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Babylon 5 Board Games

Hello, fellow overly-devoted-what-the-hell-are-we-all-still-doing-here-it's-been-20-years-we-should-really-get-over-it B5 fans! So I've recently started rewatching the show with my girlfriend (first time for her, we're just finishing season 3 and she loves it), and that just completely reignited my love for the show. I mean, it really does look old, sometimes ridiculous and even laughter-provoking - well hell, it's been 20 years, obviously some things went out of style (especially all the blue screen scenes - GOD that can get hard to watch), but the story is still great and the dialogues are amazing and its heart remains intact.

SO, being that I've recently started playing board games (in another dire attempt to reunite myself with the nerd that I was back in the 90s), I was wondering if I can get a recommendation on a good B5 card/board game. I don't want any of those "card collecting" games, just something that would be fun to play with friends who don't know the show, and is still available to purchase.

So - any recommendations?
I had no idea that existed.

Infested Londo: funny you should say that. I'm in the middle of a re-watch, showing B5 to my daughter for the first time. It's re-ignited my passion for the show as well (which is why I'm here). Cool to see others going through the same.
It funny, every time I enter this forum (once in every 2 or 3 years), someone writes that he just started watching the series again with his whatever. I hope that by the time I have children (I'm 30), the show won't get unwatchable. It will happen one day, you know. That's why we need a reboot.

Anyway that was offtopic. Jan - thank you! Do you have any idea if it's any good?
I'm afraid I don't Infested Londo. I owned one once but raffled it off when I was fundraising for Richard Biggs' little boys after his passing.

It funny, every time I enter this forum (once in every 2 or 3 years), someone writes that he just started watching the series again with his whatever. I hope that by the time I have children (I'm 30), the show won't get unwatchable. It will happen one day, you know. That's why we need a reboot.

Not to drag this further off-topic...but I think it depends. Honestly, I still watch 50-year-old Doctor Who, and still enjoy it, even though I know what it looks like.

When my daughter started watching B5 with me, sure, we chuckled in a few places and made some oooh-lookit-the-PS1-graphics jokes, but that ended fairly quickly once the story line gripped her.
I can't wait to show B5 to my kids. Don't forget it's only been 20 years. think that once technology gets further ahead and shows start to turn into a three dimensional, almost dreamlike and somewhat interactive experience - making my kids watch an old talkie's gonna be a hell of a lot harder :)
The world's gonna be REALLY different in a matter of a decade or so, and eventually B5 will look like an old Chaplin movie. We NEED a 3D dreamlike interactive experience B5 version and we need it now!
I've seen the board game on eBay a couple of times, I'd be interested to know if it is any good. Does it include figurines or ship models?
I'm afraid I don't Infested Londo. I owned one once but raffled it off when I was fundraising for Richard Biggs' little boys after his passing.


I was the won who won it. Have to be honest and say I've not played it (mainly as I couldn't find anyone who wanted to play it), but it looks very similar to Star Fleet Battles which I had played some years earlier. Its more of a wargame than a board game TBH, and the rule book is BIG - not really a typical family board game if that's what you are after.
I'm afraid I don't Infested Londo. I owned one once but raffled it off when I was fundraising for Richard Biggs' little boys after his passing.


I was the won who won it. Have to be honest and say I've not played it (mainly as I couldn't find anyone who wanted to play it), but it looks very similar to Star Fleet Battles which I had played some years earlier. Its more of a wargame than a board game TBH, and the rule book is BIG - not really a typical family board game if that's what you are after.

That has me intrigued; I loved playing SFB back in the day.

I just might have to pick this up.

Babylon 5 is *EXACTLY* the kind of material that would make for a crackerjack "Eurogame" (you know, one of those fancy board games that are all about resources and whatnot, like Settlers of Catan, Notre Dame, etc.) Anyone familiar with the BSG reboot game? They have a cool game mechanic where some players are Cylons, working against the heroes. A B5 board game could borrow that for the Shadows. Somebody get on this!

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