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FarScape: What if they did this differently?


New member
First off, let me just say that this thread isn't about the insanely unfair and ruthlessly stupid idea of cancelling the best frelling TV show since B5 itself. I could go on for days about that, and it'd only end with me punching out my monitor anyway.

Instead, I thought I'd post an idea I always had in the back of my head ever since the end of Season 3. Instead of having Crais and Talyn dying to take out the Command Carrier that's been dogging them all for so long, what if Moya did it instead to save her son?

Now, before everyone picks up the chainsaws, let me explain. As we all saw in the final ep, it is possible to remove Pilot from Moya without instantly killing him, just so long as he gets connected to another Leviathan within an arn. So, what if they concocted some story about having to transfer Pilot over to Talyn, then Moya takes out the Carrier?

Think about it. Now, you'd have everyone literally uprooted into a not-completely stable hybrid gunship. They would've all lost what was their home for the last three years. I think it would've added an even bigger punch to the season finale, and would've made the fourth season even more tense for them, because it would've reminded them all of what they'd lost.
Half the fun of Farscape, for me, was Moya. I mean, she couldn't defend herself all too well, so the crew was constantly having to come up with new ideas as to how to get out of crazy situations. Having guns would have made it easier. No, I'd rather Talyn than Moya.
Okay, granted. The fact that Moya's completely unarmed was always a big dramatic boost, always made the crew have to work even harder to find a solution. It definitely stood out from the pathetic Star Trek pseudo-problems of the week and the lame "battle" scenes.

But what I'm saying here is, Talyn could be just as dramatic, but in a different way. After all, Crais and Aeryn were talking about having Talyn disarmed to prevent any more tragedies like that hospital ship. Add to that these facts: Talyn isn't completely stable, he'd be grieving over the loss of his mother, trying to adjust to the presence of Moya's Pilot, having all these people (John, Aeryn, D'Argo, Chiana, Jool, Rygel, etc.) aboard with all their problems, and instinctively wanting to stay and fight out a problem instead of letting the crew take the lead, and you're talking white-knuckle tension.

Given the choice, I'd go with the way it went. Moya is friendly, we know that. Talyn was troubled, dangerous... his sacrifice made it all the more noble. And it's exactly the same for Crais. No one could trust him. Yet in the end he gave his life. I think think the ending was basically sacrifice from the two 'people' that you'd have expected it from least.

Even though Talyn is a ship, a prop... I was so upset when he died. I think that's a testamant to how great Farscape is.

Given the choice, I'd go with the way it went. Moya is friendly, we know that. Talyn was troubled, dangerous... his sacrifice made it all the more noble. And it's exactly the same for Crais. No one could trust him. Yet in the end he gave his life. I think think the ending was basically sacrifice from the two 'people' that you'd have expected it from least.

Even though Talyn is a ship, a prop... I was so upset when he died. I think that's a testamant to how great Farscape is.

In which episode did Talyn (the ship) die?
Late Season 3


In which episode did Talyn (the ship) die?

Into the Lions Den: Part 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The next to last episode of S3. Talyn starbursts within the confined space of the command carrier's docking bay, taking out the carrier (although that is a bit of a slow motion implosion) thereby destroying all of Scorpius' wormhole research results and data, and killing Talyn and Crais (who was on board, and whose idea it was).