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  1. babylon1122

    Logical Insanity

    Migraine proportion
  2. babylon1122

    Melissa Gilbert releases her autobiography

    According to an interview she has been sober for 4 years now.
  3. babylon1122

    Secret content on DVDs?

    There were no out takes on S1
  4. babylon1122

    Completed The Series

    Sorry Jan, IMHO I think that Lorien knew exactly what was going to happen. He was the First One after all. Would he not be able to see the future? Joan
  5. babylon1122

    New official Babylon 5 Website...

    I just checked my order and it says delivery date August 16th. I didn't receive a notice about the difference in shipping date. Here I thought I was one of the lucky ones to be receiving it on time. :(
  6. babylon1122

    Babylon 5 Books

    I just love the new Logo.
  7. babylon1122

    EpDis: The Fall Of Centauri Prime

    Couldn't agree more.
  8. babylon1122

    Upgrade complete!

    I like the new look. You did a fantastic job.
  9. babylon1122

    RASTB5M postings?

    I haven't seen any action since the 4th. Am I the only one? :confused:
  10. babylon1122

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: JMS\'s 12/1 post Why not sign up anyway. You don't have to pay to sign up. Then you can get to know when the pictures are available. :D
  11. babylon1122

    B5 - Thirdspace

    I also like Thirdspace as well. Unfortunately I think we are in a very small minority. :( Back to the world of lurkers. :cool:
  12. babylon1122

    Babylon 5 Books

    Welcome, I hope you enjoy yourself here. The other books to read are. To Dream in the City of Sorrows The Passing of the Techno-Mages (These 3 are my favorite) The Shadow Within
  13. babylon1122

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY! No don't smoke. If you do you won't live to see the rest of the amazing story.
  14. babylon1122

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY! Yes Boxie, Jerry does definately for sure has a great tush but so does someone else and we both know who that is. :D :D :D :D
  15. babylon1122

    Still a newbie

    :D Just think Boxie, you have gained another 5 points since you started this thread. you'll get there yet you whippersnapper you. :lol:
  16. babylon1122

    JMS at SDCC - the news

    Re: Latest Update from JMS I am so happy for JMS and agree with JoeDM. I do hope he doesn't take on tooooo much that he makes himself sick. He sure does deserve the opportunites that are being presented to him. I can hardly wait for everything to get to either screen. :beer:
  17. babylon1122

    EpDis: Moments Of Transition

    I know it was written in one of the script volumns. Which one I can't remember. 6 or 7 :confused:
  18. babylon1122

    What's wrong with this picture? (SA&B)

    Re: What\'s wrong with this picture? (SA&B) I just checked Amazon.ca to see if SA&B was on sale and notices that they have changed the cover pic. http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0...=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB Now I don't know if I want it or not.
  19. babylon1122

    B5 Moment.

    Things do have a way of working out don't they. What will be will be. I hope you enjoy them.
  20. babylon1122

    Bruce's interview

    Re: Bruce\'s interview I got up earlier than I usually do on a Sunday (7:00 AM) and so far I am disappointed. I have only heard him :D talk about Captain Sheridan 4 times. Am I missing something here, or was that it? :(