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JMS' on Patreon


JMS announced today that he's got a Patreon account. For those unfamiliar, Patreon is a platform where fans of an artist (of any sort) can pledge an amount per month and get certain exclusive content. JMS' starts at $2/month. So far he's already given everybody access to one of his audio drama scripts from the City Of Dreams.

Check it out at https://www.patreon.com/m/4412429/posts
WOW!!!!! Is this the wave of the future? It is like a Fan Club run by the creator. You know I hope he is able to tie this to The Joe Store. I've purchased items through there and I would love it if more stuff became available.
WOW!!!!! Is this the wave of the future? It is like a Fan Club run by the creator. You know I hope he is able to tie this to The Joe Store. I've purchased items through there and I would love it if more stuff became available.

That's really kind of a good description. And of course, it's early days but it appears that JMS is being quite responsive to questions and comments.
Just had to come tell everyone. JMS posted a PARLIAMENT OF DREAMS 1.5 Reaction / Commentary on Patreon last night. It was fantastic. I got to listen to him discuss the episode from his couch as he watched it. He couldn't show the episode, but just listening to his stream of consciousness as he sat through it was great. This is the first of hopefully many to come. I believe he will eventually release it to the public on YouTube, but don't hold me to that.
I believe he will eventually release it to the public on YouTube, but don't hold me to that.

I asked him on Twitter and he wrote;

JMS said:
For now at least, the full-length on-camera Babylon 5 reaction/commentaries I'm doing for the Patreon page will only be available there (Starfury level and up). At some point I may branch into commentaries for Sense8 or a couple of movies I've done. http://patreon.com/syntheticworlds

I'd *love* to see him do some for Sense8!!
I believe he will eventually release it to the public on YouTube, but don't hold me to that.

I asked him on Twitter and he wrote;

JMS said:
For now at least, the full-length on-camera Babylon 5 reaction/commentaries I'm doing for the Patreon page will only be available there (Starfury level and up). At some point I may branch into commentaries for Sense8 or a couple of movies I've done. http://patreon.com/syntheticworlds

I'd *love* to see him do some for Sense8!!

I thought most material released for Patreon supporters tended to stay available for Patreon supporters only.
I believe it is just going to depend on the tier of the release. If it is something he releases for all tiers of supporters then you might see it released to the public. Of course it is all going to be based on his feelings of whether or not everyone should get to see whatever it is. And I am assuming he might release stuff that he hopes will entice people to subscribe to see more.
Jan, do you know if JMS is aware of the re-mastering issues?

Maybe? I know that the remastering has been a pretty major topic but unless he chooses to answer a comment or question, I don't know for sure. He doesn't seem to know who's done them so we can't assume he'll be able to inform anybody, I'm afraid.

Hypatia, it all depends on the Pateron account. There are a number of accounts where items are released to the public after a ceratin amount of time and others that always stay behind the wall. As Looney said, this may be a major incentive for people to become Patrons so it may be that he'll keep it for Patrons only. It's pretty cool that he's been able to tie it in with folks helping bring Last Dangerous Visions to life, too.
It's pretty cool that he's been able to tie it in with folks helping bring Last Dangerous Visions to life, too.

I think news of the quality of his content is spreading. I noticed his numbers significantly jumped up recently, so people are getting the message that he has been putting some good stuff out there. I mean that is my opinion, but I went for the Grey Council level. I don't really know what quality content people are seeing below that tier. What I have seen has only been getting better and better. That video in particular was a SUPER MEGA SUPREME HOME RUN TOUCHDOWN GOAL idea on his part. :guffaw: :LOL: :guffaw: :LOL: :guffaw:
It has been interesting to see really major artists joining Patreon. I have used it for years to support podcasters, but more big names like JMS seem to be using it these days. Thanks a lot for the information.
Yeah I think that is his plan. Occasionally throw something out there for anyone to read. I have no problem with that, as long as he doesn't do that with everything. :LOL:

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