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G'kar's Family

G\'kar\'s Family

Hey Guys,

It's me again. I asked about Londo's family for my SciFi/Fantasy Prejudice story for English. But what about G'kar's family? I don't think that we ever learn about anyone in his family (In the show or in any of the Books) except his father right? And when we saw him it was when G'kar was dreaming and his father had been hung on a tree right? Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Re: G\'kar\'s Family

We do find out in the Gathering that he has some sort of mate. We never hear of her againg though - AFAIK
Re: G\'kar\'s Family

The wife (or I should say a wife) is mentioned in some of the Dell books. There's one in Blood Oath and another in either Clark's Law or Betrayals... in any case, she didn't have the same name. :D But that's quite non-canon, I think.

There was also a mention of a daughter in one of the short stories, I think? In True Seeker by Fiona Avery? Not sure about the canonicity of that although anything by Fiona Avery should be quite canonical. But there certainly wasn't any mention of any kids in the show itself.
Re: G\'kar\'s Family

And doesn't G'Kar say something about 'pouchlings' in one of the epsiodes? (don't ask me which! :))

I've always assumed that pouchlings were the Narn equivalent of siblings
Re: G\'kar\'s Family

Not sure about the canonicity of that although anything by Fiona Avery should be quite canonical.

That's for sure. :) For those who don't know Fiona was originally hired as a researcher and archivist to keep tabs on people places and things in the B5 universe so that it didn't start contradicting itself. She was in many ways the arbiter of what was and wasn't canon, pending a final judgment from JMS. Her official title was "Reference Editor".

Now, of course, she's gone on to a successful career as a writer for television, magazine and comicbooks, etc. Her first assignments were for Earth: Final Conflicts and she later, of course, contributed scripts to Crusade - two of which ("The Well of Forever", "Patterns of the Soul") actually got made. :)


Re: G\'kar\'s Family

Pouchlings are Narn babies. When they are born they live in the pouches of one of their parents for a while.
Re: G\'kar\'s Family

I've always assumed that pouchlings were the Narn equivalent of siblings

No, a pouchling is an immature Narn, one who isn't old enough to live outside the pouch. (G'Kar refers to some incident that happened when he was "just a pouchling") Despite their reptilian appearance, Narns reproduce like marsupials (kangaroos, wombats, etc.) Their young are born live but "unfinished" and then carried for a period in an external pouch from which they increasingly venture for on their own as they age.

The difference in Narn physiology is that the male, rather than the female, has the pouch and carries the young post-birth.

The term you are probably thinking of is "pouch-brother". This clearly indicates two Narn who were carried in the same pouch, but does not indicated if they were carried at the same time, or if they were the off-spring of the same parents. (Or even if the male in whose pouch they were both carried was the father of either of them. One can envision several variants of child bearing which could result in Narn born of different parent's being carried in the pouch of a Narn who is not the father. We are never told if Narn births tend to be single, multiple or even in litters, nor if more than one child can be carried in a pouch at one time.)

The fact that the term "pouch-brother" is used, rather than simply "brother", would seem to indicate that the relationship is something other than full siblings. Maybe "pouch-brother" is the Narn term for "half-brother" where the shared parent is the father. :)


Re: G\'kar\'s Family

A young member of G'Kar's family turned up in one of the stories in the Babylon 5 Magazine. The story with the telepathic girl.
Re: G\'kar\'s Family

Despite their reptilian appearance, Narns reproduce like marsupials (kangaroos, wombats, etc.)
That's why a few years ago in a B5 CCG game when my best friend was playing the Narn faction I retorted: "Take that, Kangaroo Snake!" The laughter was only surpassed by his scowl. ;)
Re: G\'kar\'s Family

G'Kar relates the story of his father's death and his own beginnings in the Narn resistance during the interview with Cynthia Torqueman in *And Now For A Word.*

We meet G'Kar's uncle, War Leader G'Sten, in *The Long, Twilight Struggle.*

Both episodes are on the S2 DVDs. On sale now at an e-tailer near you. :)
Re: G\'kar\'s Family

Kribu's right. I have read the Dell books, and I remember G'Kar's wife being in them.
Re: G\'kar\'s Family

The term "pouch brother" WOULD seem to mean something different than just brother, but it could mean a brother you shared a pouch with, rather than one that came before, or after, something like a human twin. Although we can imagine various situations, such as a male dying before his offspring are ready for the pouch, given the temperament of the Narns, it seems most likely to me that male Narns usually only carry their own offspring in their pouches, but I admit that this isn't certain as we are never told.

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