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Read Between The Episodes

:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:

How about "H.M.S.H.E.J.O.T.B.E.G.O.E.H.D.O.R.A.S.T.B.5.M.T.F.T.G.M.E.O.T.I.O.T.F.A.T.G.M.A.O.T.S.S.O.T.B.5.U." for short Your Worship?! :LOL: ;)

NEVER! I refuse to have my illustrious self reduced to a nickname! You can just copy/paste like everybody else! :p

The *nerve* of some people...

:guffaw: Yes I do have some "*nerve*" Your Worship. I will try to keep that in check lest I be punished. :LOL: ;)

She was probably reassigned to San Diego.

I have become so intrigued by this plot turn. I really wish it had been mentioned in later seasons. Even with where the story went with Talia there could have been some line of dialogue that revealed Takashima was also a sleeper agent. :( I guess I just wish it had happened because it is a loose end and I hate loose ends. :rolleyes:
So I started The Gathering Original Edit again last night. I didn't make it very far because it was late and it had been a long day. It is a strange experience to watch it again knowing what I now know about Takashima. I am only ten or fifteen minutes in, but I am taking notes.

First point I will bring up: Londo Narration.

Doesn't this make it seem like Londo is the focal character? And isn't it interesting that he also narrates In The Beginning. This isn't really a new thought on my part and we know other characters do narration. It's just interesting that in the original the first thing we get is Londo's voice. It makes me wonder why JMS decided to start with him?

BTW, re-watched Problem Child (1990) this weekend. Juarsik is so excellent as the jerk dad. And I wonder what the deal is that he gets a featuring credit during the end credits before the actor's credits scroll?
And I wonder what the deal is that he gets a featuring credit during the end credits before the actor's credits scroll?

In "Problem Child" or in B5? Though it may not matter; credit sequence is almost invariably the result of contracts. While the leading actors get their names first, the most important supporting actors get their names last. I guess the theory is that the audience may tune out for the middle, so stick the lesser-paid actors there?
Problem Child. I assume it was contractual, but it is still odd. The first thing the end credit scroll says is

Peter Jurasik.​

Then the normal credit scroll starts and he is listed 7th. It seems awkward that he would somehow have gotten that agreed to in his contract. Anyway, it all amounts to a neat bit of trivia unless someone knows Peter and can ask him? And if so I have a billion other questions, chief among them is whether or not he is interested in becoming friends with a man who is going to ask him a billion questions about his various acting roles - most involving Babylon 5. ;) :guffaw: :LOL: :guffaw:
Quick question hot shots, I have finished both versions of The Gathering. Lots of thoughts and I took a TON of notes this time. So I would like some opinions. Should I start a new thread titled Reading Between The Episodes: The Gathering? Should I just put these thoughts under an existing Gathering Thread? Or should I just put them here? I am leaning toward a totally new thread only because this one got a little more general than I planned and a new thread title might make more people stop to read and comment. I also wouldn't mind the other two options, but for the above fact I just mentioned. So please take the time to let your opinions be heard on this subject. I think this is especially important for The Gathering because some of the choices made for the Special Edition are so strange to me. I mean what a wonderful opportunity to get a chance to redo a pilot episode and I still feel the original pulls off some scenes better than the remake. Of course that opinion goes the other way too. I may need to gather all the existing footage from WB and make my own version. :LOL: Anywhooooo hope to hear from you soon! ;)
Yes, new thread. I've been thinking lately about The Gathering, too.

Raw Shark

"The facts have been altered!"
Jim Garrison
WOW! I tried to let this sit to get some responses and I appreciate the two of you who responded, but where is everyone else?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :mad:

Anyway, new thread wins. I will be honest I am having a difficult time with what I want to say. I have watched both versions of The Gathering and taken A LOT of notes. I am over thinking it now and trying to come up with something interesting to say. :guffaw::LOL::guffaw: Hopefully I will have it edited down soon. :guffaw: :rolleyes:
WOW! I tried to let this sit to get some responses and I appreciate the two of you who responded, but where is everyone else?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :mad:

Anyway, new thread wins. I will be honest I am having a difficult time with what I want to say. I have watched both versions of The Gathering and taken A LOT of notes. I am over thinking it now and trying to come up with something interesting to say. :guffaw::LOL::guffaw: Hopefully I will have it edited down soon. :guffaw: :rolleyes:

We're waiting for the new thread.:drool:
this might just be me but after re-watching "Divided Loyalties" they way they filmed it is seemed the hinted at a "one off between" Talia Winters and Claudia Christian--again might just be me--
this might just be me but after re-watching "Divided Loyalties" they way they filmed it is seemed the hinted at a "one off between" Talia Winters and Claudia Christian--again might just be me--

Not just hinted. Talia was reaching for Ivanova in Ivanova's bed when she woke up alone. That's about as blatant as it could get back then!
Not just hinted. Talia was reaching for Ivanova in Ivanova's bed when she woke up alone. That's about as blatant as it could get back then!

Think of what it would be today. . . . .They would just be a couple.

I think one of the most brilliant things about it is how subdued it was. At the time it made you question whether it was real or if you were imagining it. I think the only issue with Talia/Susan is that we didn't get just a little bit more of it. Part of what makes it great is that it was just touched on and then it was gone. If there had been just a little more and then it was over I think it would be perfect.

Of course I don't think there is anything JMS could have done because circumstance changed that situation. It is an interesting line of thought to try to imagine where they would have gone had Thompson remained. I mean there was a LOT of story left to tell so it would have been more of a slow burn. I obviously JMS sped things up for those two because he wanted to get it in before Thompson was gone. Had she remained they might not have been a couple until the end of the series. :LOL: As it happened I think it worked out great. I would only want to add to how it actually happened with a little more social interaction in earlier episodes, so maybe viewers suspect a bit more before that bed scene. I don't mean them walking around holding hands or anything, just a bit more of them being friendly with each other to build up suspicion and suspense.

And that is another way Looney would make Babylon 5 even better. ;)
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