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  1. J

    The Red Kiss thread

    I liked this episode, because I have been wanting to see more of the mythology and religion that would emerge after such a terrible tragedy. I read a news article a long time ago, that someone had posted on a message board and JMS had replied to. The article was about the mythology invented by...
  2. J

    Babylon 5 Manifesto

    Sigh... think of all the bad sci-fi we could all be spared from if this thing was made public. I wonder what could have changed JMS's mind, after all, he is normally so open to the online community. Maybe we should put wanted pictures up on milk cartons... ------------------
  3. J

    Babylon 5 Manifesto

    Yah, I cant find it anywhere. And here is the weird thing at: http://www.midwinter.com/b5/ellison.txt JMS says: "This will be a manifesto about what we want the movie and the series to do... It will be, we hope, the kind of document that will be handed around, reprinted, and used by a lot...
  4. J

    Babylon 5 Manifesto

    Ok, I know that Harlan Ellison wrote a "Babylon 5 Manifesto" that was supposed to be a list of what good Science Fiction should be. Does anyone no where I could find a transcript of it? josh ------------------