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  1. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    http://babylon5techmanual.yuku.com/topic/1772 http://babylon5techmanual.yuku.com/topic/2268 http://babylon5techmanual.yuku.com/topic/2299 http://babylon5techmanual.yuku.com/topic/2301 http://babylon5techmanual.yuku.com/topic/1777 Most of the B5tech board was lost in the transfer from EZ...
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    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    1. Was the reply addressed to you? 2. No. So why butt in? It was addressed to another person directly. When I want you, I'll call. About cliches, those are dumbed down shorthand for brilliant original concepts. Now then on a sidebar. Koshfan, where do you find those brilliant ideograms? T.
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    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    I said I've been watching B-5......................and that I started debates on B-5 in 1996 or thereabouts. Are you this incompetent in real life or do you just choose this venue to illustrate how inept you are? Been a member of B5tech.com since 1996 or thereabouts. Your sig is a cliche by...
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    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    I've done the same for Babylon-5 my friend. Bring on your so called truck. I'm sure you actually have some experienced Fiver backgrounders like Brandon Bray and Chris Sapiano or others. I've been a FIVER a very LONG time. Argued story, plot character, and fictional tech longer than some of you...
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    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    If you want a serious discussion about the show in another thread, then I'm game. As to being wrong about the case I've built. Its the only CASE here. no negation is no negation. Because I've done the work of research to prepare fifty+ reviews over three and a half years and I probably know...
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    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    Interesting........................... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=YpS&defl=en&q=define:WANKER&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title Personal insult addressed to a debater is not my style, unless merited. I see not one yet...
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    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    You do know Rick Berman and what a piece of work he was, right? Guess who fired Ron Moore off Star Trek for incompetence? Yeah Rick fired Ron. Winning a Peabody award against ZERO competition in the year category is worth exactly.....................ZERO. I could care less what Ron Moore...
  8. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    1. The standard test is there for a reason; for clarity to focus you on the important mains or points of discussion 2. I can swear like a guttersnipe or Marine; if I have to do so. That doesn't mean I think like one, or talk, or write like one when I discuss unless provoked.. 3. I doubt you even...
  9. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    "Enigma." How is that for a twenty word or less description? Of course that is my own ego bias kicking in, but hey, I can't be objective ALL the time. As for Baltar? "Narcissistic egomaniac inefficient cretin psychotic" is the best I can do. He just doesn't character function at all except as...
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    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    No it isn't, if you add the TIME factor to it which was implicit in the examples chosen. Try to extrapolate from data please instead of leaping to conclusions based on your own ego bias.. Great art isn't your memory of what is art, Its the COLLECTIVE Human memory of what is art. T.
  11. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    Exactly. Can you summarize something specific about GINO that makes it a great series in twenty words or less? THAT is a standard test for the IMPACT of a great work of art. Mona Lisa. The smile means different things to each person who sees it. Londo Mollari. This character is the chief...
  12. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    Okay lets test that hypothesis by taking two "similar characters" the central villains of Babylon 5 and GINO. In twenty words or less describe Londo Mollari. In twenty words or less describe Gaius Baltar. After your attempt, I'll give it a crack myself. If the charactetrs are well...
  13. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    The Alligator? Maybe, but the Phlying Phallus, I doubt it. T.
  14. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    My own take. We'll set aside the mechanical specifics and look at some general attributes that make for good lasting science fiction. 1. Do the characters have distinct personalities that will become recognizable culture cliches? a. Johnny Nukem and speechifying at the drop of a hat. b. Delenn...
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    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    Re: Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 You can join him. Try. That is all I ask, at least just try. T.
  16. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    Re: Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 Attempts at personal defamation are the last attempt of the person who has nothing left in his limited arsenal to argue. What facts do you have? Facts not personal attacks. Where am I wrong in my analysis? Can't you at least argue...
  17. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    Re: Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 What defensiveness? I am comfortable with criticism that is reasonable and that has some analysis behind it. What I've read so far is mostly emotional reaction. I don't respect emotional reaction. Its not relevant to the discussion...
  18. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    Re: Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 I saw Bamber first in "Band of Brothers". He was TERRIBLE as LT Foley in conveying emotion, colorless in presence, and somewhat superfluous as a cast member. Since then he's become something of a scene hog and tends to have an...
  19. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    Re: Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 My obnoxiousness is YOUR read. Don''t care. I wanted to tell you why I thought it was a terrible episode. I did. The review was structured exactly the way I wanted. Synopsis followed by analysis. The episode was not structured ...
  20. T

    Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 [Spoilers for BSG S4]

    Re: Battlestar Galactica The Greatest Scif show? or Babylon 5 Then you will learn nothing as to how to write a review. There is a black humor present if you could see it. I know at about what level of vicious satire I aim. That would put you just shag shy of college junior in outlook and...