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JMS - Non-update update

Here's the latest (as of Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:26 PM EST)

Y'know, if there's anything more annoying than having to sit on good news, I can't think of what it might be. (Well, okay, being staked to an ant hill at high noon is a pretty obvious one, but you get the idea.)

The only things I can say right now about B5:TMoS is that now that all the correct agreements have been signed, sealed and delivered, the draft has gone in, met with great enthusiasm all around, notes have been received, and the next draft is in process and has to be delievered within two weeks so that certain other steps can be set into motion.

I still can't tell you what it *is* because that has to come from the proper people through the proper channels at the proper time...but I can tell you a few cases of what it *isn't*...it isn't a novel, or a short story, a comic, an animated series, a radio drama or a stage play. Beyond that, deponent sayeth not.

For what that's worth. :)


Here's the latest (as of Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:26 PM EST)

Y'know, if there's anything more annoying than having to sit on good news, I can't think of what it might be. (Well, okay, being staked to an ant hill at high noon is a pretty obvious one, but you get the idea.)

The only things I can say right now about B5:TMoS is that now that all the correct agreements have been signed, sealed and delivered, the draft has gone in, met with great enthusiasm all around, notes have been received, and the next draft is in process and has to be delievered within two weeks so that certain other steps can be set into motion.

I still can't tell you what it *is* because that has to come from the proper people through the proper channels at the proper time...but I can tell you a few cases of what it *isn't*...it isn't a novel, or a short story, a comic, an animated series, a radio drama or a stage play. Beyond that, deponent sayeth not.

For what that's worth. :)



Thanx for posting this here, Joe, 'cause the original post doesn't show up on the ng, yet (at least not here on my computer). :rolleyes:

Hm, at least we know that something's going on...

But one thing is for sure: TMoS (=jms) really enjoys torturing us to the fullest. :mad:

:mad: :mad:
Notice he said "animated series."

It's either a live-action series pilot (note: he uses the singular to describe the script) or a theatrical movie.

Well, now we know that there's movement behind the curtains, but we don't know what kind of movement that is. I count this as a positive thingie.
Situations change with time. Its possible that attitudes towards a full blown series have changed due the impressive sales of the DVD's?

Might just be wishful thinking on my part. A theatrical movie would be great but im trying to maximize my B5 enjoyment. A two hour movie would be short :D Where say a five year series would give me about 73 hours of B5 goodness :LOL:

I can dream.

While I noted he says it has to come from the proper people at the proper time, he took great care in NOT saying when the proper time might be. Damn. We might have to wait another month to hear anything.

As Channe noted, left off the list were three things:

Pilot for a Possible Series
Made-for-TV Movie
Theaterical Movie

Yep, basically we are no better off than we were before. What a non-event post. ;)
This news is a joy to read, even if it does not tell us much more than we already knew.

I can't remember, have we already ruled out the possibility that it's a 2 or 3 or more episode miniseries?
OK - let's do a letter writing campaign or better yet, wrap our cars or maybe bug potential sponsors. Let's get organized - - I'll get the chips and dip - you get the beer.
Situations change with time. Its possible that attitudes towards a full blown series have changed due the impressive sales of the DVD's?

I don't believe it is possible that attitudes changed between September 2003 and January 2004 based on DVD sales that started in December 2002. Not unless Warner Bros. has access to the rift in Sector 14 and the Great Machine. :) I think the fact that somebody was interested in a new B5 project in the first place is due to the strong DVD sales. But in the four years since the studios started releasing full-season sets they have learned that each season of a given series will sell just about the same number of copies as every other seasons. The numbers don't vary a lot. So if the success of the series on DVD was enough to make somebody interested in doing a new series they would have been interested after 1 or 2 seasons had been released, certainly by the time they first approached JMS. If it wasn't a series in September, when JMS said that it wasn't, I don't think there is any reason to believe that it became one in the interim. Nor do I think that he would simply have said that one of the two possible projects that he announced was not a series was moving forward if there was now a possibility that it would be a series.

I also don't think that he's splitting hairs to the point where he would distinguish between "a series" and "a pilot for a series", since the obvious point and intent of a pilot is to produce a series. It is merely a preliminary step on the road to a series and really has no other reason for being. (Even if it comes packaged as a TV movie, in the eyes of the creators, it's a pilot. :))


There is one little element Joe left off from JMS:

I still can't tell you what it *is* because that has to come from the proper
people through the proper channels at the proper time...but I can tell you a
few cases of what it *isn't*...it isn't a novel, or a short story, a comic, an
animated series, a radio drama or a stage play. Beyond that, deponent sayeth

Except to say that it's pretty cool.

That last little line of JMS's gives me pause and sets my mind to reeling. Even JMS is saying this is freaking cool, guys! He seems happy to be back in B5 and I'm happy for him to be! It will be interesting to find out if my inside source was right. Judging from JMS, he/she could be, if you're going on enthusiasm :D

I don't think it's a new series, although I don't exclude that down the road if this and future B5 projects do well.

I'm still leaning toward a theatrical film (or more) :p

We'll see. He does say that it's been met with great enthusiasm by the "powers that be." That's a great sign, not to mention that all the correct agreements have been signed, sealed, and delivered...which is always a damn sight better than going through all the trouble of signing, sealing and delivering the wrong agreements, then realizing you did the wrong ones and having to start the whole damn thing over again! You know how paperwork can be...sheesh! What a biotch!:LOL:

Look at it this way, he might not have said anything really, but...at least we know he's thinking about us. :LOL:

Yeah, right...he just wanted to stir the pot again...the meanass :devil:

Situations change with time. Its possible that attitudes towards a full blown series have changed due the impressive sales of the DVD's?

Might just be wishful thinking on my part. A theatrical movie would be great but im trying to maximize my B5 enjoyment. A two hour movie would be short :D Where say a five year series would give me about 73 hours of B5 goodness :LOL:

I can dream.

More to the point for me, a theatrical movie is years in completion! :(

I want my new B5 and I want it NOW! :LOL:
Or a direct-to-DVD video release rather than a theatrical movie or telemovie/miniseries. Given the success of the DVDs that's a possibility.


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