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This time, I'm rootin' for the Cylons <g>

This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

Here a review of tonight's debut of the Sci-Fi mini-series.

...she-baddie Cylon Number Six (Tricia Helfer) is too close to Seven of Nine's build for comfort...

Not too close for my comfort. :)




Come to think of it, I rooted for the Cylons the last time this turkey was on, too. I never liked Battlestar Galactica, a lame Star Wars rip-off at best, and a silly mismash of Atlantis mythology, the old Flash Gordon serials, and whatever else Glen A. Larceny could steal in a given week at worst. (Among my friends the show was known as "Battlestar Galaxative" and "Cattlecar Galactica") And the most egregious use of "cute kids and robots" in all of SF television. A frickin' robot dog, for pity's sake? The least they could have done is given the thing a frickin' laserbeam on its head. :)


Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

To those who embraced second-tier sci-fi fodder like "Deep Space Nine," "Babylon 5" and "Earth: Final Conflict," you're in for a good time.
Hah! Owned.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

That Cylon chick sho is purty.

I've never seen the original, so I still don't know if I'm going to watch it.
Though in all likelihood I'll end up watching football.
This time, I'm rooting for the Cleveland Browns.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

People still do that? Root for the Browns, I mean. :D

I won't be watching this. Not because I'm offended or whatnot. The level that people have gotten to over a remake of one of the cheesiest shows ever amazes me. No, I'll be studying. I take the GRE next week and I haven't taken a math course in a good six years. This should be interesting.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

Ok, maybe not rooting for the Browns as much as rooting against the Rams, whom I hate.

I also think it's funny how people get worked up over any remakes, especially this one.

Good luck on the GRE. I took it, too, even though I never finished my Masters work.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

To those who embraced second-tier sci-fi fodder like "Deep Space Nine," "Babylon 5" and "Earth: Final Conflict," you're in for a good time.

i dont like the sound of "second tier sci fi fodder" it makes babylon 5 sound like some crappy show that you see at 1 am in the morning , When you can`t sleep .
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

Hah. You remember what happened the last time people watched football instead of a second-tier science-fiction show.

I won't watch it at all. I don't have SciFi anymore.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

Hah. You remember what happened the last time people watched football instead of a second-tier science-fiction show.
That WAS a good game though...
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

I may give it a look during a break in studying. I have not seen a single episode of the original series. Therefore, I have nothing to compare the mini to. However, all of the advertisements I have seen so far have turned me off the show. I cannot put my finger on the reason why. It just seems cheesy in some way. (I realize that it is not fair to judge something I have not seen, but there you go.)

Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

I'll be watching football and rooting for the Rams to win big so the fans will leave before building up enough bottles to throw.

I was fliping through channels the other day and came across the fluff piece scifi put together to advertise BG. The guy kept saying that what sets BG apart from other scifi shows is that the specical effects look really real. 'But you don't understand, when I say really real I mean really really real'(not an actual quote). Aparently story isn't as important as really real special effects.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

Hey, we're at about the half-way mark and I'm actually kinda enjoying this. It is infinitely better than the original (of course, that's not saying much.) I'll check in with a summary when its over.

Oh - I missed the opening credits, but the music sounds a bit like Evan Chen (!) :D


Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

Hah. You remember what happened the last time people watched football instead of a second-tier science-fiction show.
That was a great game. Though a bit bias since that was my New England Patriots and snow and everything.

Though watching this new Battlestar galatica isn't quite as bad as the reviews made it out to be but we will see. So Joe you still rooting for the cylons? Though will say why or why dose the galatica launch bays always go up in flames and it in space no less. Had a episode dedicated to it in the original now carrying it over.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

Oh - I missed the opening credits, but the music sounds a bit like Evan Chen (!) :D
OMG! I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING. It totally sounded like Evan Chen.

I actually liked the first part. I was a fan of the original, but do recognize some of its cheesiness. It had its good points as well which will be missed but still, this version is so far so good. Definately different, but better than most stuff Ive seen lately. Characters are a LOT more believable as well.

My one gryp was that at the start it seemed like a sex-fest with Baltar getting it on with the cylon chick, then like, 2min later, boomer getting hot and heavy with the flight deck guy. I was like COME ON TAKE IT EASY. Felt like a space sex opera. But those 2 were it, and after that its been pretty good, which makes those scenes seem so out of place and forced. But overall Ill give the first part a thumbs up. Good so far...
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

I liked the first part except for the obvious SG glider rip-off the Cylon fighters were. Call me crazy, but I don't find the Cylon girl attractive at all. But I did like seeing what's her name from Jeremiah's first season as the coms officer. The Chief character was just on Jeremiah too right? :D
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

I agree about the one thing that kinda annoyed me was the sex bits so early. But like you said it was those two and that was it. Definitely not bad, I enjoyed it and am looking forward to see it tomorrow and see where they take it.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

