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  1. I

    Who do you think should play Diane Baker?

    I asked this question at another board too, and to get things started in another direction, I'll throw out the name Nicole de Boer. What do you think? /IamS
  2. I

    WB announcement due on ...

    As I wrote a couple of hours ago on JMSnews, SciFi Weekly posted an article named WB Close To Jack Pickup, where it says: The WB makes its official schedule announcement on May 18 in New York. Does anyone know at what time?? Sometimes, IamSheridan
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    Mark as read

    Hi, just wondering if there is a way to "mark all unread threads as read". In some forums there are many threads that don't interest me, so is there a way of "deleting" the unread marks for threads I haven't read? Didn't it use to work like that until a few months ago? As soon as you left a...
  4. I

    BabCon XIII on November 8th

    Hi! Just wanted to let you know that there is a Babylon 5 club in Gothenburg, Sweden. We go by the modest name of Interstellar Alliance :D and arrange about two BabCons every year. The next time we're focusing on space battles! The event will be on November 8th, 2003, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Our...