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I hate Babylon 5

No, it isn't a sex thing for me either with Ivanova. She's a great character and is one of the better female characters that has made an appearance in a Scifi show set in outer space. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

Another great thing that the show has as a whole is great characters. Most of the characters are well-rounded. Besides this, people have problems. I LOOOVE that! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
i thoroughly agree with you. The characters are absolutely amazing. I have never seen a show that has such richly defined characters that are ever changing, that have hopes and dreams that affect their decisions. They don't act like everyone else would they act like they themselves would do. It's almost like a soap opera how their faults are open for all to see. I love when JMS describes how in his head it would not be himself thinking of a line it would be Gkar or Londo talking. I think you hit the nail on the head ivanova it's all about the characters
She's hot and I'll be lying if I didn't admit that she has huge quantities of sex appeal but that would definitely not be the be all and end all. I hate watching a show with a simpering female character that stands around wailing and crying when things go wrong. I'm glad to see that strong female characters are becoming more commenplace and Ivanova stands out amongst the best of them, if not the best!
Sex appeal can only go so far, the rest has to be in the heart and between the ears of which the wee lass has an abundance!
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally said by Lafe:
Have we wasted a good chunk of our lives with this show? Maybe, but I don't regret a spent minute.

I think the time I've spent devoted to B5 has helped me apreciate really good television.<hr></blockquote>
With me it probably goes even further than that. Before B5, I was grateful for any SF stuff TV could throw at me - ST:TOS, ST:TNG, Battlestar Galactica etc., but now I am much harder to impress.

None of the ST series floats my boat anymore, the X-files has long since ceased to be interesting, and even Farscape interesting as it can be is far from being must see TV.

So, basically, I can thank JMS for reducing my ability to enjoy other (lesser) SFTV Shows.


<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by GaribaldisHair:
So, basically, I can thank JMS for reducing my ability to enjoy other (lesser) SFTV Shows.


/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>


Yeah, I have to thank JMS for the honor of being absolutely ruined for bad television. JMS and Aaron Sorkin and a few other people who have a solid idea of what good television is.

It's the same way. Once I started reading Isaac Asimov, Richard Matheson and the others of that calibre, I couldn't go back to the dimestore novels...
I have to concur with Channe and GaribaldisHair, B5 raised the bar of good television for me. I still can watch bad television (I admit that I've seen a few episodes of Mutant X), but that's a guilty habit and those shows get no loyalty from me.

Admiral Dave
Well... It's good show, it has "real" physics and good plot. Also, some important characters may also die, this is not a usual "Were from USA and save the world" film/series.

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