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  1. L

    Bad News RE: TMOS.... Mira speaks.....

    hate to bring the bad news, I'll let Mira say it... courtesy of the Dark Horizons website: "Actress Mira Furlan, who last appeared as the mysterious French woman behind the transmission on "Lost" a few months back, shot to fame with genre audiences for her work as Ambassador Delenn of the...
  2. L

    Short and Sweet, the latest tidbit found...

    Found this, this morning on darkhorizons.com in the tidbits section... "Babylon 5: The 'big thing' JMS was hinting at the other week may in fact be a movie - a UK source indicates that Winchester Films is rumoured to be in talks with the show's creator about doing a movie which would be shot...
  3. L

    JMS at the ComicCom(Sat)..some BIG (vague) news...

    Saw JMS yesterday... caught part of his Jeremiah panel, and then the panel where he discussed comics, the B5 universe... a few tidbits... : -Spidey 500 will be 30 something pages long, at least 10 pages longer than our normal comic... -Supreme Power/Squadron Supreme is hitting as close to him...
  4. L

    Grr... bookmarks down, need help...

    Hey there all... Lost all my bookmarks, does anyone have the site handy where all the q/a's from JMS's usenet postings are put up? I'd appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction lol.. thx, laz