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Sci-Fi Channel continues to hit new lows...


Just when you thought it wasn't possible to fall any lower... with the likes of Knight Rider... the Sci-Fi Channel is currently airing "The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas". Could someone PLEASE explain to me how this is science fiction? Following this fine film... "Casper." While that *might* barely qualify as sci-fi, I find it depressing and pathetic!

I guess they are trying to attract a new audience other than hardcore SF fans .As for the Flinstones I am enjoying I actually the two movies .
Of course they're trying to diversify. The hard-core sci-fi fan market isn't big enough to support them, or so they think.

If they ever actually aired good stuff, that might be very different.
Some people liked their Dune miniseries, some hated it, I know. I thought it was entertaining enough. But I think it was a real block-buster ratings winner for them. And Dune is definitely good science fiction (whether or not you liked the miniseries, most people probably think the source material was good at least).

I don't understand why they believe in sci-fi for that miniseries, but not for their regular series. It really must come down to production costs.

But if that were true, wouldn't they be begging JMS to do something for them? I thought he was well known for keeping his budgets down.
Well, there's apparently been a change in policy at sci-fi in that they're moving away from space based shows (one of the reasons 'Rangers' didn't make it). I heard that the jms project Polaris was decided against as Sci-fi decided to take on more mainstream stuff.

Such as...erm..Flinstones?

let me see if i got this straight... someone still checks out what those morons are doing?
the hell with them.

Antony: Turn off, go elsewhere, buy DVDs, whatever takes your fancy.
let me see if i got this straight... someone still checks out what those morons are doing? the hell with them.

I noticed while flipping through the TiVo guide... I wasn't actually *watching* the channel.

At least Lexx is back on, albeit at 2am!

<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Fas: </font color>
let me see if i got this straight... someone still checks out what those morons are doing?
the hell with them.

There's a certain morbid facsination to watching a train wreck.
The Sci-Fi Channel is a train wreck in progress.
Morbid fascination is right! Its amazing that a channel that just 2 years ago held the majority (about 8 or 9 hours a week, on average) of my television viewing time will have none as soon as Farscape wraps up.

Its a good thing 24 and Alias are still going to be around, or I'd get a life or something when Buffy wraps up as well!

There's a certain morbid facsination to watching a train wreck.
The Sci-Fi Channel is a train wreck in progress.

Okay... just promise me you won´t help them when it finally crashes

hehe that would be great... sending them hundreds of letters saying "Told you so!".
Didn't I see Bride of Chucky on that channel once?.... Well, I didn't really "see" it, I was just passing through.... Well, I was flipping by pretty fast, so I don't know if I saw it or not.... Well, I've never seen Bride of Chucky, so I wouldn't know if that was the right movie or not.... It could have been Chucky I or Chucky II.... I guess it could have been "Leprachan in the Hood," because I thought I saw some green stuff when I was flipping by and small black dude, but that could have been that guy from Different Strokes.... Man that's really sad how those Different Strokes kids turned out, huh?... But Dana Plato was pretty hot before she croaked.... But even Dana Plato didn't do a crappy enough movie for it to be shown on this channel.... the exec's looked at the body of all of Dana Plato's works and said, "nope, too much quality here."...... Speaking of quality, do they really think that anyone in their right mind is gonna watch Tremors?... I mean I wouldn't even watch the movies, so why would I watch the show?.... I mean do these people seriously believe that there's a tremendous Tremors following out there?.... Do they think there's Tremors conventions going on in hotel rooms across the country?..... Like people are showing up to these conferences wearing worm constumes and red wigs a'la Reba McIntire?...... I mean it really doesn't get any worse than that does it?....

-Stream of Consciousness Rant Over.
Tremors probably DOES have a cult following. It happens with those kinds of movies that ARE B or border on being B. Me, I like Tremors. I even liked the 3rd one, despite no Fred Ward. However, I don't really care about a series. Then again, if I watch it, and knowing me I'll at least try to catch it, I'll make my assessment then.

And yes, they've aired Bride of Chucky. About 3-4 times now, I think.

And as far as I know, there's been no airing of Leprechaun in the Hood (wasn't that the 3rd one in the series?). They DID air the first one a weekend or two ago. And might I add, Leprechaun in the Hood was horrible, from the little I saw. But the ending was priceless, in that "train wreck" kind of mentality.
Yes, we all want to see a small Irish guy dressed like an evil leprechaun rapping.

