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The Day After Tomorrow


Heya. I just watched this Roland Emmerich's new movie... Well.. as we all know what to expect from it, great visual effects and subnormal plot of father-son relations... All in all, I found this movie quite entertaining. Altough I didn't quite liked the patriotism of this film and a couple of cliche moments... But hey, it's a visual effects movie, and it that category, it performs well. It's entertaining. So I'll guess it does what it is meant to do.

Oh and of course... we B5 fans will see one actress that we all know in this movie. Not a very big part, but, at least she's acting.

Anyone else seen it? Discuss!
I didn't like it. Aside from the astonishing FX scenes there's no way you can't find a worse cliche than "Take a break, Jack, you haven't sleep in the last 24 hours" and Jack put his hands in his forefront looking serious and move some sheets of paper over his desk and say "Ok, I'll try and bla bla bla..." or "Jack, don't keep your hopes too high" and Jack looking to the horizon goes "I made a promisse to my son and not gonna break it"(something like that, is not the exact words). So you get the picture (literally).

Overall, I found it mindless and by no means Emmerich's best work...but I did find it entertaining. I would definately place it above the other big summer flick I've seen so far this year, Van Helsing.

The script, while not a work of genius, was better by far than VH's. The FX were great and I found myself at least momentarilly on the edge of my seat once or twice (which I never was during VH.)

The story dragged and almost fell victim to the old 70's disaster movie formula in some places, but still rose slightly above to reach a level of fun that didnt' leave me feeling like I had just wasted over two hours of my day.

I would give it *** out of *****.

Oh, and Van Helsing? *1/2.

Still have to get to Troy and am looking forward to the new HP film.

I found it mindless and by no means Emmerich's best work...but I did find it entertaining.

Sometimes mindless and entertaining are the perfect reasons to go see a movie. ;)
Overall, I found it mindless and by no means Emmerich's best work...but I did find it entertaining. I would definately place it above the other big summer flick I've seen so far this year, Van Helsing.

Yes definately better then Van Helsing. About on par with Troy.

Basically it's a popcorn movie. Lots of fun special effects, not much substance. The kind of movie you'll have forgotten all about by the time you get to your car (beyond the fact that seeing yet more monuments/famous places get destroyed was fun :) )
Well, it wouldn't be a Roland Emmerich film without that, now would it?



What about Stargate then? It doesn't feature any well-known locations/buldings that blow up. :D :p
Well, it wouldn't be a Roland Emmerich film without that, now would it?


What about Stargate then? It doesn't feature any well-known locations/buldings that blow up. :D :p


Neither does Universal Soldier if you want to get into ancient history...

At least Stargate has a nuclear explosion :)
Well, I can let Stargate pass as an exception since most of the action doesn't take place on this planet ...

As far as Universal Soldier is concerned, I didn't know that was one of his I have to be honest, but given that I run like mad in the opposite direction whenever I see the words Jean, Claude, Van Damme, Dolph or Lundgren in a movie's credits, that isn't too surprising.

Well, I can let Stargate pass as an exception since most of the action doesn't take place on this planet ...

As far as Universal Soldier is concerned, I didn't know that was one of his I have to be honest, but given that I run like mad in the opposite direction whenever I see the words Jean, Claude, Van Damme, Dolph or Lundgren in a movie's credits, that isn't too surprising.


Okay, now this is kinda offtopic BUT. Did you knew that Dolph Lundgren is actually a very well educated man? I was surprised like heck when I read that he was in Swedish university and that kinda stuff. So actually, he is a smart guy. I know.. this might be kinda surprising... bu hey, apperance can deceit you. :p
Well, I can let Stargate pass as an exception since most of the action doesn't take place on this planet ...

As far as Universal Soldier is concerned, I didn't know that was one of his I have to be honest, but given that I run like mad in the opposite direction whenever I see the words Jean, Claude, Van Damme, Dolph or Lundgren in a movie's credits, that isn't too surprising.


Okay, now this is kinda offtopic BUT. Did you knew that Dolph Lundgren is actually a very well educated man? I was surprised like heck when I read that he was in Swedish university and that kinda stuff. So actually, he is a smart guy. I know.. this might be kinda surprising... bu hey, apperance can deceit you. :p

Have some level of intelligence? Maybe...no one said he wasn't smart. But that does not mean the man has any talent as an actor. Which, by the way, I don't think anyone would disagree with me if I said he doesn't.

It was an okay film. The whole Attack of the wolves/boy girl love plot/father son struggles, took away from the great effects. The whole scene of people crossing the Rio Grande into Mexico was quite funny.
When I watched it, over half of the audience was laughing at the scene with the wolves. As soon as they appeared running towards the ship, chuckles arose. Hard to be scared or build tension when everyone is laughing.
When I watched it, over half of the audience was laughing at the scene with the wolves. As soon as they appeared running towards the ship, chuckles arose. Hard to be scared or build tension when everyone is laughing.

Yeah, the wolves did seem out of place. Also, didn't it seem kind of obvious that they were computer graphics? The shape and details were top notch, but as usual with CG animals, it was the movement that gave them away.

Lastly, I know that wolves are wolves and wolves tend to get hungry, but didn't these wolves seem to be more, I don't know, more demon-possessed than just hungry?
I saw the movie and enjoyed it. I'm tired of hearing people whine about the "science" aspects of it. Keep in mind that it was a story inspired by The Coming Global Superstorm, written by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber.

Those of you who listen to AM talk radio, know Art Bell from his Coast to Coast years. The show is now hosted by George Noory (Art guest hosts on week-ends and when Noory is on vacation, I think.) It's a show that talks about anything from government conspiracy theories to alien abduction to (drum roll) earth changes. Art Bell also has a book called The Quickening which also details earth changes.

Whitley Strieber is probably most famous for his "Communion" series of books that detail his personal experiences with alien abduction. Hard core fans (moi) also know him for his fiction novels such as: The Hunger (made into a movie w/Susan Sarandon and David Bowie) and Wolfen. The last time I saw Strieber, he was doing a huge article for Life magazine about the people behind alien abduction when his story was scrapped because some folks from the Bible Belt got wind of it and threatened to drop subsrciptions if Life dared to print any articles about something as ghastly and evil as the UFO phenomenon. Life buckled. End of story (literally.)

These two guys are all over paranormal speculation. Does it suprise anyone here that the movie is going to have some sensational aspects to it? The skeptics always have a field day with stuff like this. It's fun to imagine though, regardless. I enjoyed the movie, though some things were pretty unnecessary (wolf scene.) The tornados were damn cool in L.A..
I saw the movie and enjoyed it. I'm tired of hearing people whine about the "science" aspects of it.

I think people should be criticizing the b.s science of the movie because liberal politcal organizations are trying to use this movie as propoganda for their b.s policies for global warming
Yes, I have heard that. Stupid politcians. :p This is just a movie, and it's not necessarily what WILL happen to the world in X amount of years. They should go and watch it with the mindset that they are there to be entertained. ;)