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Star Wars: Episodes VII-IX

I was completely shocked to hear this but am pretty stoked about them, even though Lucas' involvement won't be nearly as big as his previous ones.

I'm excited because of the lack of his involvement! With him at the helm we would get another sub-par trilogy just like the prequels. With someone else in control we might get something special.
I was completely shocked to hear this but am pretty stoked about them, even though Lucas' involvement won't be nearly as big as his previous ones.

I'm excited because of the lack of his involvement! With him at the helm we would get another sub-par trilogy just like the prequels. With someone else in control we might get something special.

George Lucas is a fantastic Story Idea guy, but, take the note pad away from him before he gets more then 10 pages written out, and have someone else write the actual script and do the actual directing.

I'm so shocked by so many people wigging out about this, and they're the same people that have been trashing Lucas for years.

Disney has been nothing but good for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with George Lucas feeding them the story ideas and someone else being allowed to write the scripts and bring them to the screen, it should be a win/win situation.
Good... they should keep making Star Wars movies till the end of time. If they go wonky, I'll just stop whatchin' 'em.

Only time will tell how good they'll be. I'm curious as to if they'll try to get some of the old cast back or just go anew.

Probably go all new since everybody is how old now. Maybe they can have 'em play other characters or do a voice over on a digital character or something.
Good... they should keep making Star Wars movies till the end of time. If they go wonky, I'll just stop whatchin' 'em.

Only time will tell how good they'll be. I'm curious as to if they'll try to get some of the old cast back or just go anew.

Probably go all new since everybody is how old now. Maybe they can have 'em play other characters or do a voice over on a digital character or something.

Popular belief/theory seems to be that, like the EU (Which I have no personal exerience with), Luke will be in Ben/Yoda role, and Leia, possibly a Politician. Harrison Ford has often said he has no interest in playing Han again, though maybe now that he's older, he would be more willing to play a character who isn't "The Star"
Popular belief/theory seems to be that, like the EU (Which I have no personal exerience with), Luke will be in Ben/Yoda role, and Leia, possibly a Politician. Harrison Ford has often said he has no interest in playing Han again, though maybe now that he's older, he would be more willing to play a character who isn't "The Star"

Never read any of the books but it really is an Expanded Universe... there's pretty much a story for every character that was ever in any of the movies.

You got the Movies...
Video Games
I don't know how many books.

Cartoons out the butt now...

Han & Leia got married & had kids... Leia becomes a Senator or maybe higher for the new alliance.

Luke re-establishes the Jedi Order. He either does that & then marries a Jedi chick named Mara Jade or he meets her while doing that. They have Jedi kids.

Some of Han & Leia's kids become Jedi too I think. Maybe...

Like I said I never read any of the books, but if they do more movies I might get into it.

Bobba Fett didn't die... I know he crawled outa that pit. Bobba Fett was awesome.
So, take some alka-seltzer... :D

I saw on the news that Ford would be willing to play Han again. While I have no great expectations for VII - IX, they could easily be better than I - III.
All the endless digital cartoons are about killing Star Wars for me, and I lost track of all the books a long time ago...

Wouldn't mind seeing new Babylon 5 though....:vorlon:
All the endless digital cartoons are about killing Star Wars for me, and I lost track of all the books a long time ago...

Wouldn't mind seeing new Babylon 5 though....:vorlon:
Hmmm...I have Clone Wars Pilot movie, and S1 -4 recorded onto DVD, and currently recording S5. I plan to watch them all, once S5 is done (I've only seen the original movie and snippets here and there out of context when I recorded episodes to DVD and verified they worked). I'm looking forward to it, most "Fanbois" seem to be of the opinion that Clone Wars is a far better "Prequel Trilogy" than the real Prequel Trilogy (I enjoyed a lot about the prequels, but, I admit there was a lot to raise my eyebrows over).

I've never followed the books, so I'm totally ready to see what Ep 7 - 9 have to offer
I gave up on The Clone Wars when, in season three I think it was, they had several episodes that were chronologically set during different parts of season one but there was no on-screen indication of that; viewers were just left to figure it out on their own. I remember watching one such episode and wondering why they were ignoring events of first episode of season one, and then I read online that the episode takes place before the first episode of season, which is ok I guess but I had no way to know that while watching. And then they did it again later that season, and I just got fed up and said forget it.
I gave up on The Clone Wars when, in season three I think it was, they had several episodes that were chronologically set during different parts of season one but there was no on-screen indication of that; viewers were just left to figure it out on their own. I remember watching one such episode and wondering why they were ignoring events of first episode of season one, and then I read online that the episode takes place before the first episode of season, which is ok I guess but I had no way to know that while watching. And then they did it again later that season, and I just got fed up and said forget it.
Yea, I understand they stopped doing that in S3. I was directed to a timeline that places the episodes chronologically, which is the order I plan to watch them in


Oh, BTW, when's Legend of Korra coming back?
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If I had to guess re: Korra, season two will probably start in the spring much like season one did. They've recently been recording some commentary tracks for the DVDs, so those will come out soon, most likely in advance of season two as a promotional act.
So, JJ Abrams is going to do the new Star Wars movie. Does anyone else feel that his controlling both Star Trek and Star Wars now seems in some way incestuous? Like seriously, is there no one else out there that could do a new Star Wars? I'm just so freaking tired of him.
So, JJ Abrams is going to do the new Star Wars movie. Does anyone else feel that his controlling both Star Trek and Star Wars now seems in some way incestuous? Like seriously, is there no one else out there that could do a new Star Wars? I'm just so freaking tired of him.

My first thought re. the news of JJ Abrams directing Star Wars VII: "There goes another franchise down the tubes." Doesn't matter though, to me, because I'm done with both Star Trek and Star Wars.
I still refuse to excuse Abrams for the Star Trek film's plot involving a supernova that "threatened to destroy the galaxy". It's one thing for science fiction to invent science, but it's another to contradict what we actually already know. It should be less of a problem for Abrams with Star Wars given SW being more fantastical than Trek, but I wouldn't put it past him to include something assininically stupid just because that seems to be what he does.
So, JJ Abrams is going to do the new Star Wars movie. Does anyone else feel that his controlling both Star Trek and Star Wars now seems in some way incestuous? Like seriously, is there no one else out there that could do a new Star Wars? I'm just so freaking tired of him.

Incest? I'd call it bestiality... :rolleyes:

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