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Search results

  1. E

    The Castes..of all races

    I think the castes are more...GREY...then they seem, even for the minbari. If the minbari people went mad after the incident causing the other, bigger incident, i am sure many joined the warrior caste to fight, just like how with the humans in that incident, we put down our plowshares, and...
  2. E

    Great Back to Back episodes

    I was wondering what some of the great back to back episode pairs you think about are. Personally, I just watched Point of No Return and Severed Dreams, and they are great. Others are WWE1+2, Shadow Dancing+Z'ha'dum, Endgame+Rising Star, Objects in motion+at rest and finally Deconstruction of...
  3. E

    Franchise Rights

    Who ultimately holds the rights to any B5 content produced? Is it WB? Does JMS have any say? He should, considering hes the CREATOR and all. CSR ------------------
  4. E

    DVD sales

    Does anyone here know of any place where you can see how many DVDs are being sold(the number, not the rank, although rank is important) especially in regards to the B5 DVD? CSR ------------------
  5. E


    close is the cast of B5 right now? I read that "G'kar"(Katsulas), "Londo"(Jurasik)and "Garibaldi"(Doyle) are buddies, but what about the rest of the cast-- Boxleitner et al. plus JMS et al. in the production staff? CSR ------------------
  6. E

    Rangers Movie Would-Be Watchers

    This can apply to everyone, but anyone who wishes to support the movie but is technically unable to, such as those fans in countries where it wil not be broadcast, should send an e-mail expressing support for the movie. While we are at it, we might as well send a message of support for the...
  7. E


    to borrow a phrase. I am wondering if Babylon 5 fans have any sort of association which can bring pressure upon any group to restore series/create series/tell of 'hidden' supporters like myself who would want to support B5:LotR but do not have access to the necessary channels to watch...