However, they're making up for airing the two Flintstones movies last weekend by airing Mosquito this Saturday. That movie's awesome..... in some way or another.


Remember people, I liked Pythons 2. I like a lot of crappy movies, just because they were crappy in a somewhat good way.
Me, I like Tremors. I even liked the 3rd one, despite no Fred Ward. However, I don't really care about a series.

I loved the first Tremors. I think I've seen it more times that I'll admit to anyone. Most of the guys I know liked that movie but the series? I don't think so. There's only so much graboid-killing that can happen.

And some of my favorite movies are lesser know, B movies. I have a wide array of tastes.
Sorry, but I am just not interested in a Tremors series. There has just *got* to be a way to get Sci-Fi to move away from the mindless direction they are moving in. I'm surprised that SF-fans haven't launched a campaign to try & do just that. I'd join up--it's better than just watching SFC continue to decline.

So, where *is* this campaign?

Didn't I see Bride of Chucky on that channel once?

Bride of Chucky has been on The "Sci-Fi" Channel probably just under 10 times.

Do they think there's Tremors conventions going on in hotel rooms across the country?..... Like people are showing up to these conferences wearing worm constumes and red wigs a'la Reba McIntire?...... I mean it really doesn't get any worse than that does it?....

<font color="orange"> I mean it really doesn't get any worse than that does it?</font color> ?????????

[Kosh] Never ask that question. [/Kosh]

It's like an invitation to the Fates to serve up something worse.


Regarding this thread's title, I just posted the following on The Sci-Fi Channel's Babylon 5 Bboard:

<font color="orange">
OT: Scare Tactics »
My Reaction To The Feb.10...

Date: 02/12/2003
From: KoshN

... "Scare Tactics" commercial (dictated to a personal digital recorder, immediately after viewing the commercial):

To: The Sci-Fi Channel

You know, just when I think you guys couldn't make things any worse, couldn't make things any cheaper, couldn't go any lower (as in lower taste), you one up yourself. I just saw the "Scare Tactics" promo tonight (Feb. 10), and you people SUCK. I cannot believe that anybody would put that BS on the air.

As soon as the last new Farscape episode has aired, I'm dropping you, and I am NEVER, EVER going to watch your damn channel again. You can go to Hell.

I am not going to stay with the channel to see the remaining new SG-1 eps. I'll get my SG-1 on the local UPN affiliate, and when they come out on DVD.

</font color>
A bit brutal, but I like your resolve. Me? I'm too weak-willed to not watch. I'd rather watch the new eps of SG-1 sooner rather than later.

And yes, Scare Tactics looks.... stupid. Perhaps that's putting it too lightly (it is!). It reminds me of that show Fear that used to air on MTV... sort of. I hated that as well, yet watched just to mock the people as they jumped at every little damn task like their lives were constantly in danger. If only I had been a contestant.... I would've been laughing like crazy half the time.
*cue La Passione Commuove La Storia*

I'd say I was, but I'm a bit too mellow for my own good. Which is odd, since I'm not really all that mellow. I mean, I'm angry at Sci-Fi for.... well, for plenty of things, like the way they just tossed B5 off of their weekly schedule with no thought at all about wrapping the current run up, the way they just went and canned Farscape, the way they screwed Rangers over, the way they keep giving us crappy movies, and let us not forget the constant influx of really lame series. I'd suggest that we DO in fact forget these easily forgettable shows, but you know that whole "learn from the past so we don't do it again in the future" thing.... However, we all know this will happen again and again. Alas, I just don't seem to care enough to stop watching. Then again, the most I watch is The X-Files reruns, and my weekly dose of Farscape and SG-1.

And on an unrelated note, I'd really like to maim the people that came up with that American Idol ripoff about finding the next big country singer. Idol was/is/always will be bad enough. We don't need a crappy genre of TV focusing on a crappy genre of music.

Man... I love it when I actually say something that makes sense. I get all... tingly... inside.

Addendum: When I said that "we don't need a crappy genre of TV focusing on a crappy genre of music", I forgot that that goes with American Idol as well. Forgive me!

*end La Passione Commuove La Storia*
I don't even watch Farscape anymore. I caught the first couple to resolve the last cliffhanger and then stopped so as to not leave myself another. I now go out on fridays with nary a thought for my vcr.

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