Eh, I didn't waste my time on it. Instead, I watched WWE Raw (kinda bleh tonight, but The Rock returned, so that much was good) and worked on a review for my film class. That I'm still working on.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

I had the same reaction to the nearly back-to-back (as it were) sex scenes. I'm glad they calmed down a bit given that this isn't Showtime and we're not actually going to see anything. :)

All-in-all I liked it. The characters resemble human beings, which is a whole new direction for this franchise. I have to admit I'm a little aprehensive about the little boy who was rescued from the planet. I would have been a lot happier if the guy with the gun had accidently offed him while shooting the stow-away off the wing. ;) We'll have to see what tomorrow night brings - because I will be watching, and I would have bet a fair amount of money before 9 tonight that I would not be. (I thought I'd watch some or all of a two-hour cheese-fest tonight and never give the thing a second thought.)

The Riverworld clips also didn't look half-bad, although I vaguely remember being ticked off about some of the changes they're making from the books.

Until I went looking for SFC just before 9 PM so that I could watch BG I didn't even know what channel number it was on the digital cable service at my "new" condo. (Which I moved into August 30th) I just haven't watched the channel since then, and never bothered to add it to my favorites. (That's why I missed the start of the credits, in fact, because I hadn't found the channel yet.)

I did watch the pre-credits section when they started the second airing at 11:09 EST. I'm glad I missed it the first time because I thought it was really stupid and the whole kiss made no sense whatsoever. I would have started out annoyed instead of neutral and just not expecting much when I sat down to watch the picture.


Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

(Among my friends the show was known as "Battlestar Galaxative" and "Cattlecar Galactica")

Watching the original, in its first run, I called it "Cattlecar Battalica," and my scifi fan friend, who watched it with me, agreed. We were really sorry that Ben Cartwright lost all his money on it, though.

I have to admire Olmos' honesty, and I do like him as an actor, but I think I'll pass on watching this one. Besides, I am working an 8 pm to 8 am shift at the library, and will put in 143 hours in two weeks, so, if you all say it's good, and they rerun it, well, maybe... ;)
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

I also missed the first few minutes because I couldn’t find SciFi. The local cable company is juggling their lineup, changing channel assignments, etc. So, I caught the opening sequence on the second go-round. I agree that it was forgettable.

I was a teen-aged devotee of the original, and was somewhat apprehensive of a remake. But, I was pleasantly surprised. This incarnation isn’t the worst remake I’ve ever seen. I didn’t mind the change in gender roles at all. And, what’s not to like in a drop-dead gorgeous blonde Cylon? Sure, this show is a crap load of eye candy, but, hey, it wasn’t written by JMS. I give it a 70. Good background vocals, but hard to dance to.
Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g>

a lame Star Wars rip-off at best

Untrue the court found larson not guilty in the law suit, that and the fact he had the script about 10 years before starwars was made.

And the most egregious use of "cute kids and robots" in all of SF television.

That dishonor belongs to the original Lost In Space, at least untill Phantom Menace hits TV.

A frickin' robot dog, for pity's sake? The least they could have done is given the thing a frickin' laserbeam on its head.

So you could accuse it of ripping Doctor Who. Got to admit it though they did go way overboard with robo mutt.

The level that people have gotten to over a remake of one of the cheesiest shows ever amazes me.

If you thought Battlestar Galactica was one of the cheesiest shows ever you apparently have not seen 1970's television. You break out the fondu set I'll bring over the cheese, here let me make a list:

The original Invisible Man series
Man from Atlantis
Space 1999
Land of The Lost
Space Academy
Jason of Star Command
Starsky and Hutch
The Dukes of Hazzard
The Pheonix
Logans Run TV series
Fantastic Voyage
The Six Milliion Dollar Man
The Bionic Woman
Wonder Woman
The Brady Bunch
The Partridge Family
Buck Rogers

Feeling bound up yet?

OK I drifted into the 80's but the chesse level still remained pretty high.

Though will say why or why dose the galatica launch bays always go up in flames and it in space no less. Had a episode dedicated to it in the original now carrying it over.

Because the fule for the fighters is stored in the landing bays. As for why it burns in space here are a couple of possible explanations:

A) The type of fule they have has its own oxidizer in it (presuming that the engiens were cumbustion based, it was never specified in the original series).

B) In the original the bays aperantly had some sort of atmopheric force field around the, because paople were walking around unprotected all the time while ships were flying in and out and they had no doors.

I liked the first part except for the obvious SG glider rip-off the Cylon fighters were. Call me crazy, but I don't find the Cylon girl attractive at all.

I tend to feel that they are a rippoff of the Kilrathi fighter design from the wing commander games. Then again I had the same feeling the first time I saw the centauri fighters, of course after all these years I except them as centauri originals.

And no your not crazy the way they have her made up in the show makes her look like crap. Although she does look a lot better the way she was made up for her maxim shoot that they showed on the making of.

Now dont get me wrong, I have not watched an episode in years. Just felt the bashing was going overboard, I have watched you guys cut enterpise more slack.

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