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G.I. Joe....The movie?

Stupid article has it all wrong with their headline....its "Yo Joe" not "Go Joe"

Credibility: Lost
It's probably a bullshit story, but how perfect would that be: a movie based on a cartoon based on a toy which trades on militant nationalism to make money. It would be the most awesome cannibalistic cluster-fuck of a self-referential marketing mess.

And what would they use to promote the movie... some toys? What would that be, like 5 levels of self-marketing?

My brain hurts now.
Wasn't the first "Pirates of the Carribean" movie inspired by a ride at some amusement park?

I'd never think I'd like a movie that was inspired by a carnival ride. :)

I don't know if that's true or not, though.
Then I probably wasn't interested in it, and neither was my date.

What I meant was 'I don't know if there is some book or old movie out there that might have inspired the ride and also have inspired the movie'.

If not, then I would say there is some hope for movies built from marketing images. A GI Joe movie certainly fits in with the comic-book adaptation craze we're in right now.

But it does make you wonder when all of the creativity really got sucked out of Hollywood. :rolleyes:
It never did. The grousing about how bad "Hollywood" is crumbles when you actually round up all the movies and compare good ones and bad ones with different times and you'll find the proportion of good to bad is about the same.
Perhaps if you live in an area that has multiple theaters. I'm afraid due to lack of population, we tend to get whatever is mainstream popular right now.

Which often seems to be a variety of carbon copies of the same thing.

I thought I was going to see three movies this summer, maybe four. I ended up able to not see one of them, and am just skipping the other three. They sound like a description I've heard all too often lately: "good popcorn movie, don't think too much and just enjoy that it's fast, busy, and loud".
Perhaps if you live in an area that has multiple theaters. I'm afraid due to lack of population, we tend to get whatever is mainstream popular right now.

Which often seems to be a variety of carbon copies of the same thing.

I thought I was going to see three movies this summer, maybe four. I ended up able to not see one of them, and am just skipping the other three. They sound like a description I've heard all too often lately: "good popcorn movie, don't think too much and just enjoy that it's fast, busy, and loud".

I thought you were a Harry Potter Fan? Surely Potter is mainstream enough, it would be one you had access to? It just came out this week.
Yea, it's out there and I already know enough to not want to spend the two and a half hours watching it on the big screen.

Though the books are quite intircate and involved, the Harry Potter movies really are England's answer to Hollywoodism, it seems. Good scenes left out and stupid, invented scenes put in unnaturally.

Nah, seeing it on video will be enough. I recently reread the book, and that might be contributing a lot to my lack of enthusiasm. It's a very good book. :)
The convenience, low cost and quality of the home video market makes theater availiability less and less important.
Well, I confess, that's part of it, too. I know I'll buy the DVD and loan it around to friends, the only real question is am I willing to wait?

I would hardly know there were great British comedies and dramas out there if it weren't for Netflix. Jesus, even the brand-new rental store that moved into town ONLY carries the newest films. :rolleyes:

So yea, between TCM, HBO and Netflix I seem to find it easy to wait half a year or whenever until I do have access to it.

Maybe it's more that I'm spoiled with my own private theater. :D
I only go to the movies if friends are already going or whatever. Like I saw Die Hard part 8: Die Already in the theater because others invited me and I had nothing else to do. And very rarely there's something I want to see really bad. In the past year the only two I can think of I did that for were Grindhouse and The Black Book. Everything else can wait for Netflix.
Yea. The last time I actually saw a movie, it wasn't one I particularly wanted to see. A friend of mine and I were looking for "something to do". It was "Midnight at the Museum" or whatever. Definitely an "eh" film.

But it killed a couple of hours and it was perfect for what we wanted.

Of course I'd have seen just about anything they had playing at that time.
I've always found the Harry Potter movies to be a bit better than the books, as they trim the slightly indulgent 'fatty' bits and focus on the story telling.
(although I may not get to see 5, which I am actually kind miffed about...)

As for a GI Joe movie, I would prefer Thundercats first... Ho!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reading empire this month, they confirmed both Thundercats and G.I. Joe, the thing that worries me about Joe is that supposedly a lot of the crew from Transformers are going to be working on it, and i was disgusted by Transformers shitness so i'm terrified for the future
Ranger 1, Why no love for TF ? I'm a massive fan and think that the movie looks great. Giant robots fight and stuff blows up, anything else is just a bonus.
Ranger 1, Why no love for TF ? I'm a massive fan and think that the movie looks great. Giant robots fight and stuff blows up, anything else is just a bonus.

there's no love for transformers for the same reason there will probably be no love for Thundercats and G.I. Joe, it inspired me to watch those glorious cartoons that had in depth character development and heart breaking storylines... but the cartoons when seen in retrospect were undeniably shit. it is seriously depressing.