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Search results

  1. Talvitar

    EpDis: Objects In Motion

    Funny - I just watched the episode and thought, wow, we're so near the end and there's an episode with *nothing* sad in it! Nobody important dies, G'Kar is wonderful, Garibaldi ROCKS (I loved how he dealt with the board, I seriously got a kick out of it :p ), Zack has really grown to be a...
  2. Talvitar

    EpDis: The Wheel Of Fire

    ^I never really knew there was a preceding movie when I saw B5 for the first and second time. Watching season one where they make references to past incidents, I sort of vaguely thought it was just some kind of artistic thing: making the viewers jump in the middle of things. Then, when I...
  3. Talvitar

    EpDis: The Wheel Of Fire

    This is one of the episodes where I actually really like Dr. Franklin. I think he does a good job in all his scenes; I particularly liked the scene with him and G'Kar. And his "I'll get the gun" was very giggleworthy :lol: I like that Garibaldi's problem FINALLY comes out. About time!! I wasn't...
  4. Talvitar

    EpDis: The Fall Of Centauri Prime

    Yesterday I didn't want to watch my at-least-one-episode-every-evening. I was like a five-year-old, having a temper tantrum, yelling "I don't wanna!!!!" (ok, not literally!) End of the world kind of feeling, I knew bad stuff was coming, Keepers and all, and I just wanted to put it off. So I...
  5. Talvitar

    EpDis: Movements Of Fire And Shadow

    Whatever he was writing, the fact that he *was* writing, basically smiling and probably humming contently (seems that nothing much can faze G'Kar these days), sort of underlined the all-round terribleness that was going on outside of the few squaremeters of prison peace. Again, very nicely...
  6. Talvitar

    EpDis: And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder

    I find it amazing that there's so little discussion about this episode. This is one of the few where I voted and I clicked "A", no hesitation. Or maybe there's no discussion because everyone is so in awe :lol: Great episode name. Extremely poetic, stylish, carrying with it years of events...
  7. Talvitar

    EpDis: Darkness Ascending

    ^Oh yes, absolutely!
  8. Talvitar

    EpDis: Darkness Ascending

    Well, she *is* an annoying character :lol: Garibald mentions that Sakai disappeared. I have conflicting feelings about this. On the other hand, I *love* how B5 upholds continuity. G'Kar referencing small stuff that happened several years ago. This reference to Sakai's fate (even though for me -...
  9. Talvitar

    Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

    ^ To be honest, I didn't hate part one. It's pretty ok, lots of fancy action and familiar characters in their prime. I didn't even hate Jar Jar, and I think I'm in the definite minority... Of the second movie, I don't remember much. It's all a blur in my mind. Hopping from whatever ships to...
  10. Talvitar

    EpDis: Meditations On The Abyss

    This. I think that they should've had an open discussion about the situation. Bring it all out in the open. Yes, it would've been awkward but a) they were Minbari religous caste and thus I think they were trained to think (also difficult issues) and express their thoughts, b) it would've been...
  11. Talvitar

    EpDis: Meditations On The Abyss

    Jan, thanks for your kind words :) Much appreciated :) I do like to comment and ramble on about my thoughts but I have a kind of an inferiority complex here - there are so many people here who KNOW so much and have written such thoughtful analyses - and I'm just, well, rambling :) for the sheer...
  12. Talvitar

    EpDis: Meditations On The Abyss

    Agree, it's weird. It's also not, I think, true to Delenn's character. She has been a very independent agent thus far. Am I correct in remembering that she, in fact, is the leader the Rangers at this point so she really doesn't need anyone's approval? I do understand that marriage might change...
  13. Talvitar

    EpDis: The Corps Is Mother, The Corps Is Father

    I rather liked this episode :) A different point of view is always interesting. The 'hitting-on-Bester' scene didn't creep me out at all; my reaction was more like "oh come on...really??" I think Bester handled the situation quite nicely, turned the girl down graciously. What went on in the...
  14. Talvitar

    Books vs. Movies

    The more I have experience of this, the more I've started thinking it should be 'movie first, then book' :( Or if not possible: leave at least half a year between the book and the movie :rolleyes: I have much too much evidence of me not being able to enjoy a movie simply because it doesn't...
  15. Talvitar

    EpDis: The Ragged Edge

    Yes to all the above.
  16. Talvitar

    The Original Battlestar Galactica

    In my memories, I grew up watching Galactica. Obviously, in reality, there wasn't enough of it to do much growing during it, but I was 10 at the time the show first came to Finland, and I guess that's how a child's memory works. When I was even younger, I watched Space:1999 (which in Finland was...
  17. Talvitar

    Avengers: Infinity War

    Well. What to say? I hope enough time has passed that I don't need to worry about spoilers? It took me three days to get over Infinity War. I'm serious. I react strongly to movies sometimes but this reaction was pretty out there. I had no-one to talk about the movie with so I spent all my free...
  18. Talvitar

    Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

    I'm a HUGE fan of the original, untampered, trilogy. I had my hopes SO low for The Force Awakens, I was pleasantly surprised. It was ok. Far better than parts I-III, and more in the "honest adventure" style of the original trilogy instead of just hours of digital tricks. Story-telling was back...
  19. Talvitar

    EpDis: Phoenix Rising

    This is exactly true! Completely agree with everything in this quote. Couldn't have said it better. I have to admit that the first two pages of this thread were the first time I laughed out loud here :lol: Sure, one shouldn't laugh at someone's death but some the comments here were just...
  20. Talvitar

    EpDis: Learning Curve

    This is so true. B5's characters aren't onesided. Nobody is perfect, everyone has their blind spots, their history, their baggage, their personal heavens or hells. (and we all get to select which shades of grey we appreciate most... it's also a learning curve to getting to know oneself just a...