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Babylon 5 Prop Sign


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I brought a prop sign from B5 a few years ago but I'm having trouble identifying it. Does anyone recall seeing this in the background or have any idea of what set it may have been used on? Or does anyone have a screencap of it?





The back of the sign says 'Officer's Club', so I'm guessing it was possibly part of the Earhart's set.

Edit: Out of interest how do you come to purchase an item like this? I'd love something like this sign.
If it was anywhere, I'd say it almost had to have been in Earhart's, the officer's club. I think there's a line of plaques of all of the squadrons but I'm not sure of any specific episode that might show it. At a guess, I'd try 'A Race through Dark Places', 'Acts of Sacrifice', 'A Day in the Strife' or 'Exogenesis' as I think they all had scenes in Earhart's.

Let us know what you find. It's a nice piece!

ETA: For those interested in props from B5 or other shows, this place is expensive but does sometimes have really cool stuff. http://www.propstore.com/movie/babylon-5/ Other times they want to sell something really dumb (see Zocolo Floor Arch) for way too much. I bought my 'Keeper' and a Minbari 'bone' from them and they take good care in packing.

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The back of the sign says 'Officer's Club', so I'm guessing it was possibly part of the Earhart's set.

Edit: Out of interest how do you come to purchase an item like this? I'd love something like this sign.

I brought it off eBay a number of years ago.

I brought a prop sign from B5 a few years ago but I'm having trouble identifying it. Does anyone recall seeing this in the background or have any idea of what set it may have been used on? Or does anyone have a screencap of it?

It's the squadron patch or logo for one of B5's fighter squadrons. You go in the officer's club of an USAF base, or NAS, or officer's mess on an aircraft carrier, and you'll see these kinds of things hanging on the walls. It's a way for squadrons to show their esprit de corps.

It matches the squadron patches shown on some of the pilot uniforms http://www.ebay.com/itm/Babylon-5-Flying-Nightmares-Squadron-Patch-/360578661619 mostly we saw Zeta Squadron, but ocasionally we saw others wandering around. There were four total.

OK, so that's WHAT it is. Where it was is something different. I actually don't think it was in Earharts because I dont' remember there being any wall hangings in that set at all. So either there was some minor scene in one ep that I've forgotten about (Like a redress of the cafeteria set) or perhaps it's an unused prop that never showed up on air. That happens sometimes.

I've been thinking of doing another re-watch, so I'll keep an eye open for it. I'm thinking if it shows up at all, it's a season 2 thing. Anyone else got any opinions?
I think I've found it.

There are wall hangings in Earhart's - you can see them clearly behind Kat at the bar in both A Race Through Dark Places and Exogenesis. But none of them are tronprogram's sign. However, in A Day in the Strife, around the 8:33 minute mark when Garibaldi is telling Ivanova he looked at Sheridan's personnel file, there is a sign in the background over Garibaldi's left shoulder that looks a lot like the Flying Nightmares insignia. It is out of focus, but the colour and shape are right, the black off-centre line is visible and also the black 'B' around the 5. I think that is it.

Boy I need to get a life.

Now, on the sign I guess 2256 refers to the year the squadron formed. But what is the FA-1013 at the bottom?
Boy I need to get a life.

I resemble that remark! ;) I've got some glassware from the show (two tall shot glasses, a green coffee mug and a small coffee cup) and the last time I watched the show I was looking for them. I haven't found the tall shot glasses yet but the small coffee cup was seen in 'Severed Dreams' and the green one was in Earhart's in the episode where Franklin is exhausted but then uses stims and comes out to dance with a lady (can't remember the episode title offhand). It's fun!

the green one was in Earhart's in the episode where Franklin is exhausted but then uses stims and comes out to dance with a lady (can't remember the episode title offhand). It's fun!


That was also A Day in the Strife – in fact by strange coincidence the exact same scene as the one that the original poster's Starfury squadron sign appeared in!

Some of those props at the propstore website look pricey but interesting, especially the Narn mask, although I'm not sure what I would do with it if I bought it!
Some of those props at the propstore website look pricey but interesting, especially the Narn mask, although I'm not sure what I would do with it if I bought it!

Thanks for the info on the episode.

Keep an eye on Ebay and some amazing stuff can show up. That's where I got most of my collection. I got a Narn mask similar to that one for about $75 as I recall. I did a display of some of my collection at Phoenix Comic-Con last May and fans seemed to enjoy it. I think the most I've ever spent was $400 and that was for a Grey Council robe used in 'In the Beginning'.

I don't think any of the stuff is going to appreciate in value or anything, I just think B5 is important enough that anything the can be preserved should be. For anybody interested, you can see my collection here: http://photos.b5archivist.com/GalleryThumbnails.aspx?gallery=212359

That's a hugely impressive collection Jan! Things like the mugs and shot glasses look really nice with the B5 logo. Getting hold of concept art, like the Tim Earls piece you have there, would be my kind of thing too. The more I look at things like this the more tempted I am, I just seem to have too many hobbies and collections that demand my time and money at the moment! The prices do seem fairly reasonable though. I wonder how much a PPG goes for?
The prices do seem fairly reasonable though. I wonder how much a PPG goes for?

Thanks. I've picked up as much as I can afford as I've found it. Much of what's out there is way overpriced but I'll admit that if I could, I'd buy that Vorlon head from the Prop Store.

The one time I know of when there was a genuine set-used PPG sold was when JMS held his 'garage sale' several years ago. That one went for well over $10k. But then it was something that had belonged to JMS so I'm sure that was part of it.

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