episodes switches back to the S3 closing theme.

Anyone know why?

I remember reading that the S4 theme was intended to be more upbeat and "triumphant" than S3's so, was the switch back to S3 intended as a subtle acknowledgement that, having won the Shadow War, things were not quite so upbeat and triumphant anymore?

Was it a goof?

Or was it just that JMS didn't like the S4 closing theme and had it switched back to one he did like?

Answers on a postcard ...

No answers on S4's music, but I just want to point out that S1 and S2 were not exactly the same, I believe. At least the opening titles, while similar, were not identical.
No answers on S4's music, but I just want to point out that S1 and S2 were not exactly the same, I believe. At least the opening titles, while similar, were not identical.

Yeah, I know - should have been clearer.

In my listing I was totally ignoring the opening title themes (which were quite different between S1 and 2) and concentrating solely on the closing titles. I am fairly sure that the closing title music for S1 and S2 were the same - but as always I stand to be corrected if necessary.

However, my point stands because even if 1 and 2 were not the same as each other, each did have the same closing theme for the entire season.
From the Lurkers Guide:

Was the use of the third season end theme deliberate?

It was an error...but as with many errors on the show, it worked to our benefit. It's the ABA principle....Art By Accident.

I seem to recall that JMS later said that he felt the S3 closing music fit the story better, imparting a greater sense of urgency, so he descided to stick with it.

But I can't find anything to back that last part up.

Edit just to add another thought: I rather like the fourth season end credit music, myself, and wish they'd left it in place. One rare occasion where I think JMS simply made the wrong call. :)

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